Sep 19, 2020
Excellent, solid insights into working of models as well as providing references to the original work. THe assignments give practical examples of models one might want to implement for their own use.
Apr 6, 2021
Very good introduction to programming convolutional neural networks. Although the models and functions needed are complicated ,this course takes you by the hand and introduces to all these wild ideas
•Apr 8, 2018
Excellent course, enjoyed lectures very much, liked the references to research papers mentioned in each lecture. I also found the assignments very interesting.
By Deevyankar A
•Jul 21, 2021
Very helpful.Provide less support in the programming assignments.Start some course for implementing 3dCNN for classifying Medical images {Such as MRI or fMRI}
By Aditya K
•Apr 22, 2020
One of the best course available on the subject. I personally love the teaching style of Sir Andrew NG, Thank you for making learning easy and so interesting.
By Shantanu A
•Jan 14, 2020
I enjoyed doing this course and learned so much in each lecture! Assignments were incredibly fun and loved implementing such cool papers. Thank you very much!
By 蕭博偉
•Jan 13, 2020
Well to understand a basic CNN and its application. Also introduce several CNN like LeNel, AlexNet...etc. to illustrate what is going on in each hidden layer.
By Meera J K
•Dec 18, 2019
Amazing course...I think every deep learner :-) should take this course. Powerful, clear and insightful teaching of Andrew Ng Sir. kudos to the team behind...
By Bishwaraj D
•Aug 27, 2018
This course so far has been the most interesting as well as challenging. The assignments seemed a bit difficult because I wasn't very skilled with TensorFlow.
By Sergio B S
•Aug 17, 2018
Very difficult, very deep... but very enligthening
(Totally Recommended, although working with images may not be your main objective with deep learning... :-)
By Dario R
•May 21, 2018
Awesome Professor, awesome Mentors, awesome material. This course is so amazing. I enjoyed it a lot!!! Keep the good work. I love Coursera and
By Jeroen M
•Feb 13, 2018
Brilliant course. There are a few small problems with some of the assignments, but overall I've learned so much that these small imperfections are irrelevant.
By Nacho C
•Nov 30, 2017
Good introduction to the fascinating area of Convolutional networks. Great overall, but finishes on a low note with the trivial Neural Style Transfer section.
By Rohit K
•Dec 4, 2022
Exceptional course on CNNs. Programming assignments proved to be very useful to see for oneself the incredible power of advanced CNNs taught in the lectures.
By Dhruv S
•Jun 21, 2020
The most broad topic in the entire specialization. The practical applications through programming assignments reinvigorates the theory thought in the videos.
By Varun N G
•Apr 17, 2021
Very nice course, the instructors have explained difficult concepts right from scratch and adequate depth which is required for implementing these networks.
By Amit M
•Mar 27, 2021
Relatively easier course. Good intuitive understanding and can do the homeworks easily. But not sure if the homework could have been done without the hints.
By Hamza J
•Jun 16, 2020
By far the best course in this series. honestly i got to know so many new things that i have not learned anywhere ... thanks andrew you are the best teacher
By Taiki O
•May 14, 2020
Absolutely awesome. The YOLO algorithm was a little bit hard for me but I was saved by the well-organized lecture and the programming assignment. Thank you.
By A H
•May 12, 2020
the course was great, gave me all the perspective i was looking for to understanding the convolution NN. more explanation on the YOLO would have been better
By Mohsin T
•Sep 15, 2019
Its one of the best courses i have taken, it help with my current research of crop detection for developing countries using multispectral satellite imagery.
By Deleted A
•Jul 9, 2019
Excellent course to learn intuition about CNNs. A tip for new students, brush up on tensorflow and keras before jumping into this to maximize your learning.
By Abdallah M
•Jan 15, 2018
You have to fix the problems with week 4 assignments. If you follow the instructions on "triplet loss" the grader will give you a wrong answer and 0 grades.
By Jennifer R
•Dec 10, 2020
This course is a little challenging, but 100% worth it! Wow. I learned things I never thought I could. The examples, analogies, and assignments are superb.
By Jiying L
•Sep 28, 2020
Classes are well taught, and key concept are clearly explained. The exercises are not difficult but give a good sense of CNN concepts and its applications.
By Shaun Z
•Apr 24, 2020
This course is fantastic. The intuitions given by the instructor are very clear and help a lot in visualising the process going on while implementing CNNs.
By Daniel T
•Feb 26, 2020
Very good and detailled course. Programming exercises are however a bit too short and sometimes multiple ways of programming can lead to different results.