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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Child Nutrition and Cooking by Stanford University

10,299 ratings

About the Course

Eating patterns that begin in childhood affect health and well-being across the lifespan. The culture of eating has changed significantly in recent decades, especially in parts of the world where processed foods dominate our dietary intake. This course examines contemporary child nutrition and the impact of the individual decisions made by each family. The health risks associated with obesity in childhood are also discussed. Participants will learn what constitutes a healthy diet for children and adults and how to prepare simple, delicious foods aimed at inspiring a lifelong celebration of easy home-cooked meals. This course will help prepare participants to be the leading health providers, teachers and parents of the present and future.The text and other material in this course may include the opinion of the specific instructor and are not statements of advice, endorsement, opinion, or information of Stanford University....

Top reviews


Sep 16, 2017

very useful and practical course.. it boosts my positive energy to cook more and more in healthy way for my baby coz much love=much healthy.. It inspired me, it's very simple , easy and very healthy..


Nov 27, 2019

Dear Maya, Thank you so much for being so humble and cooperative throughout the course. Your course was extra ordinary helpful in daily routine and belongs to every person belonging to any field.

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326 - 350 of 3,044 Reviews for Child Nutrition and Cooking

By Jacqui F


Jun 27, 2016

Love this course. I love cooking, but never realized all of the meals one can make with such minimal ingredients. I love to see that I can make quick home made meals for my kids and not feed them so much processed garbage. Thank You!

By Muhammad M I


Apr 18, 2020

I have learnt a lot of things about nutrition which is healthier and good for child as well as easy cooking. How i can keep a balanced diet in every meal time with special techniques. Its really helpful and pleasure as foodie lover.

By Maryna T


Nov 13, 2016

The videos are short, very visual, and straight to the point. I loved the instructor's positive attitude and the way she presented information. I recommend taking this class for every mommy who wishes her child to be in good health!

By Rachel T


Sep 11, 2015

Interesting class with great practical tips. The instructor encourages eating only the highest quality food, but is also realistic about what her audience will be able to obtain. The recipes make healthy cooking less intimidating.

By Amr I A A O


Sep 4, 2015

the course is so great. I learned a much about nutrious diet which i have to feed to my littel sister. As a pedietrician these information i will teatch them to every mother in my clinic. Thanx alot . I appretiate your hard efforts.

By Meghan H


Sep 26, 2022

As a healthcare professional, I appreciate the simplicity of how important messages were construed and how well one is able to follow these messages to fully understand the effects of "life' around our childrens health and choices.

By silvia p v g


May 8, 2020

es un programa muy bueno en el que nos enseña como debemos alimentar a los niños y tambien a nosotros mismos,me gusto muchisimo tambien la parte en la que enseñan es muy practico y facil de entender y los cuestionarios muy buenos .

By Gregory A


May 5, 2020

Everyone can benefit from this course, from shopping even with children, growing a small garden, science of taste and proper cooking. The recipes show how easy it can be, without a formal list. I am interested now in learning more.

By Dang D


Sep 10, 2015

A long-time practitioner and a loving mother provides science-based learning about child nutrition. The content was very interactive and accessible. She not only conducts research in this area but also applies it to her daily life.

By orlando h g


May 15, 2017

curso muy interesante que nos ayuda a comprender la improtancia de los alimentos y la forma como estamos enseñandoles a nuestros hijos a identificar y reconocer , todas las cosas que en verdad son saludables para nuestro organismo

By Nora V


Nov 21, 2015

Loved the class, well explained and a lots of examples (recipes) giving us ideas on how to create our kids meals. Very simple, and very delicious; I already copy (cooked it for my family) from the class. It was amazing. Thanks.

By Bibi N


Jul 20, 2020

Love it. I am a nanny and I am always into cooking healthy for the kids and this course is helping me improving myself and giving me tips how to encourage the children to eat healthy which can be tricky sometimes. Thank you Maya.

By Satoko B


Oct 18, 2022

I recommend this course to all the parents! The course gives us really good advices what to be considered when we do grocery shopping or cook for our children. I will definitely buy (even) more fruits and vegetables from now on.

By Tamara S


Mar 5, 2016

This course was very helpful to me. I needed to see how cooking for my children can be basic and healthy. It has motivated me to think more simplistic when cooking for my children and has sparked my appetite for wholesome foods.

By Victor C


Apr 10, 2021

Me gusto mucho el curso, brinda información necesaria y útil para el día al día, aporta recetas deliciosas y fáciles de preparar. muy recomendable para padres primerizos que quieran hacer la diferencia en la vida de sus hijos.

By Nino G


Aug 6, 2020

What i learnt from this course (in short) -Making healthy meals for my family, checking and thinkin twice before buying a product, gave me a motivation to search for more helthy recipes and more informtion about healthy eating.

By Rana A A


Nov 11, 2018

I really liked this beneficial course because it provided me a lot of information about the food that my kids should eat. Moreover, I changed all the food habits that I used to do with my kids to better ones. Thank you so much.

By shaikh a


Jul 12, 2020

Very helpful,easy to learn especially when you are lockdown in covid -19 pandemic making it useful is to do course online as we cant go out. The laguage was easy to understand , examples very well given, very fruitful course

By Shakil A


Feb 15, 2018

This is my first completion at the Coursera platform. Love the way - the course is designed. Small videos with relatively simple quizzes, and to the point information and limited work amount. Dr.Maya really nailed it. Bravo!

By vero g


May 20, 2020

Excelent! i enjoyed taking classes. Learned a lot and it motivated me to health cooking. Loved videos and summeries. I would surely remomend it!!

I will miss the course.

Loved listening and watch the cooking of the teacher :)

By Angélica G


Nov 12, 2015


I recommend this course to all who are interested in learning more about the health of children and how to eat healthy.

It doesn't matter if you can't understand everything in english because you can use the subtitles.

By María D A F


Apr 26, 2020

íEl curso es excelente! Cada tema está desarrollado de una manera amena y sencilla, con mucha información útil y variada para cubrir todo lo básico y necesario a fin de lograr que nuestros niños tengan una major nutrición.

By Sudhir M


Apr 14, 2019

Child Nutrition and Cooking is an essential course that every parents should learn because most of the habits are built in childhood so building healthy eating habits to children this course is recommended to every parents.

By Diana B


Apr 17, 2017

Fue una muy interesante y enriquecedora experiencia que todos los padres deberíamos tener para tomar conciencia de uno de los aspectos más importantes en la crianza de los hijos. Muchas gracias por tan valiosas enseñanzas.

By Iyaz A


Jan 30, 2017

Excellent course and very complete. It's a good start to understanding nutrition for yourself and your children. Wish there were more courses on this topic (I took the other nutrition course by the same professor as well).