Oct 7, 2021
this course changed my view on healthy eating and also instilled healthy cooking habits in me! I absolutely oved the simple , delicious and healthy recipes! definitely trying them out ! Thank you Maya
Dec 5, 2020
Foods and us have a relationship, and this course defines that relationship. Personally, this course provides positive experience for me in regards of food, meal preparation, and eating in moderation.
By Asnate F
•Apr 20, 2020
Thank you for this course. Although I had some basic knowledge of material we covered and I consider myself eating healthy, I still found this course stimulating and useful. I applaud to Professor Maya Adam for putting this together.
By Connie H
•Apr 3, 2020
Practical application of the theory of nutrition in a daily living environment. The previous course Child Nutrition and Cooking had prepared me for the knowledge of macronutrients and micronutrients so taking this course was easier.
By Angela S
•Feb 1, 2020
Much of this I already knew and will pass this information on to friends and family. I grew up on a farm. Anyway, is there a course on foods that addresses substance abuse and what is good or bad for an alcoholic, heroin users, etc.?
By Dareen A
•Sep 28, 2022
تعلمت أهمية اتباع نظام غذائي صحي غني بالخضار والابتعاد قدر الامكان عن الأطعمة المعالجة بالاضافة لتحديد كمية الطعام المتناول في كل وجبة من خلال اختيار حجم طبق صغير.
تعلمت أيضا أهمية تحضير الطعام في المنزل والابتعاد عن الوجبات الجاهزة
By Pratikkumar D
•May 4, 2020
Not actually a 'course' but a short series of very basic self-help videos with distracting background music throughout. 3 stars because it's a nice public service by Stanford but I personally was expecting a university-level course.
By Екатерина Р
•Feb 7, 2020
i am grateful for this course and i learned and saved a lot of useful information for me about coocking and consuming the food. Also the most important think that i have now - it's right mind for meal and consuming. Thank you a lot!
By Mary E T
•Feb 7, 2024
The course is very easy to understand and it takes less time to finish the course. However, the lessons are very important, especially in making healthy food options. This course can be given to anyone, any age, race, and religion.
By Mohamad m S
•Mar 25, 2023
The course is beneficial and rich with valuable information about healthy living and nutritional facts to help you achieve a healthier lifestyle. always remember to eat real food, not too much, mostly vegetables.
Highly recommended!
By Jay_70
•Jun 16, 2022
This course on food and health was very useful and informative. This has further enhanced my efficiency. I would like to thank Instructor. His presentation was very effective. I would like to thank the coursera team .hitornstrc
By Yong P
•Mar 14, 2022
I am really into these courses which arouse my interests in nutrition and food. I will go on taking more courses related to this area and hope what I receive can be put in the daily life. Super food, super life and longlife healty.
•Mar 9, 2021
Informative and helpful. We need to be reminded once in a while even with the basics which we tend to forget especially if not applied very often. The lectures were practical and not boring - can be applied in our day to day lives.
By Emanuele B
•Sep 22, 2020
This very interesting course has been organized very well. It provides essential information about the great impact that a healthy nutrition has in our quality of life. With simple but essential steps we can live better for longer.
By farheen k
•Sep 2, 2020
The course videos are very clear, simple and easy to understand. The pace of the videos is just perfect. Would love to join any future courses available on this platform. the recipes shared by the lecturer are very easy. Thank you
By Liannaly A
•Aug 25, 2020
I absolutely loved this course. They way the explain is so clear and the recommendation the give are great to enjoy food in a healthy way. I hope many more people would have the opportunity to take this course. Thanks so much Maya!
By Karmen V
•May 30, 2020
Very eye-opening course. Got a lot of new knowledge that I can start using in my everyday life. I really recommend taking this course. It doesn't take much time off your week and you can start being more healthier than ever before.
By Sivanath S
•Oct 25, 2017
This Course made my day. Helped me to understand basic facts about nutrients and its types , tips to follow in 20th century for having a healthy life, importance of avoiding junk foods & reducing the intake of unnecessary calories.
By Shireen H
•Sep 24, 2017
Awesome introductory course.. Very exciting and rich in useful information for our everyday life. I personally learnt a lot and made many changes to my family's life.
The recipes at the end are a cherry on top!
Thank you Doctor Maya!
By Andrew D
•Feb 17, 2016
Great class for anybody interested in how to get away from the western diet that is doing so much harm to people that eat it. Well-produced and thorough introduction to the causes of and solutions to the obesity epidemic in the US.
By Sukti B P
•Nov 8, 2020
I really enjoyed this basic,interesting,informative food and health course.The way of teaching by the instructor Maya Adam is very nice.I want to learn more about health and nutrition related course. Thanks to course organisers.
By Jack M
•Aug 31, 2020
A wonderful and enriching experience understanding and completing this course. Thank you Coursera for allowing me to complete this course. Provides very informative and practical lessons that can be implemented in our daily lives.
By preeti m
•Jul 2, 2020
very very subtle and informative.. explained in a very simple words and yet scientific.i have read many books and many articles on net but this is very interesting.
i would like to give exams on similar topics , food and wellness.
By Omobolanle D O
•Apr 26, 2019
This is a really nice course: the videos are bright, colourful and engaging, the instructors speak in relatable language and their concern for better food choices is noticeable.
The recipes and videos at the end are an added plus.
By Shaimaa S A
•Jul 6, 2018
A very nice course that help us understand the simple basics of preparing a healthy meal, replacing the unhealthy eating habits with healthier ones and comparing the processed food products to determine the best choice. Thank you♥
By María C G C
•Mar 5, 2018
La forma en la que se transmite la información es clara y cautivadora. En realidad cuestiona los hábitos que quizás no son buenos y alienta una manera sana de continuar viviendo.
Les agradezco, me siento feliz de haberlo realizado.