Mar 9, 2021
This course is easy to follow and interesting. Professor Shiller is very motivating. It not teaching about finance but more importantly how finance can build a better life for all. Really recommended.
May 9, 2020
This course is so useful to know about finance in depth it gives more examples about the finance . It help to make more decision in finance market. It also motivate students to attract towards finance
By Divya
•Jun 9, 2020
it was a very helpful course....it gave me deep insights into finance with some practical knowledge and it increased my interest in finance even more.
By mere s
•Nov 29, 2023
I learn a lot it's just that sometimes I do not understand the lesson probably because I dont have a deep knowledge about it so it's hard to keep up.
By Loi H H
•May 1, 2022
Good course but sometimes it is a little incoherent. Could provide a glossary of terms to help better understand the terms presented in the lectures.
By Fraser K
•May 22, 2020
Professor Shiller is obviously a very intelligent individual but I often found the concepts brought it were very complicated with little explanation.
By Darwin H A A
•Jun 27, 2019
The practical way to teach people who are hundreds of kilometers through videos helps a lot to know the finances and to understand the market better
By Ned G
•Apr 24, 2021
overall interesting, but not always applicable to current day (like going on tangents of historical situations). Transcribing could be done better.
By Rene C I
•Jul 26, 2020
me ayudo a comprender el propósito de los mercados financieros, en como se actuaron en los CDO y entre otros, para no volver a caer en una crisis.
By Chilasagar S P G
•May 8, 2020
it is be very useful for me to complete this course it helped me to learning the financial market of accounting stands of stock market and complete
By Ritesh G
•Jul 9, 2020
it was a nice course and professor was good but covered very basic topics which being a student finance I was familiar with but prof. was engaging
•Apr 1, 2021
I would add more details about the different theories presented. Even as optional lectures for those willing to dig into more detailed arguments.
By Héctor A C T
•Jul 24, 2020
Very interesting topics about finance, before I didn't knew anything but now I now the bases and the structures to finance. Than you very much!!
By Roman P
•Dec 15, 2021
The course seem to be cut from the actual Yale lectures made for offline audience, and not really catered to the online platform. Hence 4 stars.
By 613 S D
•Jun 12, 2020
It is really a good experience for me to have completed this course. Prof. Robert shiller is a very enthusiastic and engaging teacher of course.
By Saurabh H J
•Aug 15, 2019
The course was really enriching. I would have liked more if sir would have covered more about other financial market like India, Australia etc.
By Raghav V
•Jul 15, 2021
well designed course for people new to the financial world, though a few things have to be learnt from outside sources for complete knowledge.
•Aug 26, 2020
Muy buen curso!, con excelente nivel y didáctica por parte del instructor.
Recomiendo a quienes desean incursionar en el mundo de las finanzas.
By Aaron D
•Jul 7, 2019
A really informative course and it also made me learn new things on a tangent wherein I referred Investopedia to make the learning efficient.
By Chaitali K
•Aug 31, 2020
This course was very helpful. I learned many things about finance because of this course. It helps me to understand the financial market.
By Preet S
•May 21, 2020
The overall structure of the course was very good, and also the instructor explained each and every notion of finance in very apt manner.
By Manikandan C
•Sep 25, 2018
The course is great. My only issue is, it could have been somewhat more exhaustive in coverage with formulae, calculations and equations.
By Deleted A
•Jul 24, 2020
This course for student of any background science,art or something else gives basic knowledge of finance,insuarance and share market...
By Giulio P
•Sep 15, 2024
Interessante trattazione con target non specialista su campi e potenzialità dei mercati finanziari. Alcuni spunti di riflessione utili
By Diego S
•Aug 21, 2024
Best of course is Bob. He is always funny and good tempered, with personal experiences and a sense of black humour i love. Thumbs up!
By 009_Adarsh S
•Oct 29, 2023
Sometimes the explanation was too deep to understand for people from non-finance background.....Else was really engaging and worthy!!
By Vipul S
•Jul 17, 2022
I found this course to be very interesting and as I expected, it gives a deep knowledge about finance and things relating to finance.