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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Child Nutrition and Cooking by Stanford University

10,299 ratings

About the Course

Eating patterns that begin in childhood affect health and well-being across the lifespan. The culture of eating has changed significantly in recent decades, especially in parts of the world where processed foods dominate our dietary intake. This course examines contemporary child nutrition and the impact of the individual decisions made by each family. The health risks associated with obesity in childhood are also discussed. Participants will learn what constitutes a healthy diet for children and adults and how to prepare simple, delicious foods aimed at inspiring a lifelong celebration of easy home-cooked meals. This course will help prepare participants to be the leading health providers, teachers and parents of the present and future.The text and other material in this course may include the opinion of the specific instructor and are not statements of advice, endorsement, opinion, or information of Stanford University....

Top reviews


Sep 16, 2017

very useful and practical course.. it boosts my positive energy to cook more and more in healthy way for my baby coz much love=much healthy.. It inspired me, it's very simple , easy and very healthy..


Nov 27, 2019

Dear Maya, Thank you so much for being so humble and cooperative throughout the course. Your course was extra ordinary helpful in daily routine and belongs to every person belonging to any field.

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501 - 525 of 3,044 Reviews for Child Nutrition and Cooking

By Pilar F G

Oct 21, 2016


Me gustó mucho este curso; Maya es muy amable y eficiente. Hace ya meses que lo hice y ahora veo que no tengo el diploma. Me parece raro. Me pueden explicar?

Un saludo.

By Ana C C

Jan 26, 2016

El curso fue de mucha ayuda y sobre todo nos mantiene al tanto de los estándares básicos de nutrición que muchas veces se pierden con el paso del tiempo.

Excelente contenido

By Wendy Q

Oct 21, 2015

This course has helped me a lot to understand why our children need to eat better, how this helps in their growth and also how this encourages good family values. Thank you!

By Snehashis C

May 9, 2023

You are an exceptionally good teacher .Your presentation are very nice. It is all-time help me

to easy access about the content. I like very much for your quality.


By Regina P

Jun 20, 2022

Great Course! I loved it. Recommend to all parents. I watched it with my 8 year old and he got really engaged and interested in cooking the featured recipes.

Thank you!

By Mallidi T

Sep 25, 2021

Thank you for making me understand clearly about importance of nutrition.It's so informative,amazing explanation with diagrams,cooking demonstrations are helpful.Thank you

By Kristina O

Mar 29, 2023

Just wonderful how much valuable knowledge delivered in such a pleasant way! I couldn't stop watching video after video and do the quizes right away :) Thank you so much.

By Melinda W

Sep 4, 2020

I enjoyed this course tremendously. I knew most things already, but the things I didn't was very eye-opening. I appreciated the recipes, I jotted a few down for keepsakes.

By Housni Z

Nov 7, 2015

Great course. Good pace, great visuals. It's an amazing first step to know the basics (without getting bored) and it really make you want to know more and more. Great job!

By Monica D

Aug 9, 2015

it's a very great course, if you want to learn some basic knowledge about nutrition and how to cook a balanced diet for your children, this is the best course you can get.

By Lucia K

Oct 22, 2024

Excelente informacion, muy completo. Tocando temas tan importantes como es la salud, la ninez y el cuidado de nuestro planeta. Muy didactico y facil de aprender. Gracias.

By Xiang L

Sep 1, 2022

I like the presenter's notes and the way she explained was clear and eash to diguest.

I will review all the cooking demos, those are very good ones. Thank you Coursera :)

By Алена П

Dec 2, 2020

Очень интересно смотреть, видео небольшие, в каждом видео прослеживается главная основная мысль, это удобно, так как лучше запоминается, чем когда все в кучу. Рекомендую!

By Muhammad K I S

Nov 30, 2020

I really enjoyed the course and found it very useful and informative. I directly applied the knowledge and skills gained from this particular course and I am enjoying it.

By Patricia A M

Apr 27, 2020

I learned so much from this course about nutrition. Thank you for the opportunity to study the effects of healthy eating, not only on our bodies, but for the environment.

By Meritte s h s

Feb 1, 2020

it was amazing time as i enjoyed every moment of learning new skills and information ... it is more than useful and personally it taught me alot about having healthy diet

By Gloria M F

Nov 29, 2019

I loved the course. Maya is an excellent teacher and the syllabus is just perfect. It includes everything you need to give the family healthy, attractive and savory food.

By katty p

Oct 20, 2017

El curso mas tierno que vi, aprendí muchísimo y aunque todavía no soy madre, es importante para proyectarse. Recomendado para todas las madres y futuras madres como yo <3

By Victoria T

Aug 10, 2017

I love the explanations, examples and themes.

Made me conscious about what kind of food i'm giving to my family, and how creativity make them taste diferent kind of food.

By Rebecca M

Sep 24, 2015

Fantastically simple and informative. Been putting it into practice over the past few months with students in my classroom to get them more engaged in cooking and eating.

By Patsy A s

Mar 30, 2022

i really enjoyed this course it was very informative. it taught me about eating healthy, preparing healthy meals. i was educated on the dangers of eating processed food.

By Catherine O

Sep 9, 2018

I learned a lot in this course. It encouraged me to embrace healthier eating choices, to go back to the kitchen and enjoy cooking home-cooked meals for me and my family.

By Remy S

Dec 7, 2015

This was an excellent course. It taught me about my own health and I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone who wants a no-nonsense, real-life class about nutrition.

By Noel H

Sep 4, 2015

I love this course. It really help me put my family's health into perspective. Months later I still review models and let others, especially moms, know about the course.

By Emily T

Sep 28, 2024

Instructor was amazing. I feel I learned a lot. I’ve tried and will try more of the recipes for our family from the course. I felt intimidated before but much less now!