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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health by Stanford University

33,154 ratings

About the Course

Around the world, we find ourselves facing global epidemics of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and other predominantly diet-related diseases. To address these public health crises, we urgently need to explore innovative strategies for promoting healthful eating. There is strong evidence that global increases in the consumption of heavily processed foods, coupled with cultural shifts away from the preparation of food in the home, have contributed to high rates of preventable, chronic disease. In this course, learners will be given the information and practical skills they need to begin optimizing the way they eat. This course will shift the focus away from reductionist discussions about nutrients and move, instead, towards practical discussions about real food and the environment in which we consume it. By the end of this course, learners should have the tools they need to distinguish between foods that will support their health and those that threaten it. In addition, we will present a compelling rationale for a return to simple home cooking, an integral part of our efforts to live longer, healthier lives. View the trailer for the course here:

Top reviews


May 13, 2021

Really good as an introductory guide to general human nutrition. Gives great insights on cooking, planning meals and health diet habits. It's a rather short course with actually impactful information.


Oct 7, 2021

this course changed my view on healthy eating and also instilled healthy cooking habits in me! I absolutely oved the simple , delicious and healthy recipes! definitely trying them out ! Thank you Maya

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1326 - 1350 of 9,442 Reviews for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health

By David M

Aug 22, 2023

overly decent, it was simple to understand while covering complex topics, and i found the recipe module at the end very useful, will definitely take the other courses by this teacher.

By Cristina A C

Jul 21, 2022

I loved this, it was very easy to retain all the information and the tips to eat healthier and be more mindful of consumption are very easily broken down and straightforward to apply!

By Miryam

Mar 23, 2021

Me ha encantado.

Al mismo tiempo que uno aprende a mejorar sus hábitos alimenticios, está todo explicado de tal manera que resulta fácil y atractivo.

Gracias y felicidades por el curso

By jorge d

Oct 12, 2020

Globally with very well stratified information about nutrition, well explained. As a health professional i recommend it for personal puroses as well as for education of your patients.

By Yoav J M

Sep 22, 2020

This class was fantastic. The teacher is excited about the material, the interviews with Michael Pollan are a great addition, and the photos and videos added make the class more fun.

By Shafagh R

May 12, 2020

This course was incredibly interesting and scientific. I really enjoyed it and I learned a lot. Dr Maya Adam was amazing and Michael Pollan discussed very interesting topics as usual.

By Angela M

Jan 21, 2020

I really found this course helpful. And I believe it will change the way I lived my life in terms of food and health.. and hope to change the lives of many,with the knowledge acquired

By Alexis K

Jan 7, 2019

Loved it! Very educational and it really opened my eyes and made me more cautious about the food I was eating, I am even considering making this a career choice, so thank you so much!

By Jonathan G

Oct 11, 2016

Great introduction to nutrition and healthy eating. Videos are simple and very easy to understand for someone with little to no knowledge of this topic - recommended 100% - thank you!

By Sangeetha P I

Jun 10, 2016

This course helps a person individually and also help them to promote health and well being of the society. It also develops entrepreneurial ideas in the new field of organic farming.

By Marina M M

Mar 21, 2016

The course was really illustrative and full of information, it has clearly answered all my doubts. The presenter is great and the interview with Pollan is totally inspiring. Loved it.

By Alvaro M

Aug 7, 2023

Un excelente curso que me apoya a identificar una forma fácil y divertida de mejorar mis habitos nutricionales y mejorar mi salud a través de elecciones correctas en mi alimentación.

By pankaj s

Feb 25, 2023

It was great course; all contents are touching depth knowledge of food and Health. I really understand the reason for obesity and i really appreciate coursera for such great course.

By Diya M

Dec 6, 2022

Hi, I am an aspiring nutritionist and this course is helpful as it helped me set a goal for my future the instructions given are logically beneficial and easy to apply in daily life.

By Maria d C P

Aug 26, 2022

Me encanta la forma sencilla y practica en que Maya entrega su instruccion el curso me ayudo mucho a comprender como aplicar en mi vida diaria y en la de mi comunidad. Muchas gracias

By Lily d T

Apr 16, 2021

Me gusto mucho el curso, pude aprender bastante de una de las áreas que me apasionan, toda esta valiosa información obtenida me sera útil tanto para mi vida personal como profesional

By Christian F S

Apr 1, 2021

Me parece espectacular la forma en cómo se ponen en el lugar de los demás cuando de tomar decisiones en la alimentación se tratan. Son muy humanos y empáticos en sus recomendaciones.

By Lulu M

Feb 28, 2021

Excellent course, full of practical information about how to improve my diet and eating habits. I especially enjoyed the section about how to navigate a supermarket and the recipes.

By Rayanna C

Oct 24, 2020

I love this course it was simple but extremely effective any and everybody should apply for this course because I learnt so much about nutrition and about the misconceptions about it

By Alejandra Q M

Aug 28, 2020

Un excelente curso para entender el efecto de los alimentos en nuestro cuerpo al mismo tiempo de hacer la configuración perfecta día a día para mantener una alimentación balanceada.

By Rebecca Y

Jul 27, 2020

I actually loved that this course evolved from scientific facts about nutrition to lessons on how to cook at home - it proved how easy and simple solutions to food and health can be!


Jul 13, 2020

The course was really good. It gave a deep insight into the world of food and health. It was also very informative when speaking from an academic standpoint. It's a very good course.

By Erikton K

Sep 24, 2017

Excellent introduction to all things food! Good overview of nutrition from the scope of everyday eating, and very good advice on daily eating habits and the value of cooking at home.

By Douglas J N

Sep 6, 2024

This free course is outstanding and should be taken by everyone. It explains in simple terms how food affects your body and guides your eating habits to make you a healthier person.

By Helen K

Dec 18, 2022

Очень доступно, интересно, и в то же время научно обоснованно о проблемах современного питания. Главное, что показаны пути решения проблемы. И это не требует больших усилий. Спасибо