Jan 10, 2022
My favorite course of the Certificate Program by a mile. I enjoyed learning from such a great instructor and true Google "Agilest", who provided many real-life project examples and useful tips. Kudos.
Jan 11, 2022
Muy buen curso, enfocado a una primera toma de contacto en la metodologia Agile. Sin embargo, tambien profundiza en algunos conceptos importantes, por lo que no se queda para nada corto de nformacion.
By Utkarsh V
•Sep 4, 2024
By Raisa M
•Oct 31, 2021
This is a rating for the overall certification. Each course contains peer graded assignments and self graded assignments. The self graded assignments have exemplars, but the peer graded assignments do not. There have been multiple times I have been graded incorrectly based on peers' misunderstandings of the assignment. These have not been subjective, but instead right or wrong answers. After a few times, of this happening I emailed google support. They basically said: Mistakes happen and there is nothing they can do. If I feel strongly about it I can resubmit my work and hope my next two peers grade my assignment correctly. That felt very discouraging! Other than that the courses have been engaging, contained varied learning techniques and enough repetition to help concepts stick. Would have given them 5/5 if it wasn't for this poorly designed peer grading system.
By Lawrence S
•Jul 14, 2022
My rating is more like 3.5 stars, and my concerns are (also) around the peer review portion of this course. I personally "reviewed" several submissions that were clearly plagarized, and in one instance they were given to me back-to-back. Since these same people are responsible for reviewing my work, I am left not entirely sure if I am understanding the course material or just the recipient of a passing grade from someone who is trying to cut as many corners as possible to get to their certificate.
As a whole, I walked away from the course feeling relatively confident that I understood the material presented but if someone asked me whether or not they should take this course, it would come with several caveats.
By Caitlin L
•Dec 27, 2022
This course was informative and hit all the right points as far as explaining the information. However, I want to suggest to make the directions on the Graded Assignment a little bit more clear as far as what is expected for grading. I had to submit my assignment so many times and was not given enough context into what I was doing wrong. I also wasn't aware I had to include additional items on the assignment and I found it very frustrating for me to keep on redoing the assignment and reviewing the material again when all it was, was a few simple items left (i.e. include 'Next Sprint' in the Backlog sheet, add up all the points in the designated column).
By Omolara O O
•Jun 5, 2022
Agile methodology is a flexible approachto Project Management. there are different frameworks to Agile methodology. projects that adopt an Agile project management approach can be described as itirative which means the processes are repeated often many times during the life cycle of the project. Agile project management is an approach to project and team management based on Agile manifesto that is a collection of four values and 12 principles that define the mindset of all Agile teams and it was developed in the 90s. Agile projects have many releases along the way to the end of the project.
By Miranda T
•Jul 27, 2023
Presenter was hard to listen to compared to the others in these courses. Note-taking slides were inconsistent and it slowed down my progress having to search for things in the transcript that normally appeared on the screen for me to write down. I believe there was too much time spent in the course talking about the history of Agile and too much praise for the process instead of just showing me how to use it properly. This was the most difficult of all the courses for me to complete; not because of the work, but because it was harder to listen and take notes.
By Alison D
•Jul 12, 2023
I thought the first part of this course was interesting, but I did not find Week 4 to be remotely helpful. I also feel like the course is really pushing Agile PM (as well as specific tools like Asana... does Google own Asana or something?). It felt a little cult like. I would love to hear from people who use Agile PM at companies other than Google, to get a sense of what it's really like in practice. My partner uses Agile at his company and he says it's nothing like the videos.
By Georgios C
•Nov 28, 2024
Way too much information in too little time considering 1-4 courses were about project management and not Agile. Agile is described as different yet still gets only 1 course with less hours than each of the 2 courses that came before it. This was the first time I felt overloaded with random information and I actually failed a test. It's obvious that it's set up to be presented as a standalone course but either way... it's way too much information for a single course
By Eileen W
•Feb 22, 2023
This felt different in comparison to all the other Project Management courses- the videos were too long and the subchapters were also lengthy. It felt like they were trying to cram too much information. I would've enjoyed it more if they had broken it down into more sub-chapters and shorter videos- none of the videos in my opinion should be longer than 5 minutes max so it's easier for the information to sink in and to go at your own pace.
By Hugo F
•Sep 25, 2022
O conteúdo é óptimo. Mas a quantidade de horas que temos que dedicar ao curso é completamente desproporcional com os cursos restantes desta certificação, onde existem normalmente 3 a 4 horas de conteúdo por semana. Neste curso há semanas com mais de 10h, o que faz com que seja impossível terminar o curso no tempo previsto mantendo a mesma cadência de estudo. Deviam separar o conteúdo e criar mais semanas. Fica a sugestão.
By Jacqueline D
•Dec 30, 2022
This course felt very google specific. Unlike the other courses , I felt like I was getting a training and a pitch to work at Google. Since this is not how I use project management, it was a lot. I feel like some of the courses should have been supplemental specifically for those in the IT industry. Google can do a lot better to work on making this more accessible to those in other project management fields.
By Albert S
•Jun 4, 2023
The information in this course was really fantastic. However, compared to the other earlier modules the pacing was inconsistent and uneven (some sections very short and some very long). The information felt jammed into the available space. Overall, this module felt very different and like it was rushed and tacked on to the end. I feel like maybe the Agile part could be expanded into two sections.
By Andrea M
•Sep 28, 2023
I learned a lot, but... This course was a lot harder than the other ones. Not so much because on the content, but because the the questions on the quizzes were written to be tricky. They were hard to frequently understand. Many times, I felt the question content was not covered by the class material and, if it was, it was sometimes very obscure. Super glad this course is over.
By Danish
•Sep 22, 2023
I have learned a lot in this course and it was really interesting but the tutor/instructor was not good. I wish they have a better instructor for course like this as I was very excited about it but the instructor confuses me so much it make me sad about it. The other courses i did here was excellent and very motivating but this intructor was very dry
By Jahan E
•Jul 12, 2021
The course material needs some major revision. Some tasks were hard to understand. it would have been better if you recorded YouTube style video guide on how to instead of writing long instructions. Some parts of the course were redundant, while others (towards the end) needed more time and elaboration. It felt like a lot was boxed into the course.
By Karim H
•May 22, 2022
Good course overall, but it feels like the course is really focused on software delivery (not surprising given that the presenter works at Google). Also, the section on coaching really does not fit...while coaching might be part of Agile PM/scrum master role, it either needs a lot more information or should not be included.
By Nicole F
•May 12, 2023
This is a 6-week course, not four weeks, which made the pacing frustrating for me. Also, the information is delivered in a rather Agile way, meaning there were several iterations of a topic, so I had to piece together the entire meaning and context of a concept instead of it being fully described in a central place.
By Stefan P
•Sep 2, 2024
The course is quite good but you don't get a certificate at the end even if they say you will. As, to help you land a job as an Agile PM is one of the objectives, this is quite an issue. Go for other programs that do offer something at the end of 4 full days of study if you need proof of you studies. Disappointed...
By Kelly S
•Jun 18, 2021
Great material overall, but a bit lengthy. The course introduces an abundance of concepts which resulted in more reading material in comparison to the previous courses. I think adding graphics or charts to visually explain some of the techniques for relative estimates would be helpful.
By Rachel L T
•Jan 13, 2023
I wish the course had more hands-on content toward the end - the content is a little laborious and it's hard to keep attention when you're not "doing". The activity at the end of the course with the interview questions and matching answers is BRILLIANT!! Thank you for including that
By Vivian I E
•Nov 21, 2022
This course was super saturated and would have been better if broken down in tinier bits. There's a lot of reading in the later parts of the course. Week 3 and 4 were the hardest to understand. It could be better in all honesty. May be break it down to 6 weeks?
By opeyemi o
•Oct 17, 2022
l have to rate it three stars because of the issuance of certificate l have done all the exercises including the optional ones are already checked yet am still at 94% complete, pls help review so that my certificate can be issue
By Carlee W
•Jun 8, 2022
The Srint Backlog activity was a mess. The instructions and rubric are so poorly explained that it is extremely difficult to know if you've done an okay job at the assignment or if your grader was just as confused as you were.
By Adita S
•Jun 25, 2023
Informative! There's a lot of topics that weren't covered and you were quizzed and expected to know the answers. Alot of extra reading but it gives you enough time. Solid course, Heavy on Scrum but does it's job.
By Dylan A
•Oct 28, 2021
Good material competently taught. Didn't care for the peer graded execises. I would suggest taking some of my tuition money and hiring all tose under paid adjugant professors to grade the assignment exercises.