May 23, 2019
A very comprehensive and easy to learn course on Tensor Flow. I am really impressed by the Instructor ability to teach difficult concept with ease. I will look forward another course of this series.
Apr 30, 2019
A patient and coherent introduction. At the end, you have good working code you can use elsewhere. Remarkably, the primary lecturer, Laurence Moroney, responds fairly quickly to posts in the forum.
By Prabesh G
•May 23, 2019
Okey.. So easy but okey
•Jan 17, 2023
Curso muy didáctico
By tanguy c
•Apr 24, 2020
Thanks. Enjoyed it.
By j_lokesh
•Jun 15, 2020
that's was awesome
By Pengyuan L
•Dec 26, 2019
I like this course
By Vivek S
•Jun 24, 2019
Super cool stuff!
By Thắng N H
•Jun 6, 2022
Good for beginer
By N K
•May 28, 2022
Very informative
By Paulo A C
•Apr 23, 2020
Great content!!
By Ahmed N
•Feb 2, 2024
very very good
By ashraf s t m
•Jul 31, 2019
Voice is low
By Venkatesh S
•Dec 2, 2019
By Bingcheng L
•Nov 11, 2019
quite easy
By Suraj
•Feb 11, 2020
Too easy.
By Hamzeh A
•Aug 6, 2019
Very Cool
By Omar M
•Jul 16, 2019
Was okay
By Sung-Hyun S
•Aug 24, 2021
By Egi R T
•Jul 9, 2022
By S. M S H
•Sep 20, 2020
By Anastasia C
•Apr 8, 2021
I had a problem with the weekly assignments 1 and 4, which I think asked for things that were not presented at all in the videos. On the first week, without any preparation, we were asked to create the directories, supposedly without any python background, which was tough. But that was just a couple of commands. In the last weekly assignment, the file reading and loading was very problematic for those who hadn't previous python knowledge, and pretty advanced too. In the course of the lessons and the notebooks shown previously, never had we encountered .csv files, and the way to load the images that we were introduced to, with directories, was not at all present in the final project. Also, the methods that were needed afterwards (.flow(), evaluate) were not even hinted before, even in the comments of the assignment, if not before, during the videos/notebooks. All in all, the last exercise took me by surprise and was really tough to get working, because the course was almost irrelevant to it (no transfer learning or directories, the two main points in the course).
By Michael M
•Jul 26, 2019
A bit too basic and shallow in terms of conducting the lecture. You are left doing most of the things on your own as the trainer assumes you know. Like using the jupyter notebook, configuring the tensorfow. Some of the google collab books do not work or took too long to load, the videos are too short no notes provided at all. After finishing the course there is nothing to refer to and its starting all over again. Given the level of machine learning course with Professor Adrew Ng, the standard is very high and you will expect that same level. Nevertheless, the concepts are very useful and the lecture explain very well. There level of material left for students to practice on their own,like assignments, notes. Not to be referred to existing material.
By Muthukumarasamy S
•Aug 4, 2019
Overall learning from this course is less compared to the expectations from a 4 week course. I was expecting to learn variety of TensorFlow implementations for CNN like Face recognition, Object detection. But this course only talks about Image classification. It would have been better if you could also discuss more about implementing various architectures in TensorFlow like ResNets, Inception. Also, You talked only about using sequential layers in Keras and concatenation of layers in Keras is not discussed here. I know all these concepts are discussed in Deep Learning specialization. I was only expecting to learn their implementation in TensorFlow from this course.
By Pablo A
•Sep 4, 2020
It's a nice next step after the first course in this series, however, I think a lot of this could be summarized in a shorter course or even added to course 1. I was particularly annoyed by some of the assignments as they required knowledge of other libraries that are not part of the course. Particularly Week 2 and 4, I spent a lot of time figuring out how different libraries worked just so I could preprocess my data before even gettin on to the course material. Week 4 in particular feels cramped up and the assignment uses a lot of tools not previously discussed, I don't think I learned much from it, I just wanted to be done.
By Dhruv D
•Jan 21, 2021
I wanted to rate this course 5 stars as it really is the best intro to CNN's ive seen but the last assignment was so egregious that I just have to dock 2 stars to bring this to instructor attention. Lots of people are having this problem. It was not the difficulty (in fact it was a nice change of pace from the usual flow_from_directory assignments) but instead the marking criteria and timeouts etc. My first submission took 2.5 hours to fail. I submitted again with next to no changes and it passed within 5 minutes - I lost the time it couldve taken to do .5-1 week of the next module
By Jesus E R
•Mar 14, 2021
I think it is too basic and not a lot of depth into what you are learning, specifically on the differences between binary and categorical classes, reading from disk vs manipulating data already in an array.
I was expecting more depth on tradeoff within Tensorflow's API choices. More direct comparisons between optimizers and the data generators. I feel like one straightforward exercise at the end of a really shallow week of videos is not enough to understand what students are really doing/learning.