Jun 10, 2020
Practice make permanent is the true line .this line I'm also keep in mind sir.It's very very helpful and the video presentation is really awesome.simple language and more information.thanks for these.
Aug 28, 2019
The course was defiantly more than I expected. It not only strengthened what I did know about Excel but it showed me several options that I was not using or haven't found. I would highly recommend it.
By Yauwan M D
•Jun 9, 2020
Its been a very good course in which I learnt a lot of basic skills of Excel which I never knew. The instructors were good and it is a hand on course so every skill you learn you will have a practical version of it. It is a wonderful course and brilliant lecturers.
By Sangeeta J
•Feb 5, 2021
This complex spreadsheet software course (Excel) is very well structured and put-forth in a simple and easy-to-understand format by the course creators and facilitators. It was a nice learning experience and looking forward to completing the specialization course.
By Julián C
•Sep 20, 2020
The course is really well explained and the instructors are well versed on the topic. I also think that the course is correctly structured and is understandable for beginners. It can also be useful for people that are familiar with Excel, because this was my case.
By Ishita M
•Aug 21, 2020
The course is very detailed. One might find some things too basic to learn but will actually clarify any doubt if one might have regarding the tools used. The practice quizzes after each and every video and challenge set ensures the practice part. Loved the course
By Saurav C
•Jul 2, 2019
The Course was exceptional. I have no words to say. For me, It was like an addiction doing this course as I have completed this whole course in only 6 days practicing the whole day and night. Will recommend everyone who is looking for a foundation course on Excel.
By Francisco B
•Apr 29, 2019
Great course, great professors. It is really excellent the way these professors explain. Thank you very much Coursera, and thank you very much to the University of Macquarie. The way this course was developed is fantastic. Congratulations. Francisco , Costa Rica.
By Beau B
•Mar 18, 2019
This course has changed the way I interact with data driven projects. I am finding new ways to implement my Excel knowledge every day. The cross over, learning Excel helps one run Sales Force graphs, as an example, is endless. I couldn't recommend this class more!
By Ashish G
•Dec 15, 2018
This course was exceptionally good and instructors were phenomenal. Any layman can understand and develop his skills in excel. I was lucky to find this course on coursera, as it laid the basic foundation for excel. I would highly recommend this course to everyone.
By Chama R
•Feb 27, 2024
I didn't know much about excel but after completing the course i feel competent in using excel. the videos were short, easy to follow and straight to the point. I enjoyed the content in this course all the way from the beginning till the end. Thank you very much.
By Steven B
•Oct 25, 2022
Learned a lot of new things on this Excel course. Tough course for the beginner, but it challenges you to remember and think of how to get through the course. If one likes challenges this is the course for you. I found it fun learning Excel through this course.
By Angelica L
•Aug 3, 2021
I learned a lot from this course even though I had already some background knowledge about Microsoft Excel but it helps me a lot to explore important functions of this application that I can apply in my work. Thank you so much for having this amazing opportunity!
By Phokoane A K
•Jan 7, 2021
Great course content. Enjoyed the videos because I prefer watching videos over reading. The practice quizzes and assessments that come with workbooks are also a great way to consolidate each week's content and give the learner a chance to practice with real data.
By Jizel f
•Oct 22, 2020
The instructors were amazing and the videos were great. I love how they broke down everything which made it simple and easy to understand and follow along in practice. I feel a lot more confident trying to navigate excel but as always "practice makes permanent".
•Aug 19, 2020
This course not just teaches you it always makes you practice the previous sessions so that you are always updated. This course is designed in such a way that if you forget the earlier completed session you cannot proceed further with learning the concepts again.
By Clement A A
•Aug 11, 2020
This has really improved my skills in excel and increased my confidence as well. The course is really uplifting and made very easy to understand. I really love the practical aspect of things in this course. The instructors are very good. I have enjoyed it. Thanks
By Md F S
•Jun 14, 2020
This is one of the core concept course for whom want to learn excel lots of basic things are in here. So it will help to improve basic knowledge and it will also create strong concept which will helps to do batter in advance excel courses as well as in workpless
By Joanne O
•May 10, 2020
Great Essentials course. Most of us are self taught excel users, however this course teaches us the small things eg. shortcuts that we may have not picked up along the way. Great for reinforcing what you know. Looking forward to the next instalment of the series.
By José d J H B
•Jul 25, 2019
This was a great course. Although I had already some knowledge about excel, this course gave me some other tools that I did not know and I filled some gaps that I had in this program. I really like the activities and the way this course reinforced your knowledge.
By Kim L K
•Jan 29, 2022
Honestly, this is the best training course I've ever taken. Having side interactions throughout kept me engaged and focused. The instructors are thorough and provide great resource links to follow after each lesson. I'd definitely share this course with others!
By Ahmed R
•Oct 14, 2021
To sum Up its an amazing course it helps me alot at dealing with the first steps at Excel which i can use later to build a huge experience for me and also thanks for accepting my financial aid which give me a great motivation to finish this course Till the End .
By Randhir S
•Dec 31, 2020
I am so very happy that i stuck with this course, dedicating time towards this course was a challenge. I learned so much that i didn't know before from just casually using Excel. I will definitely be using what i have learned so far in my personal use of Excel.
By Nelia I T
•Sep 30, 2020
Quite challenging. I thought I am already good in excel, but taking the quizzes after watching the videos, I realized that there are many things that I don't know yet in using this spreadsheet. Thank you for the opportunity to learn and increase my excel skills.
By Grover P
•Aug 28, 2020
Me enseñaron bastantes herramientas para poder organizar mis hojas de cálculo de una manera más elegante y precisa. Todos los vÃdeos, lecturas y consejos me ayudaron a poder dar formato, encontrar mis datos rápidamente y a mejorar mis habilidades en el programa.
•Jun 22, 2020
Me pareció un curso muy integro, completo y con explicaciones muy detalladas que permite entender cada tema, detalle y/o herramienta.
Agradezco a la Universidad MCQUARIE por curso tan bien diseñado y a Coursera por crear estos puentes de capacitación profesional.
By Aasif K
•May 10, 2020
Excellent step by step learning through a well guided course material and supported with quality excel worksheets created for self-assessment and self-exploring. Thank You and shall be looking forward for further learning experience through Macquarie University.