Dec 23, 2022
Very good and useful practice of SQL. The JOIN party is pretty hardcore so I definitely couldn't master it but got enough of an understanding where I could learn quickly with some on the job training.
Jan 6, 2022
An excellent course for learning analysis techniques using Spreadsheets and SQL. Recommended for all engineering and data science students as well as for those managing businesses and human resource.
By Anna K
•Jun 2, 2022
Comparing to previous courses in specialization this one seems to be rushed . Videos are quite useles, the instructor talks very fast and does not explain the steps and the logic behind it. There are lack of practice (practice on SQL seems to be copy and paste the queries). Also the audio is very low making it even harder to follow the instructor. I had to take a seperate course on SQL to be able to continue with specialization.
By Sarthak A
•May 4, 2022
The course content is good. However, I believe that the course structure could have been better. For instance, we were introduced to the "Group By" clause after having used it multiple time in previous videos. It might have been easier if we were introduced to certain functions/clauses in SQL before using them all-together in one complex query.
Otherwise, the course was a great learning experience!
By Khalid G E
•Jul 19, 2022
Below expectations and the course is not as the same of previous courses! I belive the course content should be revised and make it little bit shorter. The videos content to be updated in order to make it more explainable espicially the examples wich need more time to be explianed. Moreover, I feel that some content of the course is repeated and boring too.
By santiago f
•Nov 8, 2022
I did not like this course, everything felt like out of place, it seems like disorganized.
some of the exercises with the public data bases are not updated, the datasets have changed.
I think this course does not add any value at all, the w3schools manual/introduction to SQL is more useful than this course. Seriously guys, you just can dismiss this course
By Zainab A M A W
•Apr 5, 2023
the simple concept was explained towards the end where as subquerys and partition by was quite vague or explored a little less. If I am paying for this course, i would the the instructor to easy to intermediate level and provide us with a guided project which was done in one of the previous courses for excel.
By G H
•Nov 2, 2022
Overall the back noice/people commenting in the videos are kinda distracting when I used headphones for maximun concentration, the Instructor looks like she is sleepy and too fast to follow , even when she try to look energized looks fake, It took me twice the time to understand, had to pause a lot.
By T M
•Mar 22, 2023
This was the most boring module of this course. I do not talk about the teacher, but how it was prepared. It repeated most of SQL and Excel functions and I think the only new thing was JOIN.
I think this module should be rebuilt with focus on critical thinking strategies and actual analysis.
By Anita D
•Dec 26, 2022
This section needs to be rewritten. this was the most difficult of all of the sections. I had to search for youtube videos to help me understand a lot of the content learned. More time need to be spent explaining this section. It was very confusing at times and mad it so frustrating.
By Abdelrahman J
•Sep 19, 2022
Only two stars for the content however there was no need for the instructor since she was just reading a script and was too fast for people who are begenningers in such field.
I have to take a seprate course for SQL to understand and learn SQL in a good way instead of this course.
By Tyler W
•Jun 26, 2023
Instructor was very knowledgeable, but went much too fast in the videos to keep up. I had to rewind and re watch nearly every video, and i think that I would have learned better if she slowed down to focus on each step.
By Benjamin B
•Jun 21, 2023
Sometimes the instructor is talking about things as if we already know what she is talking about even if she (and the instructors before her) have never talked about it previously.
By Loretta S
•Jul 27, 2021
I did not like this course because some of the applications did not function properly and when I asked for help I was told to go to the forum that did absolutely nothing.
By Mariana M
•Jun 29, 2023
Poorly constructed course, very hard to follow - like said by many peers. I finished the entire certificate and I don't feel like I even got to the basics of SQL.
By Alaa Q
•Jan 11, 2023
it was not explained well and the instructor is bad at explaining things. Explaining complex concepts in simple terms is a skill that she does not possess.
By Lucas D
•Nov 1, 2022
Course covers important information, but the assessment, pedagogy and instructional design is poor. Also, videos are too quiet (even on full volume).
By Nich A
•Jan 7, 2024
Lots of problems in the coding exercises and practice quizzes. Some quiz questions were not written well and were ambiguous.
By Zarnoush S
•Jun 22, 2021
too much information is in this course that i think need to divide in small part and need more practice and more explanation
By Yury K
•Feb 1, 2023
Information not consistent. The worst course so far. Poor explanation regarding WITH closure. Many queries not worjing.
By Zaid A
•Jun 29, 2022
Not Explained very well....
The instructor dose not explain SQL querries thoroughly.
By Gianluca M
•Jun 16, 2022
This part of the course needs a total revamp.. It was extremely confusing
By Hans H
•May 6, 2022
This modue needs an upgrade urgently. Databases aren't avalaible.
By Chethan u
•Oct 25, 2022
Too Much Complicated queries info was crammed in short video's
By MD. A N
•Aug 21, 2022
This is the worst one in this specilization.
By Ebenezer E
•Jun 26, 2023
lots of technical and content problems.
By Muhd F b M N @ A
•Jul 6, 2021
Sally should handle all SQL exercise