May 13, 2021
Really good as an introductory guide to general human nutrition. Gives great insights on cooking, planning meals and health diet habits. It's a rather short course with actually impactful information.
Oct 7, 2021
this course changed my view on healthy eating and also instilled healthy cooking habits in me! I absolutely oved the simple , delicious and healthy recipes! definitely trying them out ! Thank you Maya
By Nivetha N
•Jun 23, 2021
By Michelle R
•Jun 18, 2021
By Leticia A d L
•Jun 1, 2021
By karla S F G
•Apr 10, 2021
By Inês L
•May 16, 2020
By Chi W Y
•Apr 9, 2019
•Nov 17, 2017
By chaitram P
•Jun 5, 2017
By sandi h
•Oct 11, 2016
By pleun
•Aug 10, 2016
By Berenice S
•Feb 12, 2016
By Galaxzy L
•Jan 27, 2016
By Jeane A
•Jan 26, 2016
By Lanese F
•Jan 18, 2016
By Christina Y
•Jul 7, 2020
this course is absolutely amazing. I love the videos, the structure of the course, and how Maya Adam explained everything so clearly and concise. I also really appreciate those interviews with Michael Pollan and I agree with what he said: "eat food, not too much, mostly plants". This course has taught me a lot in a very short amount of time. I also love how the course includes a list of recipes in week 5, these are amazing. I love cooking and I love living a healthy lifestyle. I'm absolutely going to try some of the recipes!
I think it will be better to include more examples or data from other parts of the world instead of just the U.S.. I am aware that this is a Stanford course, but since it's on Coursera and there are many people from other countries that are attending to this course, it will definitely benefit them more by providing more information regarding food and health of other countries. Also I think it might be better to level up the course a little bit. Despite it being an introduction for beginners, half of the content are actually common sense (or maybe just for me, I always pay attention to the food I eat so maybe unconsciously I already knew some knowledge about food and health). But it will be great to have a more advanced course regarding the topic.
Food and health is, I would say, the most important thing in life that people should pay attention to. However, so many people just ignore what they eat everyday and don't care about their health. There are also a lot of misunderstandings about what healthy food means and what should people eat when they are on a diet. I really want to help people around me to have a better diet and lifestyle, and hopefully one day I will be able to help more and more people that I don't know of through internet.
Thank you Maya and Coursera.
By Bart V
•Oct 23, 2017
The course is nicely presented with clear speakers. It gives a good and basic overview of what includes healthy foods and the problem with processed foods. The use of visual aids in the form of pictures, graphs and short video clips definitely works well with this kind of topic. As an introduction or reminder of good eating habits, this course does its job just fine.
However, I did expect more depth. The source material was very short and simple, and the few academic parts (such as the graphics charts and chemical bonds making up some of the nutrients) were quickly glossed over. This also led to many quiz-questions being almost trivial because the answer was pretty much impossible to get wrong. For example, there are many questions of the following kind: "Q: What is true about vegetables? A: 1.They contain a variety of healthy nutrients. 2. It's better to eat only meat. 3. Processed foods are far healthier. 4. They contain extreme amounts of calories. 5. Supplements are much more effective sources of vitamins." These kinds of questions do not add any value to the assignment in my opinion. I felt that a little more depth at least would be good (without having to go overboard), and maybe some extra scientific articles (the extra suggested material are all full books, which is a lot to plow through).
However, since I understand the course is not meant to be an 8-week academic investment but an introduction to get people interested in topics concerning food and food habits, this course does a fine job of that, and I like the enthusiasm of the speakers! And they do often provide the simple material with statistics, which is good.
By Carole A
•Apr 8, 2022
This course is basic and definitely targetted to American people. I'm French, living in the UK, married and mother of 2 young teenagers. In my house, we do eat moderately for pleasure and cook from scratch at every meal (some meals take 15min to make!) . I personnally cook meat or fish or egg once, sometimes twice a week for my family and rarely buy cured meat. I cook mainly plant based meals with the goal of eating tasty food that we all enjoy or experience. I wasn't aware that I was doing the right thing which is nice to discover. Here, most people talk about "healthy food"; I grew up in a culture we simply talk about food and what to cook, nopt wether if it's healthy or not, but our food is looking like "food" in its original form. Despite this course being quite basic, I enjoyed it as it is always good to be reminded; it also gave me a good idea at why the United-States were in an obesity crisis: I didn't expect their supermarket to sell as much convenient and processed food. I hope that the food industry will change in the future so people can become as healthy, mobile, pain free and happy as they deserve to be, without giant corporations making millions selling processed food. Healthy food is the medicine that everybody needs, not the one sold by the pharmaceutical industry.
By Beatriz E
•Apr 6, 2020
Kudos to the content itself and everything (especially the video editing) but...
It lacks something like, as a nutrition student, it needs further introduction to just food and health. I was expecting like the science behind all those nutrients, or computing the number of nutrients be needed in a single day but alas, this is a 50-50 mood to me. I knew almost half of it because it was tackled before. But it kinda sets up as a more of a "nutrition counseling" to me but without the proved studies. Lastly, I feel left out when watching these videos because it sets up to an American setting (or Western diet) so kinda disappointed I guess for an international student.
In conclusion, the whole course is just 50% home economics and self-help, 40% relation of all food and health lessons to an American scenario, and 10% science.
- More provided open discussions about the lessons because this sets up like a slice-of-life, common-sense whatsoever.
- Include problems also from international countries, not just the US set-up.
- More in-depth explanations of the nutrients and the concept of nutrition
By Tannia F
•Mar 9, 2019
Me gustaron mucho los videos y los contenidos. En general me pareció un curso bastante completo. A manera de crítica constructiva puedo decir que me sorprendió que a pesar de recomendar que la alimentación debería basarse mayormente en el consumo de vegetales y frutas, no presentaran más información ni recetas veganas. Pienso que el curso podría enriquecerse mucho con más contenidos que sustenten lo que dijeron en muchas ocasiones sobre el consumo de vegetales. Actualmente hay infinidad de fuentes de información confiable que demuestran que la mayor cantidad de enfermedades crónico degenerativas prevenibles tiene su origen en el consumo de productos de origen animal, además de los productos (que no son alimentos) procesados y el exceso de comida, como dijeron. Otra sugerencia que ayudaría a una mayor credibilidad, es contar con opiniones de otros expertos aparte de M. Pollan, pues parece como si fuera el único en la materia. Gracias :-)
By Archie
•Dec 19, 2019
This is a very good overview of very positive steps towards a healthy diet. I would recommend it to people eating the SAD diet (Standard American Diet). The only really significant shortcoming is in the recipe section. While very well produced and Maya does an excellent job in the kitchen, pretty much every recipe has large amounts of refined sugars, as well as large amounts of added fat. I've long said that I can produce a tasty meal out of sawdust if you give me a good selection of fats and sugars as well as sodium. Perhaps there should be some suggestions for alternatives such as sauteing in vegetable broths or using things such as dates (or even date sugar) for sweeteners. It was nice to see some optional reading and videos such as eating animals and Forks Over Knives included in the mix.
Overall a very good introductory course to a healthier lifestyle and eating!
By Birinder K
•Sep 15, 2017
This course was very helpful for me to realize why it is imperative to change from packaged processed food to 'real food'. Explanations and discussions are to the point, and cover the relevant topic in a manner that is not only highly informative but also interesting. Each of the videos in a module are short enough to ensure that you are not bored.
I will highly recommend all the home makers and parents - with small children, growing or grown ups - to go through this course. So many times we unintentionally end up feeding our kids with foods which are so harmful for their health. More often than not it is because we are not aware of the high risk of packaged and fast food.
This course has helped me to really rethink the food that we have at home.
Thank you.
By Liliana M B B
•Mar 21, 2022
Efectivamente es un curso de introduccion. Me hubiese gustado un enfoque mas "plant based", considerando que los lacteos son buenos para el ternero pero NO para el humano ( ademas de las toxinas como el pus),la cantidad exagerada de azucar por la lactosa y el colesterol, etc; el pollo esta cargado de hormonas y antobioticos y la carne de res... bueno tiene tantisimos problemas ademas de hormonas y antibioticos... me decepciona un poco que aun pensemos en alimentacion saludable sin considerar que esos ingredientes deben salir o moderarse significativamente... no lacteos, no carnes=nocolesterol!!! e incluirse opciones vegetales de calidad. Mas recetas con leguminosas y tofu... mas semillas como marañones y semillas de girasol!
By gen p
•Jun 26, 2023
I really wanted to give this course 5 stars. It updates me with more knowledge about nutrients and how to control obesity and diabetes. I am proud of attending this course. But regretfully, I have found that the course certificate is kind of downgrading the value of this course and its students. At the bottom of certificate, there is a statement that it does not affirm this participant was enrolled as a student at Stanford University etc. I would rather have a simple certificate from Coursera than from Stanford. What is the point of having a big letterhead of Stanford on the top of certificate as I do not even want my friends to know the course is authorized by Stanford but with this downgrade statement?
By Anne M P
•Feb 3, 2020
This course contained sensible, basic advice in an easy to follow format that makes it easy for the viewer to adopt a few or all of the suggestions in order to maintain a healthier lifestyle. I was very impressed. It is definitely geared towards a student with a novice level of knowledge about nutrition and healthy planning and eating and although I am at a more advanced level, the course was reinforcing and I did learn a couple of new facts.
Both the host, Maya, (her friendly demeanor makes me think of her by her first name), and Michael Pollan were professional and credible while maintaining my interest.
I will recommend this course to people I know.
AM Porturas
By Su J “ K
•Dec 5, 2022
It is not only helpful as a mom to be aware of my backstage healthy life but also getting to be more professionally knowledgeable for my 10 year's old son's healthy nutrition challenge as his pediatrics recommended.
I chose this way rather than the pediatrics' reference to the nutritionist which requested of paying for around $300.00. I couldn't choose the way upon my husband's Do-It-Yourself 's request.
It was tough at the beginning, but it has been working the DIY and this course was added up better ideas.
Overall, my 10 year's old son who has been in weight watch challenge is back to normal and staying on the right track!