Sep 22, 2020
A good course for learning and apply sql to conduct analysis on ab testing results. Would be better if the instructor could provide more info about how to design and apply AB Testing on the customers
Jul 29, 2019
The instructor is very smart and her syllabus is very easy to follow. The real life examples are great and helps put ideas in perspective! I would definitely recommend this course and already have!
By Davide C
•Dec 12, 2020
The course is really good to improve your SQL skills. I think the instructor is great and the course covers a lot of practical problems with plenty of possibilities to exercise.
Yet, the course lacks a well-defined structure. However, the main problem is that the training assignments along the course need to be improved a lot. The questions are not well explained and the exercises sheets are really poor, you have the impression that you are pushed to skip directly to the solution video. Also, the instructions for the final assignment are too vague. It's a pity because otherwise would be a really good course.
By Eddie J
•Jun 23, 2023
The course knowledge is very practical and useful, but the course material is not well constructed. The instructer always don't give you enough instructions before the assignments, so you will need to try several times.
In addition, the questions of the assignments are quite difficult to understand. The instructer usually include some additional assumptions or conditions apart from the original questions in the solution videos. So, it will be pretty hard for you to do it all by yourself without her examples.
Finally, some videos or assignments are missing in the course material.
By Chris M
•Sep 6, 2021
The material itself is interesting and helpful, but it is not always presented in the best way. I frequently had to start the solutions videos just to see what was being tasked, and more than once the solutions weren't possible even if you copied her exact code. She is clearly good at her actual job, but sometimes being good at something makes it hard to teach, because you take knowledge as a given. Several times we were taught things as if they were a continuation of stuff we should already know, and if you're only experience was the previous sections lesson you were lost.
By Mario P
•Aug 19, 2021
The course itself presented great material but the manner in which it was taught was incredible difficult to follow along. The concept of attempting SQL practice exercises prior to learning the techniques was challenging. When compared to the first course, this second course was clunking and unstructured. Additionally, there should be better instructions on how to publicly share your mode report. There was a large number of individuals who did not share their report correctly and it delayed their final grade processing. This course needs updating.
By Katrina-Kay A
•Feb 15, 2021
Let me start with the positive: my SQL skills definitely improved as a result of this course. It offered good practice for queries that are more complex than those in Course 1 in this specialisation. Having said this, this course really needs a facelift/revisit by the instructor. There are so many questions and assignments that are worded badly and have unclear instructions. I became quite frustrated about this around the halfway mark. As a general FYI: this course uses PostgreSQL and a service called Mode to compile code.
By Sunny Y Y S
•Mar 30, 2020
The teaching value provided is great, and uses real life cases that I can relate to. 5/5 For that. However, it became a 3/5 stars due to the assignments not being as interactive that gives us an opportunity to write the code and have feedback from. Secondly, personal opinion, I definitely did not like there were a lot of limitations and constraints along the way to prevent myself to look in advance of the workload. Changing this would be beneficial to know what are the things to look out for during the videos.
By Brady S
•Feb 5, 2021
It seems there was HUGE gap between this course and the previous one in the specialization. A lot of unaccounted for material and the difficulty jump is quite large. The structure of this course is subpar as there is no real learning; it's more or less giving you an exercise and then a VERY surface level explanation in a solutions video. However, the content is good. There is a LOT of material and it's all very useful - the exercises are almost all applicable to real world problems
By Dalton E
•Dec 5, 2022
This was a huge jump from the first course, I was lost for the majority of this section. I also don't like the way the lessons are taught. You just watch the instructor play around with the coding until she gets it and then you move on. You're asked to try to do it first before even knowing what exactly to do. And even when she explains it, you're still a bit confused. I did like how even she messes up and made it known that it's normal to mess up on small things.
By Bjoern F
•Apr 26, 2024
The topic of this course is relevant if you want to dive into SQL and data science. But the course itself is problematic. Most tasks do not explain what is expected from you. I learned most through the solution videos, everything else was often simply guesswork. That is not how learning should occur! Also the rating criteria for the final assignment do not really align with the tasks. I would recommend Coursera to re-work this course substantially.
By Leong J J B
•Jun 16, 2020
Topics and skills taught were relevant and good. However, more materials could have been given before letting us practise the practise questions ourselves. A lot of the questions needed knowledge of functions or ways of implementing SQL code that we did not learn before and it would have been helpful if this was taught to us first, rather having us learn from the solution videos.
By Oscar A
•Feb 8, 2021
La profesora es agradable. Las primeros módulos son la continuación del anterior curso, se aprenden algunos comandos más. Algunos ejercicios requieren comandos que no se han visto pero en los videos de solución los muestran. Recomiendo leer bien la página de ABBA (ellos te dan el link) para entender mejor en qué consiste el AB testing. Me gustó la plataforma de Mode Analytics.
By jose c
•May 24, 2020
The content of the course is very interesting, however it seems to me that it is not well structured, during the practices the objective in general is not understood, I think that the course should improve those details that not only consist of writing queries without knowing the meaning of each one of the variables that are being consulted in the different tables
By Wanda H
•Feb 24, 2022
I thought this class was a continuation of the first course, but realized there was really no continuity between the two. The instructor should have explained more in depth especially when using shortcuts in Mode Analytics. I did not always understood what was happening and needed extra help. This course could be fined tuned a bit more.
By Laura M D V
•Aug 9, 2020
First week was hard to follow. I felt very discourage to continue that it took me almost a week to return and do the rest of the course. It got better the next weeks. However, I think that strategies and pedagogical teaching can be improved. What I really like is when Katrina coded on lectures, it was cool to see her thinking process.
By Carolyn O
•Dec 28, 2020
The instructions were frequently not clear. I often took her literally, which was not correct. Sometimes she didn't specifically state something she expected us to do. Other times, she stated it differently than what she really meant. It was a struggle. But I'm glad I gained more knowledge and practice writing queries.
By Tummala S R
•Feb 3, 2022
The data set used in course is incoherent. There was issues deciphering the tables, column names, field names etc. Instructions were ambiguous at times making it even more cumbersome to deal with the exercises given as part of the course. Answers to the questions given as part of the final project need a review.
By Misato Y
•Feb 27, 2021
The course structure is well designed to achieve the course objectives. I appreciate that the course addresses the real-world example and we can do practical exercises. However, exercise questions are not enough or well worded to understand what the instructor intends to ask. It could be a negative point.
By José P
•Dec 22, 2020
It's a little bit disappointing that even when classes are recorded, Kat's mistakes haven't been edited and in a couple of times, in the middle of her struggling with some issue with Mode, the record were suddenly interrupted and next the issue was 'magically' fixed (would've been helpful to know how!).
By Kenneth W
•Jan 12, 2023
Instructions need updating from initial launch. Instructions on how to create final report were missing. More instructions on developing codes would have been helpful. There was very little support and responses to questions posted on forum. More mentors would be helpful to assist with questions.
By Daria I
•Feb 7, 2022
This course is nice, but there are many points that make tasks extremely frustrating: vague legend about an on-line shop, unclear tasks in the testing part, uncomfortable Mode Workspaces, which are obligatory to use, and no ER schemes (at the start you will have to guess which tables are connected).
By Denis S
•May 31, 2020
The actual coding practice is a bit unstructured and not well explained. All the coding exercises could be easily skipped without even trying in the first place which is bad. This would be a great course if the coding practice were more strict with a definite code for a solution
By Sébastien C
•Jul 6, 2020
This is a 3 star course as the concepts presented and the depth of the material covered was interesting. However, I am not sure that the way it was presented was optimal. More small and very focused exercises would have helped instead of large, sometimes hard to grasp exercices.
By Ignacio I
•Mar 15, 2020
Some of the excercises are challenging but most of the times the instructions are not 100% clear. Also, despite statistics are not the core topic of the course, further explainations on ABTesting would be useful in order to make the process of answering meaningful.
By Stefan
•Jul 31, 2023
Overall I've learned quite a bunch of SQL skills. I liked the applied character of this course. However, it was often not clear what to do. The teacher could have been more clear and precise. The first course of this specialization was way better.
By Hamid A
•May 28, 2020
It is an important course. However, the material of the course is not well explained. I struggled to understand what the instructor talked about. She speaks so fast and teaches inconsistently. It was boring and did not add much to me.