May 9, 2020
This course is so useful to know about finance in depth it gives more examples about the finance . It help to make more decision in finance market. It also motivate students to attract towards finance
Mar 9, 2021
This course is easy to follow and interesting. Professor Shiller is very motivating. It not teaching about finance but more importantly how finance can build a better life for all. Really recommended.
By Adriana P
•Oct 7, 2020
When I started this course I didn't knew much about the finance world and its inner workings. What I liked most about the course was the large specter that it covered, it was a from A to Z for beginners and what it did for me is it had awakened the curiosity to learn more about the field. I also love the fact that the presentation of concepts was backed by actual examples. It helped me understand better and create connections with events and notions that I already possessed. Very helpful! Thank you for the course!
•Apr 21, 2021
Professor Shiller makes this course relevant and easy to understand. Thank you Professor and I'm so happy you are the teaching this course. You speak eloquently and you explain the topics as simply as possible even if I know you're so genius. Thank you Coursera for the free course and simple to use tool. The quizzes are also worthwhile. It's something to be proud of even during this time of Covid-19 pandemic. Worth the time. Never too old to learn something new. Please continue to offer quality and free courses.
By Farzana K
•Feb 16, 2023
This course has been a great way to introduce the basics of financial markets and the way it works in the practical world. The illustrations are great with historical point of view, which makes us easier to understand how the financial markets have been emerged throughout the years. The aspiring professionals who want to pursue their further career in the field of investment company, real estate, or anything related to finance, this course gives them a great opportunity to understand the implications of finance.
By Tarun r
•Jul 5, 2020
Professor Shiller has a vast knowledge about his field he is an award-winning economist and gives us a deep knowledge about the course I would love to take more courses from professor Shiller as a suggestion to you can you please bring more videos of professor so that we can more deeply understand the financial markets as I am keen to learn more about the markets. Overall the course is so good I just loved professors' way of teaching. He is good and I think the best teacher in the world we love you, professor.
By Umar F
•Apr 4, 2020
This course starts slow but as you enter second week, you find yourself pulled towards the charismatic explanations and wonderful examples given by the legendary Robert Shiller. It covers everything that is mildly or heavily related to financial markets. I'd recommend watching the videos in 1.25x as Mr.Shiller can seem slow to some of the students watching the videos. A comprehensive and complete course which ends with a rather emotional touch by the Nobel prize winning course instructor. Loved it, five stars.
By Ankit S
•Jan 1, 2018
This course of 'Financial Markets' by Prof. Robert Shiller was one of the best courses I've been studied so far. The curriculum and syllabus of the course was brilliantly designed and the quizzes gave a good overview of the chapter. Prof. Robert Shiller is very brilliant in his field, I personally thank him for teaching this course and I want to congratulate him for his successes in the financial markets. I think this course will help me to think in a wide variety of ways in the 'Financial world and systems'.
By Jorg v G
•Jun 3, 2019
A very extensive course with a macro overview of many financial terms and regulations. I really liked the fact that the history of many financial acts, regulations etc was explained. In this way you can understand why certain financial instruments were created and mostly still used today.
Professor Shiller is all knowing and a great host to talk us through. Even though I am not a financial specialist I enjoyed the course a lot and it has given me great insights.
Thank you for all who made this course possible!
By Adelaide L
•Jul 24, 2023
I enjoyed the Professor's multidisciplinary approach to finance while drawing on real-world examples. The course also includes interviews with Roger Ferguson and Lei Zhang as well as a guest lecture by Georgia Keohane on innovative finance. Initially, I had taken the course to better my understanding of the interplay between law and finance, but what piqued my interest were the topics of finance and risk management directed to resource allocation and the achievement of social and environmental development.Â
By Gabriel E
•Mar 15, 2021
I enjoyed this course I feel that I learned a lot. In particular, I appreciated Shillers willingness to question the dominant economic belief that humans are rational and the markets are guided by some ineffable and omnipotent invisible hand. That logic has gotten us into a world of trouble.
Also found navigating the course a bit difficult when compared to other courses on Coursera. After finishing the last lecture I had a hard time getting back to the peer graded assignment to complete my peer reviews.
By Timothy E T
•Apr 19, 2020
Laden with humor, passion and humility, Prof Shiller manages to distill the complex world of finance into something more meaningful, relatable and ultimately an enjoyable learning journey. There's also this certain degree of quality ranging from the lectures and content, the inclusion of a helpful fellow class rep, post-lecture discussions and even guest lectures that complements the modules included in this course. Special thanks to Yale and Coursera for making this accessible to the masses. Thank you!
By Emmanuel O
•Sep 18, 2019
The best thing i ever done this year is taking this course,the lecturer was very analytical and superb,every inch of the course was educative,informative and enjoyable kudos to all the staff that made this possible.I learnt a lot of new techniques as a financial tools related to both financial markets and others globally.A very deep insight into financial world globally deepens and broaden my knowledge about the nitty-gritty of FINANCE.Prof.Robert shiller you are the best include the rest of the staff.
By Haocheng X
•Jul 7, 2020
generally, it is a great course for beginners to get to learn about the finance field as well as some other economic aspects; however, at the same time, Prof. Shiller presents some very unique opinions and perspectives on some things that may look regular to others, so it is an awesome opportunity as well to refresh these topics and gain some interesting ideas and thinking on them from a world-known economists Robert Shiller. Plus, it is a free course. I would say it's worth taking it. It's fantastic.
By Sophie C
•Jan 25, 2021
I thoroughly enjoyed taking part in this course. Professor Shiller has a particularly engaging teaching style which made learning the content all the more interesting. I now feel much more confident in my understanding of key financial concepts and the role of markets in the world around us. I also felt the assessments were really useful in marking my progress in each module and that the peer-assessment in Week 4 also tested my ability to discuss the benefits of financial markets in the real world.
By Krista T
•May 30, 2018
Excellent, comprehensive and fairly challenging course on financial markets, mainly due to the breadth of topics covered. Professor Shiller is an engaging lecturer and has a refreshingly balanced view of finance - he does not just preach efficient markets but talks about democratizing finance and innovating for good. The Chalk Talk sessions are helpful in understanding some of the (more mathematical) theory. To get the most out of the course I would recommend an introductory textbook to accompany.
By M.Hoang N
•Jan 29, 2024
This course is highly beneficial, particularly for individuals seeking a deeper understanding of financial markets. It comprehensively explores various aspects such as real estate, investments, futures, and more, presented in a well-organized manner. While some terms may not be explicitly explained, conducting additional research, perhaps by consulting online resources, can enhance comprehension. I believe that post-lesson research is an essential part of the learning process for any student.
By S Z A
•May 29, 2020
This course gave me an opportunity to Explore & Exposed to the global financial industry, world & economy, financial markets, finance as core & building the niche, financial innovations, behavioral finance, finance as a technology invention/innovation, finance as skills/career & it is everything about finance. It is holistic about finance as a domain. Thanks to the team of Coursera & Yale University in enhancing my Knowledge by educating & building the necessary skills in finance as a whole.
By Việt H H
•Sep 29, 2022
The course provides fundamental information on many aspects of financial markets. Although it is mostly about the U.S. system, it also includes a lot of examples from different countries around the world. The most important idea is that finance is necessary and important to manage risks, incentivize people, and manage resources to make things happen. The teacher and assistants in the course have been really helpful, and the quizzes also helped me understand and remember the knowledge better.
By Haoyan L
•Mar 12, 2022
I took this course after I completed my CFA Level II exam, and I realized that all the topics covered in this course were covered in my CFA curriculum. Still, I got to learn it again from distinguished professor Rober Shiller and developed new perspectives. All the knowledge I learned before taking this course started to make more sense, and I also enjoy the way Prof. Shiller teaches. I would recommend this course to anyone who has basic financial knowledge and shares enthusiasm for finance.
By Abhishek B
•Jul 24, 2020
One of the best courses that you could possibly do to understand the basics of the financial world. It will not only help in broadening your understanding of concepts, but will also incorporate them in a holistic view of the economy and the world. With the help of Professor Robert Shiller guiding you along this journey, you will both have fun and enjoy learning about finance. You will come out of this course a more knowledgeable person and will look at the world from a different perspective.
By Fred M
•Oct 27, 2017
With the plethora of introductory Finance courses out there, the 'who' factor becomes key. I randomly came across his Youtube lessons on Behavioral Finance while in med school and i was hooked.
The lessons have enough content to be informative without being intimidating. The interactive sessions show a deep understanding intertwined with humility while answering students. The Honors quiz segment is a great addition for those who want to delve deeper into the subject. I highly recommend it!
•Dec 7, 2024
Bien Merecido premio Nobel de Economi 2013, gran pensador, admirables conocimientos, pleno dominio y seguridad de lo que expresa. Dios le ha otorgado una vision unica para comprender los comportamientos humanos detras de los numeros, ayudando a que la economias sean mas humanas. quisiera expresarle mi más sincero agradecimiento por su trabajo. Sus contribuciones y ensenanzas. Que Dios siga bendiciendo su camino y dándole sabidurÃa para seguir enriqueciendo a las generaciones futuras.
By Marc-Antoine L
•Sep 9, 2021
Thanks a lot Professor Shiller. I have learned a lot with your course and I particulary appreciate the way you explain and illustrate complex and fundamental concepts on an easy way. You have this ability to go to the essence of the material and point with real illustrations the key concepts.
I highly recommand this training for all people new to the financial Markets wanting to have a 360 degre view of this domain and who are not yet expert on it.
Amazing training! Thank you so much.
By Mr. R k G
•Jun 19, 2024
I am very glad for having such kind of course certificate. it is a very well defined course and very informative for all those students who have been interested in Finance . This course will teach you from the basic to the advance level of finance in a very simple way and good manners. prof. Shiller is a very well known person for his works and the experience in the field of financial market. I will give this course full marks for its performance and the knowledge that we get from it.
By Andre Z
•Nov 22, 2023
I acquired so many financial knowledges. I'm grateful to Yale University and Coursera instructors. I have gained the knowledge that I was looking for. During the entire educational course «Financial markets» I had been working really hard, and I am extremely thankful to my teachers who had been supporting me all that time. I am very grateful to Professor Robert Shiller for his kind help and cooperation. I wish you huge successes, good health and good spirit in your education and life!