Dec 29, 2021
It was the best first experience I had and I have gained good amount of knowledge where I am applying that to my day to day life . It's inspiring . Thank you Coursera , Thank you Stanford University.
Oct 7, 2021
this course changed my view on healthy eating and also instilled healthy cooking habits in me! I absolutely oved the simple , delicious and healthy recipes! definitely trying them out ! Thank you Maya
By Susan M M
•Sep 1, 2017
I enjoyed most of the information in this course. The last week recipes and instructions seemed ridiculous as it was out of sync with: "eat food, not too much, mostly plants." I would have appreciated some plant based recipes. These recipes had too much dairy and meat. <3
By Jessie Z
•Mar 16, 2016
It was filled with a lot of interesting, pertinent information but I did feel that there was not enough variety in terms of interviews and I do wish that she had delved more into some of the topics. I understand it was an overview but I often felt that it was very brief.
By Sarah M J
•Feb 3, 2016
I was hoping for something a little more technical. This course might be good for someone who has no previous knowledge of the nutrition content of food or how to cook. It would be perfect for kids getting ready to head off to college who've never cooked for themselves.
By Jim G
•Jun 4, 2023
Pretty basic, and a number of facts about nutrition were cleared up for me. And the recipes are all delicious and so easy to prepare. For anyone just beginnin their cooking journey or just for some simple yet rally delicious recipes, this is a course for you, Enjoy...
By mihail m
•Sep 22, 2020
A good beginners course that is well presented and easy to follow along. Kind of behind of raising awareness on the damage eating meat and dairy causes on a personal level, and a global level, but a good first step for the well intended, misinformed people out there.
By Patsy D
•Jun 29, 2018
Most of the concepts are very straight forward. I have been on and out of diets since I was 12 years old, at least the first week was a different approach, the rest was common sense. I would like to do deeper into the topics of nutrients and choosing better options.
By Cyril P
•Jul 1, 2019
Some good advices, but it lakes of amounts and informations are rapidly repetitives (i'm french, so perhaps those informations are for me mainstream and that's why i find it repetitive).
It's actually helpful to begin my own seach but i expecteted more informations
By Milica S
•Jul 21, 2021
The course was short and easy to digest. Both moderators are easy to understand and ideas are transmitted in a clear and coherent way. It seems as though there are too few key notions and maybe different public than myself would draw a lot more to learn from it.
By Chloe P
•Feb 8, 2021
I was a bit underwhelmed with the information in this course. It was definitely a "Nutrition 101" and I would recommend it for someone who has little to no knowledge of food & health. I did take away a few good points but overall would have liked a deeper dive.
By Virat M
•Sep 5, 2019
A very basic course just skimming over information. I wish that more in-depth material was included. I got the feeling that it was designed to promote M. Pollan's books and point of view. Nevertheless, there were some useful tips and hence the 3-star rating.
By Christian P R
•Mar 2, 2019
As with almost the totality of all courses produced by HarvardX, the production quality is world class.
Despite this being an introductory course, I expected more knowledge to be included. But this is a subjective review so whatever. What is reality?
By Maria B
•May 4, 2020
Very basic. It could use much more in depth material. I would recommend it to someone who was absolutely no knowledge of food and nutrition, even basics like "do not eat processed foods". For someone who has basic knowledge, this is not very useful.
By Lia K
•Oct 2, 2018
This course is too easy and too simple that we don't have to learn from the lecture. We already learned most of this course's information from high school, news, or SNS posts. Also, I'm a little doubted about the recipes if these are really healthy.
By Marilyn P
•Jun 2, 2020
The course was very simplistic but I guess it was an introduction. I stopped watching the recipe videos when everything had sugar and/or Nutella. Nutella has zero nutritional value. Really? A program on health and all the recipes have sugar?
By Deleted A
•Oct 9, 2020
Probably not for people who are looking for academic knowledge or a lecture that takes a theoretical approach toward nutritional science. It seems to be more fit for the general public who want to learn how to make healthier choices for eating.
By L A
•Jul 15, 2017
It was really easy... perhaps too easy IMO. I barely had to focus or think throughout the lecture videos or the quizzes. The course provided me with facts that I already knew about. However, I found that the recipes were creative and helpful.
By Nili B
•Sep 10, 2022
The first 2 weeks of the course contained the most useful and most specific information. Weeks 3 and 4 were mostly comprised of common sense guidelines and general information already known to most people interested in nutrition and food.
By William H
•May 20, 2020
I was hoping there would be more breakdowns of nutrients at a molecular level, and why your body needs them. This course offered a superficial understanding of those nutrients. However it offered a guideline of how to organize your plate.
By Elena
•Aug 25, 2023
The info in this course is pretty basic. I was looking for more precise information on how nutrition affects our bodies, compatibility of certain foods and its interaction with each other once consumed at the same time. Haven't found it.
By Peter S
•Nov 28, 2017
A very enjoyable course, but a little on the 'light side'. Good fun to watch, but not as rigorous as many other MOOCs. Though to be fair, the course only claims to be an introduction to the topic. The lecturer is certainly not boring.
By Sandra M
•Apr 6, 2017
I actually enjoyed this class very much, but it doesn't go very deep in the topic. The questions to the quiz are very easy to answer to. In my opinion, this class is great for a general public, but it is not an university level course.
By ApointB
•Mar 4, 2021
Very useful for starters and for those who have just begun to implement some changes for the better in their nutrition, but there's not much for those who are a bit ahead in the journey. Perhaps should consider making a part two.
By Maria D O A
•Mar 31, 2023
Too short. All information was very good, the videos, the professionals, everything was very understandable, nice and easy going. But it was too short. Maybe if there were papers to read or links were to search for more info.
•May 2, 2024
Es un curso informativo. Quizás debería de revisar con más cuidado los consejos, pero la persona que cocina utiliza mucha grasa, se vé un exceso en los platillos. Se debe sugerir además de comer sano el ejercicio diario.
By Garry L
•Jan 25, 2020
Great course. Very interesting. I skipped all the recipes etc at the end. I think if they were more practical using very simple ingredients on a budget with each meal taking no more than 20 minutes with least labels?