Sep 16, 2017
very useful and practical course.. it boosts my positive energy to cook more and more in healthy way for my baby coz much love=much healthy.. It inspired me, it's very simple , easy and very healthy..
Nov 27, 2019
Dear Maya, Thank you so much for being so humble and cooperative throughout the course. Your course was extra ordinary helpful in daily routine and belongs to every person belonging to any field.
By Kyuri Y
•Oct 12, 2020
I really enjoyed taking the course and the content was easy to understand and cooking demonstration was easy to follow which I also cooked most of Maya’s recipes.
By Judith M P
•May 4, 2020
Love this course!! It was easy and it gave me a lot of tips on how to cook vegetables differently !! I actually tried some of the recipes and it came out so good!
By Sophie B
•Sep 17, 2015
I loved this course! It was amazing and she really teaches you the basics of cooking for children and suggests wonderful options for people with Celiac's disease!
By Camro L
•Sep 21, 2021
As someone who is teaching a simple cooking course for middle school and high-school, this was a really good way to help me teach the students how to be healthy.
By Maria D S M
•Jul 22, 2021
I really enjoyed the course! It kept me engaged and interested by the amount of information and relevant statistics provided! The recipes were of great help too!
By anxin w
•Mar 1, 2021
thank you for the course which helped me a lot as a new mom,I did learn better how to take care about food and cooking for my child in future. strongly suggested
By Divya S
•Sep 26, 2020
really a good and knowledgable course but the fees for certificate is too high as it is a online course.looking forward for such these types of courses.
thank you
By Rachana J
•Aug 5, 2020
The course is highly effective and informative. I have developed a keen interest to do a advanced course in this subject. Thank you for introducing such courses.
By Esha Z
•Aug 6, 2019
It is a very informative course, I have studied this course and have found very interesting information which is helpful for me in practical applications as well
By Cassandra C
•Jan 1, 2019
Nice and easy while still super informative. The professor has good energy, and offered a lot of great recipe ideas. I can't wait to use them for my little ones!
By Natalia d P L H
•Jul 22, 2017
I loved this course, and I love the teacher. I want to go to Standford and if I get in I promise that I take her class. She is super nice and I learnt a looooot.
By Ashley C
•Jul 13, 2017
Gives a good review of basic nutritional concepts. Easy to follow instructor's explanations and diagrams and quizzes match up well with the videos. Great course!
By valerie i
•Jun 17, 2017
I did not expect everything I got out of this course. It was awesome and very well taught. I definitely will be looking for more courses similar to this one.
•Dec 18, 2016
By haneen n
•May 25, 2016
Amazing class, wonderful presentation and loads of information. it kept me cautious and full of hope that my family and I will be able to apply these take aways.
By Lexi G
•Dec 23, 2015
I don't even have a child; I'm in college, and the simple tips in this course helped me eat sooo much better this semester and even lose some of the freshman 15.
By Dhanya G
•Apr 11, 2021
It was a great experience and gained more about child nutrition . The class was in simple language as it's easy to understand. Feeling proud to be a part of it.
By Kathleene C
•Nov 14, 2019
So much valuable information was given is this course. Easy to follow and understand. Videos and quizzes were great! I enjoyed the class so much! Thank You.
•Sep 27, 2015
Great course!. I enjoyed every single video. All of them were helpful and interesting. Many thanks for coursera and thanks the lecturer for this amazing course.
By Juana M d l C
•Oct 1, 2023
It was a very helpful course. Summarize the major characteristics of healthy nutrition and give us useful tips to practice with children and for our lifestyle.
By perkusbienestar
•May 25, 2023
Un curso muy interesante y valido. Debido a mi trabajo he tardado un poco he tardado un poco más de le previsto. Quisiera saber como validar el titulo. Gracias
By Bouchra E K
•Sep 7, 2021
A very well thought and presented course with a lot of interesting information and facts. it will help a lot if you want to continue learning about nutrition.
By MarÃa E C
•Oct 28, 2019
La Información es altamente efectiva para conocer a profundidad los fundamentos de una buena alimentación no solo para los niños sino también para los adultos
By gayathri j
•Sep 8, 2017
great demonstrations of the cooking videos...A visual treat ...
helps us in a taking care of the children more wisely for decisions about their food and diet..
By Mihaela P
•Dec 28, 2016
Basic principles of nutrition explained in an easier to understand and remember manner. I definitely took a couple of recipes and key learning points with me!