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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Data Wrangling, Analysis and AB Testing with SQL by University of California, Davis

981 ratings

About the Course

This course allows you to apply the SQL skills taught in “SQL for Data Science” to four increasingly complex and authentic data science inquiry case studies. We'll learn how to convert timestamps of all types to common formats and perform date/time calculations. We'll select and perform the optimal JOIN for a data science inquiry and clean data within an analysis dataset by deduping, running quality checks, backfilling, and handling nulls. We'll learn how to segment and analyze data per segment using windowing functions and use case statements to execute conditional logic to address a data science inquiry. We'll also describe how to convert a query into a scheduled job and how to insert data into a date partition. Finally, given a predictive analysis need, we'll engineer a feature from raw data using the tools and skills we've built over the course. The real-world application of these skills will give you the framework for performing the analysis of an AB test....

Top reviews


Sep 22, 2020

A good course for learning and apply sql to conduct analysis on ab testing results. Would be better if the instructor could provide more info about how to design and apply AB Testing on the customers


Jul 29, 2019

The instructor is very smart and her syllabus is very easy to follow. The real life examples are great and helps put ideas in perspective! I would definitely recommend this course and already have!

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26 - 50 of 397 Reviews for Data Wrangling, Analysis and AB Testing with SQL

By Sherri N

Jun 19, 2020

The test questions are over one or two things stated in a video and not over your understanding of the concepts. They also ask questions about a tool that she spends less then a minute displaying and doesn't explain what it tells you at all.

By Yang C

Jan 13, 2022

i am so disappointed with whole classes, when i finished the first week , i even didn't understand what the teacher was talking about , there was no any logical thinking through the class

By Edyta S

May 1, 2022

I finished the first SQL course and this is 2nd in a sequence of 4, but it wasn't a good followup. It seems like the 2 courses are randomly patched up. There is not a good transition from 1 to 2. Skills or topics were not covered in SQL intro, so I kept going to Dr. Google and finding new sources to bridge the gap. It got enoying enough for me to drop this whole certificate and go with someone else's. If I have to do this much bridging and catching up, might as well do a different course set. First one was great, this one is not.

By Korrawee H

Jan 5, 2022

I don't understand a single thing she have taught from 1st week to the last. It is so terrible. I don't pay for something like this

By Soprano R

Jul 12, 2020

It is pretty useful course to understand how to prepare data for AB Testing in real database environment. you should know SQL intermediate leve before starting this course.

By Jennifer B

Dec 30, 2019

A very thorough overview of SQL and how to best structure data tables and metrics for AB testing. I appreciate the high quality content of the UC Davis courses!

By Takashi T

Sep 7, 2020

I was disappointed with this course on following points. I think these points should be improved. 1. The instructions on Exercises and the Final Assignments must be clear and precise. The questions were vague and hard to understand. 2. The solution videos are not clear. The instructor is mumbling and not easy to understand what she is saying. The solutions should be available in pdf format (they should be unlocked after the students finish the exercises and going through the solution videos.

By Mehrshad E

Jan 8, 2020

Good course, not very productive instruction though!

By Nicholas H

Feb 7, 2022

This class is really freakin boring and there isnt an ER diagram, so it makes it harder to code up the solutions. Not to mention the typing sound effect when the woman would discuss solutions.

By Jessi K

Dec 10, 2021

Content was hard to follow and very little instructions were given on how Mode works.

By John H

Oct 18, 2021

Poorly conceived and terribly executed overview of terms loosely associated with SQL. Initially I was kind of surprised that UC Davis would associate itself with such an embarrassingly deficient product. Once UC Davis started sending me unrelated fundraising emails, however, the purpose of the course became clearer. Data Wrangling, Analysis and AB Testing with SQL is a cynical marketing stunt which is primarily a means for generating a fundraising listserv. I would recommend the free SQL tutorial from Mode, however.

By Shawn L

Apr 9, 2022

I struggled mightily with this course. I regularly Googled, as I often do when stuck, but found no help there. I had no idea what to do with the final assignment. Part of that might have been my approach to the class and how busy I've been lately, but the class was also structured poorly. Very little connection between what was "taught" and what was assigned. Several assignments repeated questions and some had the beginning of questions with no conclusion. The first bad experience with Coursera, but a rotten one.


Mar 23, 2022

This is really the worst Cousera course I've ever learned!!

There some many mistakes in the video and it's poorly structured, especially in the 4th week you couldn't even understand what the lecturer wanted to talk about...

By Amir H H

Feb 24, 2022

this is honestly one of the worst courses i've ever take on coursera, unprepared instructor, the lessons weren't well managed, had to do a lot of extra work and study from outside blogs to clearly understand the topic

By Clayton S

Jul 2, 2020

Before you start familiarize yourself with and the report builder function, it is required for the final project. This is an advanced class with an assumption of baseline skill. If you don't have that skill you may find yourself in the weeds solving problems. But, the explanation by the instructor, Kat, really do help you understand how to solve problems. I did find myself struggling with some of the problems, in part because the problems can be vague, like real life. My advice, follow her code and logic and skills she teaches.

By Jena C

Jun 6, 2022

Did I learn some SQL and A/B testing concepts in this class? Yes, but it is by sheer will power and emotional fortitude. Throughout this entire course there was a debilitating misalignment between what was being explained in the videos, what was asked for in the practice exercises and what was actually demonstrated in the solution videos. Some of the practice tasks were worded so vaguely, I spent more time trying to figure out what was being asked of me than actually learning to query it. Even on the final peer-reviewed assignment, the test asked us to query just a few specific metrics but then the grading rubric contained several other columns that weren't mentioned in the instructions. It could have just said, "And any other relevant metrics you can think of," or something, and that would've been a cue to come up with some of the additional columns, but that's not what it asked for.

I'm currently waiting on a support case I opened because the Mode Analaytics workbooks we're supposed to grade at end of this course are returning a "You don't have permission" error so, after all this, I may not even be able to complete the course.

By Naveen J

Nov 15, 2021

From the start the course seemed to be interesting. However, the tutor Ms. Kat wasn't that great at her teaching skills. This is my view and experience and not sure about others. I felt she must have a great knowledge about Ab testing and SQL but unable to pass the same to her students. I faced difficulty in understanding her situation, examples and more importantly how she write queries. There is no explanation on how and where the query comes from. She states clearly that if you don't understand please review the previous course or lessons. There are many stuffs in Course 2 which were not taught or shown in Course 1 to refer from. All above, using Mode analytics was not that user-friendly specially while submitting the final assignment. There are not clear indication or guidance how to use where to go etc. If we need to do self learning we could have gone directly to mode and grasp the knowledge. Her solution videos with typing noise was irritating. Overall, the course has so much to learn and understand the data but for me it wasn't that easy with such tutor especially with fresher like me in IT field or SQL knowledge. Sadie on other hand for Course 1 was way better in explaining and easy to understand. All the best to other guys enrolling this course. I am thinking to enroll for next course which is SQL with Spark. Hope that will easy to understand. I would rate 2.5 stars actually.

By Mercedes T

Mar 21, 2022

This course uses Postgres - it is never once mentioned. It is also completely unnecessary to download any editor as all your "work" is done on Mode (external website).

There is a HUGE gap in knowledge between the first course and this second course in this series. The topics mentioned that we should know or go back to the first course were not even in the first course, and if I'm going to be constantly going to videos online on free sites, then what was the point in paying for this course? It also became painfully clear that it's expected that we have some deep understanding of the data and business, and since we (the students) did not create this data and don't have any real maps of how things are connected or what they acutally represent, it makes this course that much more aggrevating. I'm still not even sure what the "AB Testing" portion of this class was aside from the instructor talking about a few examples in her videos. Possibly there was AB testing in an assignment, but it was never once made clear that is what we were doing.

There is absolutely no actual instruction going on in this class. It's very frustrating and is structured as following:

a "lecture" (the instructor talking about something kinda of related to what you might be doing),

an assignment that is more along the lines of "figure it out,"

an "optional" discussion (that isn't actually optional as it unlocks the solution),

and a "solutions" video where the instructor walks you through her thought process of the assignment that you just had to figure out. More often than not, the assignment you do does not match up to what is in the video. Also, a lot of the data isn't the same, and it's just beyond frustrating.

By week 4, I was very much done and didn't care anymore.

I have no doubt that the instructor is very good at her profession (she mentions being a data analyst at Scribd), but she is not a teacher/instructor by any means. This whole course is more of us just following along as she does her solutions on video.

By Hans W

May 10, 2022

Couldnt share the final project. Also they are bad at teaching in this one.

However loved first course.

By Andrew H

Apr 29, 2022

Worst course taken on Coursera.

By Christofer H

Nov 27, 2020

Worst course i ever did.

By Kasra S

Aug 22, 2021

Don't waste your time.

By Ayomide O

Sep 24, 2021

I'll give it a 5 mostly because this is one of the few in-depth SQL courses on the site, plus it actually goes beyond Joins and all that other pre-advanced stuff. I actually learnt new methods such as using windowing functions and using AB Testing. It could be better, yes, but we need more hands-on courses like this one.

By Mike F

Sep 23, 2020

A good course for learning and apply sql to conduct analysis on ab testing results. Would be better if the instructor could provide more info about how to design and apply AB Testing on the customers

By Cristina R

Jan 17, 2020

Pretty informative course!

Sometimes the descriptions of the practice exercises seem a bit fuzzy, but as you go with the course it gets easier to understand how to interpret the requirements. Very helpful solution videos!