Oct 30, 2017
Thank you Andrew!! I know start to use Tensorflow, however, this tool is not well for a research goal. Maybe, pytorch could be considered in the future!! And let us know how to use pytorch in Windows.
Mar 28, 2020
I have done two courses under Andrew ng and I am grateful to Coursera for their highly optimised and easily learning course structure. It has greatly help me gain confidence in this field. Thank you.
By Animesh B
•Feb 17, 2018
This course is better than the previous ones.. So much to learn from this!
By Kaihua T
•Nov 23, 2017
As a master student major in computer science, this course helps me a lot.
By John H
•Nov 11, 2017
Great nuanced information that is not covered well in many online courses.
By Zhang B
•Nov 7, 2017
Hyperparameter tuning is a useful to for optimization of machine learning.
By Diego M
•Nov 5, 2017
Great like the rest of the specialization - Also great intro to TensorFlow
By selim ö
•Nov 1, 2017
The course helped me to learn a lot. I am grateful for the course. Thanks.
By Muhammad A K
•Aug 31, 2017
Excellent add on to the first course "Deep Learning and Neural Network"...
By Marco M
•Mar 22, 2023
Concise introduction. Notebooks used for labs are really well documented.
By Aliya A
•Jun 26, 2022
it give us the idea how to improve our model by tunning the hypermerater.
By Josué S C P
•Jul 22, 2021
Amazing course, have everything to start deep neural networks developing.
By Florian C
•Jan 8, 2021
Best resource for learning about deep learning I have encountered so far!
By Jean-Michael B
•Dec 6, 2020
This was exciting to learn the tuning of parameters and using tensorflow!
By Juan W
•Nov 27, 2020
it is highly recommended for beginners as a first step into deep learning
By Ameer H
•Sep 21, 2020
Again Andrew is rocking and giving you some useful tips in deep learning.
By Fabian Z H
•Sep 4, 2020
As always, you can expect a high quality course from Professor Andrew Ng.
By Kush S
•Jul 7, 2020
The techniques discussed are easy to follow & intuitive most of the times
By Pradipta S
•May 27, 2020
It was a very good course. It has also help me to increase my confidence.
By EfraÃn M M
•May 23, 2020
Excellent foundations, tips and hands-on excercises for parameter tuning!
By Arnab B
•May 19, 2020
Awesome Course , just loving this Coursera and Sir Andrew Ng at his best.
By Kunal K
•Apr 12, 2020
Awesome course_by one of the best faculty in the field of Neural networks
By Shashi N I
•Feb 24, 2020
Excellent course. Practical without much compromise on theoretical depth.
By Amir K
•Nov 25, 2019
excellent and useful Course , thank you from Andrew NG and your Coursera
By Christopher W
•Aug 30, 2019
Another great course for furthering what was covered in Specialisation 1!
•May 15, 2019
I've learned lot of knowledge about Deep Neural network from this course.
By Nilmadhab D
•Mar 14, 2019
Very addictive course. A lot of fun. Prof. Andrew Ng is just outstanding.