
Daniel Patrick Forrester is the Founder of THRUUE, Inc, an expert consultancy that helps leaders and boards of directors bridge the gap between corporate culture and corporate strategy. Daniel has spent the last 25 years successfully building consulting practices in the financial services, telecommunications, and public services sectors, utilizing his entrepreneurial approach to strategy. With the explosion of data and hyper connectivity, Daniel’s curiosity led him to research how leaders responded to the onslaught of available data and to publish his first book, Consider: Harnessing the Power of Reflective Thinking in Your Organization, about the role reflection can play in dramatically changing corporate outcomes. Daniel’s expertise in organizational behavior change, culture measurement, management, and strategy led him to found THRUUE. Today, Daniel works with CEOs, boards of directors, and C-suite leaders across the country, helping them align around a clear strategy while understanding reputational and cultural risk. He implements methodologies to quantify culture and integrate it into each organization’s mission, vision, and core values and behaviors so that the company achieves its strategic priorities. Daniel holds an MBA from the William E. Simon School of Business at the University of Rochester, NY.