Apr 11, 2021
It was a wonderful introduction on the vast studies on Feminism abd Social Justice. It made desire to learn more and to study how feminism as a movement has operated in my country in the last century.
Jun 22, 2020
Everyone should take up this course because this course has a structured curriculum for feminism. The idea of feminism is something we have learnt from media, one will come to know about the meaning.
By Abdul R S M
•Aug 9, 2024
"A wonderful and comprehensive course with valuable knowledge about the history of feminist justice movements, which I hope will continue to achieve more progress in combating violence, fulfilling rights, and ensuring social justice."
•Aug 25, 2020
Its a worth to get learn these ideas from a very prestigious mentor, thanks professor for your kind teaching, your lectures will help me the most in next couple of years, I feel more confident know to have this access.
thanks Professor
By Maria F G
•Aug 23, 2020
This course is really fundamental for formation of all citizen in the World!! The professor Bettina Aptheker is a wonderful brilliant woman and I'm so thankfull for everything she did and do to change the chauvinism and racism in USA.
By Jess M
•Mar 24, 2021
I would recommend this course. But I think it ought to be called Feminism and Social Justice in America. It was without question thought provoking and interesting. I wish it was longer and went through different experiences globally.
By Ellen M
•Jun 26, 2020
This course is marvellous! It's an excellent background about how did we arrive to this point and how the feminist movements are changing this perspective. On the top, Professor Aptheker is amazing! Recommended to all of my mates!
By Romakyo K
•Apr 29, 2020
I gained comprehensive knowledge about feminism and justice in America. In addition, the issue given by Professor Bettany always connected the environment around me with the material he provided. I am very happy to take this course.
By Ana B H G
•Jul 19, 2020
This course helped me to understand the history of this movement and all the values involved in it. I love the books they recommended and it was all clear, I hope that at another time this plataform will add another similar course.
By Daniel F S G
•Jul 14, 2020
I think it was a really important course and I learn a lot, however I think the audience to which the course is directed is mainly an American public, but in a general view, it was a really informative course with many learnings.
By Valero O V F
•Nov 13, 2020
Es un curso muy enriquecedor que te abre los ojos a mcuhas problemáticas actuales que vienen desde tiempo atrás. Te da conciencia sobre los cambios y la importancia que tenemos las mujeres en el cambio social de nuestra sociedad.
By Ashley C
•May 12, 2022
This is an excellent course to begin your studies in social justice or feminism. The course work really opens the doors to the different aspects of feminism and how it ties in directly with social injustice. Highly recommend.
By Kelly C
•Apr 9, 2020
It's an interesting approach as it introduces cases from the USA. I'm from Peru so this is a nice and clear introduction to the feminist movements and court cases that were turning points for women in the USA in the XX century.
By Della
•Jul 15, 2023
I enjoyed taking this course! I have learned so much from different perspectives that I did not use to think about before taking this class. I highly recommend this class to anyone interested or wanting to learn something new.
By Cemre D A
•Apr 28, 2021
This is such an excellent course. The only negative thing I can say about this course is it's length. It is really short, I wish there was more lessons. Sincere thanks to Prof. Aptheker and University of California Santa Cruz.
By Vasiliki K
•Dec 2, 2020
I enjoyed this course! I think professor Bettina Aptheker is a powerful speaker capable of engaging the audience in critical thinking processes. Her lessons had a huge impact on me. Thank you for offering this course for free!
By jesreman k w
•Jun 9, 2020
i am so happy that i took this course. it ia super informative while also being super interesting. anyone who wants to know the history of feminism should take this course for a clear and better understanding of the situation.
By Josipa W
•Jul 20, 2021
I really enjoyed this course. It was highly informative and I am especially pleased they dedicated one whole lecture to Angela Davis. Thank You for that! I recommend it for everyone and hoping for a similar one in the future.
By Tomás B J
•Sep 25, 2020
Una gran experiencia. Hay muchas cosas que no nos enseñan en la escuela y feminismo es una de ellas. Que orgulloso me siento por saber que hay personas que luchan hacia la igualdad....algo por lo que realmente no se deberÃa.
By Shravani G
•Aug 8, 2020
This course really provides a broad spectrum of knowledge on Feminism and social justice.I would like to thank prof. Aptheker for bringing us such an informative course which would enlighten our knowledge.
Thank you coursera.
By Alejandro V
•Aug 5, 2020
Es muy buen curso y muy completo que te hace cuestionar los problemas de la sociedad actual, las veces que uno a contribuido, y sugiere una forma de comenzar a cambiar eso, todo en un ambiente de aprendizaje sin acusaciones.
By Saranzaya
•Jul 19, 2019
it was really interesting course that i completed without any bored and distraction. The Salt of the Earth movie was worth to watch and make me easy to understand what is intersectional feminism and social justice. thank you
•Aug 8, 2020
The course was exciting and insightful. I was glad to how feminism has an actual impact on the social movement. It is very important to know that these are not just theories but have a concrete impact on lives and societies
By Lina A U H
•Jul 27, 2020
Excelente. Me encantó este curso. La docente es maravillosa. Se me hizo un poquitico complicado porque mi lengua nativa no es el inglés, pero creo que entendà bastante. Recomiendo incorporar subtÃtulos en español. ¡GRACIAS!
By Franco B
•Oct 2, 2020
Very good course, Bettina is lovely and I could understand all that she said. It is also fantastic to hear the stories from a person whos really been there. A nice course even if you have some prior knowledge on this topic
By Nora D
•Jul 24, 2020
Most interesting material, well presented, and easy to understand. Thank you, this course gave me a fundamental understanding of Feminism and Social Justice. I am now equipped to carry out further research on this topic.