Jun 10, 2017
Incredible learning experience. Every programmer in industry should take this course if only to dispel the idea that with the advent of cloud computing exponential algorithms can still ruin your day!
Oct 26, 2021
Incredible learning experience. Every programmer in industry should take this course if only to dispel the idea that with the advent of cloud computing exponential algorithms can still ruin your day!
By Benjamin B
•Jan 11, 2023
Fantastic course, providing a real depth of knowledge, fun and engaging assignments.
By Bartosz K
•Sep 17, 2019
Great course with lots of interesting examples that are applicable in everyday work.
By Liao T
•May 13, 2018
Wonderful course for understanding Algorithms, deep, comprehensive and high-quality.
By Kang Y
•Apr 24, 2018
Great class, highly recommend! (I found some places where the grader can do better.)
By Nikolay M
•Jan 31, 2018
good, interesting courser with mathematics and truly strength algorithm,
thanks a lot
By Aleksandr K
•Nov 7, 2017
Outstanding course! Interesting lectures and exercises, I can't recommend it enough.
By Juan D O
•Oct 1, 2017
This course is so excellent it should be mandatory for every coder around the globe.
By Nomuun B
•May 21, 2021
Thank you Robert Sedgewick. It is huge opertunity for me who lives in poor country.
By Михаил А П
•Jan 2, 2021
Very informative and refreshing. Must have course for every professional developer!
By Akshay M
•Nov 3, 2020
This is one of the best courses on Algorithms so far. Have enjoyed every bit of it.
•Nov 1, 2020
this corse is very useful and i say thank you for this oppourtunities to learn it .
By Türkmen M D
•Jul 4, 2018
It is really nice course for me to refresh my knowledge about basic data structures
By Nina G
•Dec 11, 2017
It is amazing that such complex things could be described in such intelligible way.
By Jack C
•Sep 18, 2017
Awesome course! Very much appreciate effort that made this available to the public.
By Sergei U
•Jul 16, 2017
Well explained algorithms with great practice tasks! Enjoyed this course very much!
By Dmytro S
•Dec 28, 2016
Great course from great professors. Definitly must-have for any software developer.
By Qiyuan G
•Nov 8, 2016
Great open course. Easy to understand, and I really learned a lot from this course.
By Nickita B
•Jun 23, 2023
Very useful, clear and informative, but lessons quizzes and final exam are needed.
By 谈健
•Sep 4, 2022
I learned a lot about algorithm and java from this interesting and amazing course!
By mmd m
•Feb 7, 2019
Fantastic Lectures, Amazing Assignments and Excellent Quiz. This course is perfect
By Kamal J
•Oct 21, 2018
Assignments are challenging the videos are engaging with a lot of quality content.
By Hampus F
•Mar 24, 2017
Increadibly good. This is the level that all online courses should strive towards.
By gaurav a
•Jan 30, 2017
this course is a must do.
Thanks Sirs, Thanks Coursera.
By Bo Z
•Oct 4, 2016
The best fundamental data structure and algorithms course I have ever experienced.
By Dhruv M
•Oct 16, 2022
Learned lot by appylying and create different algorithms from scratch by ourself