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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Financial Markets by Yale University

29,948 ratings

About the Course

An overview of the ideas, methods, and institutions that permit human society to manage risks and foster enterprise. Emphasis on financially-savvy leadership skills. Description of practices today and analysis of prospects for the future. Introduction to risk management and behavioral finance principles to understand the real-world functioning of securities, insurance, and banking industries. The ultimate goal of this course is using such industries effectively and towards a better society....

Top reviews


Oct 25, 2021

This course is so useful to know about finance in depth it gives more examples about the finance . It help to make more decision in finance market. It also motivate students to attract towards finance


May 9, 2020

This course is so useful to know about finance in depth it gives more examples about the finance . It help to make more decision in finance market. It also motivate students to attract towards finance

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1426 - 1450 of 6,629 Reviews for Financial Markets

By Charbel A

Mar 6, 2022

Excellent course which should be a requirement for every college student. Very good lectures and outstanding professor who is very engaging and thought provoking.

By Theodoros p

Sep 11, 2020

Amazing course, everybody should listen carefully to Robert Schiller he is a brilliant human being who really makes you understand how the financial market works.

By leander b

Aug 26, 2020

Professor Shiller is an amazing economist, he has not only expertly explained the Financial Markets he has also inspired me to find a purpose in life and finance.

By Daniele G

Aug 21, 2020

A great course headed by Prof. Shiller which deals with a great number of financial matters in a very clear and thorough manner, through the use of real examples.

By Ashiqur R

May 11, 2020

Greatest course I ever participated in Coursera. I am grateful to Professor Shiller and Coursera's authority for arranging such a wonderful program. Thanks a lot.

By Daria F

Apr 8, 2020

Engaging course, that helps to get the dust off the knowledge one already has, sprinkling it with topics that may not have been the focus at your business school.

By Pedro P

Sep 10, 2021

Really liked this course, gave me the tools to invest with more confidence. If you want to understand the basics of financial markets, you must take this course.

By Mr. P P

Jul 8, 2021

Open the world of Financial Market and almost cover the knowledge of finace and economics.

But,I would like more in Fincial Engineering or Mathematic for Finance.


May 28, 2021

A complete and comprehensive course on Financial markets, explained in simple and unambiguous terms with the wit and wisdom of Prof. Shiller. Highly recommended.

By Rodly D

Feb 10, 2021

It's a very nice court, I learned a lot. As I advise to put a tutorial before taking the courses so that we can follow the steps of the course.

thank you so much

By Sneha S

Jun 16, 2020

Was completely worth every minute. Gave me a better insight into the current market and trading practices ( including the histories of how the markets evolved ).

By Jhon G

May 25, 2020

The overall course was truly great. Professor Shiller in particular has an immense facility to convey complex concepts in a friendly way. Fully mind recommended.

By Kryuchkov K

Dec 20, 2023

Интересный курс, расширяет кругозор, дает понимание основ, знание по которым необходимо расширять. Благодарен Профессору Шиллеру и организаторам за данный курс!

By Akmaral E

Jul 2, 2023

Professor Shiller is an amazing instructor. I enjoyed the course and learned a lot about the way the financial market and its instruments work. Thank you a lot.

By Akshit

Mar 19, 2023

It was nice experience and I got to learn so many concepts around financial world including market and economy. Also , I am very thankful to Professor Shiller .

By Joseph C

Sep 5, 2022

This has been a great introduction to finance. I really appreciate the perspective of how finance can benefit people and society, vs. just benefiting the rich.

By José L P N

May 29, 2022

Un gran curso para obtener una visión general del funcionamiento de la economía conductual, y su importancia en el funcionamiento de los mercados financieros.

By Franklin M

Feb 13, 2021

Es una opción muy buena e interesante pero me gustaria que las preguntas esten disponibles para el idioma español y por eso mismo es que no pude seguir el curos

By Alejandro B R

Aug 26, 2020

It is a very comprehensive, comprehensive course and fantastically explained by Professor Robert Shiller.

I can only flatter his work and recommend the course.

By Swathi R

Jul 1, 2020

Was able to understand in detail what many of the common financial terms meant. And also about working of markets and how finance and economics are interlinked.

By Olga O

Jun 28, 2020

a great opportunity to look at the topic from another angle. I have learned many new things and interesting facts, which I haven´t been taught at my university.

By Sheetal S P

May 15, 2020

Very good introductory course . It is more focused around the markets in US, especially for the topic of US. This can be highlighted in the course introduction.

By Janet Y

Apr 21, 2020

The professor does a good job at discussing finance with ethics. Thank you, Professor. I looked forward to your discussions daily, during the COVID-19 lockdown.

By Khansa A G

Jan 6, 2019


By Joel S

Nov 30, 2021

Robert Shiller is incredible, so knowledgable and engaging. The course is a well put together broad overview of the history and structure of financial markets.