Dec 10, 2022
Great excel fundamentals for beginners and those struggling to adapt. I can relate to the course and the situation!Great course for somebody who hasn't touched excel in 10 years and needs a refresher!
Dec 19, 2023
An excellent course with basic and fundamental knowledge about Excel! The course has been designed greatly for beginners and anyone who wants to review basic Excel skills. A highly recommended course!
By ilayda c
•Mar 30, 2020
I really love this course and I feel confident about Excel now. I learn all the thing what I know about Excel, thanks to this course
By Clare C
•Jul 16, 2019
I thought that I knew all the basics, but this course taught me so much. I could do things that I didn't even know existed in Excel.
By Jiaming Y
•May 6, 2019
It took me two days of hard work to get to know every basic detail of Excel, I know there are more for me to learn, just keep going.
By عرفان ع
•Feb 23, 2019
Wonderfull experience .. flexible study pattern and competent content.. Now I'm able to handle the jOb very easily.. thaX a Lot...🙋
By Danielle C
•Oct 21, 2018
I enjoyed this course a lot! The instructors make it so much more bearable to learn Excel so I can finally breathe a sigh of relief!
By Melanie S
•Jul 15, 2018
It is a great course if you are self taught. It explains the basics and takes nothing for granted regarding your previous knowledge.
By I M W P Y
•Dec 27, 2021
what a good course, i can simply understand about the material from start until expert. I really confident now to operate the excel
•Dec 17, 2021
It´s an excellent introduction, even if you only want to practice after a long time without using excel this is an excellent option
By Steward C
•Sep 9, 2021
The course is well taught and very organised. It was easy to follow the set instructions to complete the course. Thank you so much.
By Carlos G A
•Jul 26, 2021
I actually enjoyed the course. Although i already have experience with Excel, i learned so many usefull things. Thank you very much
By Ignacio T
•Apr 3, 2021
It really help me to fill the holes on my excel knowledge. Now i have a real baseline to work with excel without any interruptions.
By Naman
•Mar 20, 2021
Gives a very good start to excel skills very sorted and smooth teaching style, Loved it.
Thankyou Coursera and Macquarie University
By Nicholas A
•Mar 12, 2021
The step by step approach to teaching this course is amazing!!!. I followed every bit of explanation. Thank you to all facilitators
By Alexandre E F d S
•Mar 4, 2021
Gostei bastante! Como o próprio nome diz, é um curso essencial de Excel que apresenta as ferramentas mais essenciais e importantes.
By Spanos M
•Feb 10, 2021
An unique chance to update my knowledge in excel and learn all the new tools which has develop ms office in business administration
By Kristel K
•Oct 24, 2020
Very well done. I found it nice and easy to understand all the videos and practice exercises. Recommend it to beginners. Thank you!
By S C R
•Oct 14, 2020
Really a good course! It is amazing to know shortcuts and different tools in excel. I am quite sure that this would help in future.
By Anderson d A A Q
•Sep 29, 2020
O curso fornece uma boa base para quem está iniciando em Excel, além conter detalhes que mesmo usuários antigos podem não conhecer.
•Sep 14, 2020
By Naomi N
•Sep 12, 2020
Very informative. I didn't know how to use excel when I joined the course, but now I am able to do everything that has been taught.
By G.M.M.C. M
•Aug 23, 2020
It was an excellent course. Creative yet simple explanations make this course attractive. I really enjoyed my time with the course.
By Silvia D M G
•Aug 12, 2020
Fantastic and very didactic course. It teaches you the basic and very useful components of Excel and encourages you to practice !!!
By Motasem d
•Aug 5, 2020
لقد كانت ممتازة بكل المقاييس
طريقة الشرح بالاضافة الى الملفات الموجودة مع الدروس والتي تجعلك تمارس ما تدرس وليس فقط تتلقى التعلومات
By Ibrahim M
•Jul 26, 2020
It's been an amazing experience. I especially like the engagements with practice questions and ninja tips (keyboard shortcut keys).
By Emmanuel F
•Jul 21, 2020
Very comprehensive instructions and test. Good variety of video formats. Great tact to incorporate 'Shawn' in the learning process.