Dec 5, 2020
Foods and us have a relationship, and this course defines that relationship. Personally, this course provides positive experience for me in regards of food, meal preparation, and eating in moderation.
Jun 21, 2018
It was an amazing course that allowed for me to be much more conscious of what I was eating and pushed me to strive to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Overall, it was very entertaining and informative!
By amirhossein a
•Dec 28, 2021
A unique course full of useful and interesting information
By Ajita M
•Oct 4, 2021
This course helped me to understand a lot about nutrition.
By Karla G
•Sep 14, 2021
una manera muy sencilla y precisa de comprensión del curso
By Ismael F
•May 18, 2021
very timely topic...God bless, more power and thank you...
By Shaoli B
•Mar 30, 2021
helped me learn a lot about food and their health benefits
By Flavia C
•Aug 24, 2020
Buen trabajo, buenas clases, aprendes bastante me encanto
By Christian H
•Jul 28, 2020
Great information, didactic, easy and educational material
By Akbar A M H
•Jul 28, 2020
The complete course is excellent, I liked the week 5 most.
By Julie C
•Jul 13, 2020
This course gives me lots of knowledge about healthy food.
By Bogdan A
•Jul 5, 2020
Great introductory course. It was easy and great to watch.
By Jose M
•Jun 17, 2020
it was very helpful to me i learned a lot with this course
By Sofia
•May 13, 2020
Me encanto y me ayudo a saber datos que no tenia ni idea!!
By Doris S
•Jan 23, 2020
Awesome experience with this course. I enjoyed it so much.
By Sofia
•Jan 24, 2019
If there is master degree in same topic I will be register
By Nora C
•May 21, 2018
A very interesting and helpful course. Highly recommended.
By Eva M M
•May 2, 2018
Loved this course and would highly recommend it to others.
By Sakshi B
•Jan 14, 2018
It is good to get the information about the basics of food
By TÃmea R K
•Nov 3, 2017
It was great! I learned a lot! Thanks for the opportunity.
By Antons S
•Oct 26, 2017
Course with very full, important and necessary information
By Nanthawan A
•Aug 23, 2017
I like this course since I can use it in my everyday life.
By Ambika A
•Aug 9, 2017
A course every health conscious individual should take up.
By Jeffrey R
•Apr 20, 2017
Great way to re start my education. Learned alot. Thanks!!
By Andrea F
•Feb 11, 2017
Easy course, but informative. I recommend it to everybody.
By Iyaz A
•Jan 30, 2017
This was a very helpful primer in understanding nutrition.
By Patricia R P
•Jul 6, 2016
A great way of getting started into simple healthy eating!