May 13, 2021
Really good as an introductory guide to general human nutrition. Gives great insights on cooking, planning meals and health diet habits. It's a rather short course with actually impactful information.
Oct 7, 2021
this course changed my view on healthy eating and also instilled healthy cooking habits in me! I absolutely oved the simple , delicious and healthy recipes! definitely trying them out ! Thank you Maya
By Curtis R
•Aug 22, 2020
There was a lot of great tips and advice given during the course but the material is of such an introductory nature that I would not value a certificate held by an applicant for any job requiring nutrition training. I very much appreciate the first week's message, talk more about food than nutrition.
Personally, the recipes in week 5 were incredibly disappointing because all of them had animal products in them. Meat, dairy and eggs are processed foods, that some animal processed whole, plant-based foods instead of an industrial machine does not change the fact that it is processed.
Just say no to dietary cholesterol!
By Ryan C
•Apr 9, 2020
The beginning was a bit too technical/science based, for someone who didn't go beyond Grade 9 Science (and that was in 1985) but then it finished so easy. It has to be impossible for a person to not get 100% on the last two quizzes where you choose from five answers, and four are so obviously wrong.
Overall, the information provided is valid and useful, but the testing is poor.
Maya, the host, seems like a lovely lady. I found her too stiff and too perfect in everything she said and did. The man she interviewed seemed way more relaxed.
All this aside, I appreciate the opportunity to take the course. Thank you!
By KellI
•Mar 20, 2016
Good "basics" course. Great for beginners and reminders!
I was hoping for something more advanced & was a bit disappointed. I am probably more knowledgeable than most however. The statement made regarding "eating fruits & veggies regardless of whether they have pesticides or not" was a bit tough for me as I became ill in part due to pesticides and still am. I might always be. I understand eating veggies in place of other foods (i. e. - processed foods) as I eat very little meat anymore. But coming from Stanford and someone as educated as he is, that was shocking. It makes me wonder who funded this course.
By Galina T
•Dec 18, 2017
Привет русскоязычным исследователям здорового питания! Этот курс привлек меня институтом и надеждой на базовые и современные знания. Но оказалось, здесь очень мало информации (видео на 18 минут в неделю) очень поверхностный рассказ. Тесты составлены на сложном английском языке, гугл-переводчик тут не поможет, если вы не владеете языком в совершенстве - придется обращаться за помощью.
Лучше прочитать одну книгу (например "Мой очаровательный кишечник").
Надеюсь мой отзыв поможет сомневающимся, но конечно - это личное мнение. Изучить весь курс вы сможете за одни выходные.
By Stephanie H
•Jul 9, 2017
I appreciate this course, the quality of the videos, and the subject manner, however I felt that a lot of the material was drawn from an interview with Michael Pollan (why not just recommend reading his books, or seeing his wealth of documentaries on Netflix, such as "Cooked" and "In Defense of Food." I felt that this course did not offer as much scientific information about nutrition as I was hoping. Having said that, I feel like this course would be great for those struggling with their weight. There should be a link to this on diabetes and heart disease websites.
By Marta Z
•Sep 14, 2020
The course was enjoyable as such (I love hearing M. Pollan speak), but content-wise it was not something I was expecting. I think the only piece of knowledge provided is a division between protein/carbs and fats, and everything else is well, not very science based - in the sense I was expecting from Stanford. I expected to get much more actual content than fillers like eat more veggies, drink water. It seems to be directed to ppl who have absolute zero knowledge of what they should eat. No offence, I just expected to learn something.
By Leyre D d V
•May 6, 2020
El curso esta bien para marcar las bases nutricionales a personas que se alimentan de manera muy insaludable, sin embargo es bastante pobre para todas aquellas personas que se interesan por la nutrición y buscan aprender más.
Hay varios fallos en los alimentos utilizados, como mucha sal añadida a los alimentos, utlilización de Nutella en vez de una pasta de cacao realizada por uno mismo ....
Aún así he seguido el curso hasta el final y les agradezco el esfuerzo y dedicación para llevarlo a cabo!
Saludos y agradecimientos
By Ekaterina N
•Oct 19, 2020
Very simple course. Speak about very common things and teach how to cook simple dishes.
Was surprised that cooking crepes and eating them with Nutella is good. I thought that nutella is one of the product that should be avoided because it has sugar on the first place and palm oil on the second place.
Egg salad with mayonese. If mayo is a homemade, then it is ok, but buying mayo in a store is not a healthy food.
I expected more from this course. I was expecting some serious information on nutrition and food.
By Pim M
•Aug 24, 2016
Short and concise. The course strongly aims for USA residents who eat too much. If you are that person, this course is perfect. As someone from another country without health problems, there was not much here. I was hoping to learn more about food and how to optimize my diet so as to increase energy, improve mood, increase life-expectancy, and reduce chances for depression. I found nothing about that. But it's not so bad because the course took me less than 3 hours and I still picked up a few things :).
By Lim Z L
•Jun 20, 2017
This course teaches very basic knowledge about nutrition. It is good for people who have are just starting out on learning about food and nutrition. Personally I feel that the topics discussed were rather repetitive and general. Perhaps the course could have dived deeper into the topic of nutrition such as discussion of how cooking methods may affect nutritional values of food, different storage conditions for different food types and whether they have any impact on the nutritional contents etc.
By Felix B
•Jul 3, 2017
I think, it gives a good overview over food and the health implications from eating less processed food for instance. However, I think a lot of the material is too much focused on the US. In a lot of countries (especially across Asia), people do not cook at home but eat at food courts, which do not use processed food and are equally healthy than what we would cook at home. Also, being interested in this topic, I think most of the concepts were rather basic and did not go into depth too much.
By Teodora D
•Aug 14, 2022
Average. While some of the advice is good (picking less processed foods, for example), I believe that there are other things that are controversial (the course does not find anything strange in eating six times a day, does not mention common allergens, etc.). But the most shocking thing was that after talking about unprocessed or less proccessed foods the whole course, the lecturer made pancakes with NUTELLA for her kids... Ridiculous. I did not watch the other recipes after this one.
By Ian T
•Apr 21, 2021
The course provides a simple introduction to nutrition and food, for students with limited knowledge in this area I would recommend it as a reasonable place to start your learning. However for those who already have some knowledge I would be surprised if you learn anything new. I would also say that some of the claims made on this course about the benefits of a largely plant based diet over a more carnivore diet are disputed, current thinking on saturated has also moved on.
By Mark C
•May 28, 2021
Do you think veganism is not likely to be sustainable for most people? Looking for recipes for ricotta cake or egg sandwiches? This might be the course for you. The course is a mix of (a) some basic nutrition, using a mainstream perspective which does not go far enough for many of us, and (b) the more progressive views of Michael Pollan, who is interviewed on camera throughout.
You can polish it off quickly, in a matter of hours.
You might find that it leaves you hungry.
By Jort P
•Mar 20, 2023
The information is well put together for individuals trying to improve their dietary lifestyle. However, from a personal perspective, I was aware of most of the knowledge already, due to my studies and interest in diet and its effect on health. Therefore, I expected something else after reading the title and goals of the course. 3-stars, because the quality of the course is great, but it is only a certificate to my CV, nothing eye-opening.
By Chauncey S
•Jun 1, 2022
The course started off strong with some quick mentions of things like how different types of food are processed by our bodies differently, how the types of food we eat influences how fat is stored, and that sort of thing, but quickly became very basic information that one might see on any number of nutrition related YouTube channels. Overall, the information wasn't bad or anything, but I was really hoping for something a bit more in depth.
By Lara V N
•Jan 22, 2025
I genuinely enjoyed the overall presentation of the course and its materials. However, it seems as if the information shared in this course would benefit from several updates according to current research data regarding health and nutrition. I would love to see a more nuanced approach to how healthy eating can be structured, as well as updated knowledge on macro- and micronutrients, and their impact on weight loss (as well as gain).
By Cecilia F
•Apr 11, 2020
To whom it may concern,
I'm a french-spanish young person and I personally found the introduction very useful (explanation of nutritional components). However, the rest of the course was too basic. I expected to go deeper in nutrition and not so much about avoiding processed food, which i find a little obvious.
Anyway, thank you very much for the course. All this effort will surely help many people with no real-food culture at all.
By Hainuo C
•May 18, 2020
This is an interesting and informative course. After learning it, I started to be more conscious about planning my meal. The recipe and cooking video in the last session is very impressive. However, the content of the course is too basic for me, and the advice such as "eat more vegetable" and "read ingredient list" are more like a common sense thing. This course would be better to talk about deeper level content.
By Péter H
•Mar 2, 2018
This course contains very basic and simple knowledge about how we should eat. So if you have never really read about healthy lifestyle or foods, this will give you a nice, elementary school level overview - which I think is very important. I'm a person who is reading a lot of studies about eating styles, habits and foods, but I'm not a professional. For me, this course didn't really give any new knowledge.
By Ondrej Š
•Oct 25, 2016
This course provided me with some vital knowledge about health and nutrition, however, I consider it to be very short and rather shallow. The issues would require more coverage, than, with some weeks, 15 minutes for the whole week. Another issue is the tests. 50 % margin for passing the exam seems too easy. The videos have great graphics and the issues are well explained. Overaly 3/4 stars.
By Maria C
•May 23, 2016
Super interesting, but it is a very basic introduction to nutrition. Only the first or second lessons have information about nutrients and how they are different from each other. The other sections you could've gotten from a Michael Pollan book, or one of his documentaries. Nevertheless, very engaging, visually and verbally, and ideal for someone who is getting started on nutrition.
By Lu M
•Feb 18, 2020
It's a fine course. Much of it is common sense (or it should be - I'm guessing it's not for most people, especially americans). I was hoping to learn something about food security, so I'm a bit disapppointed.
Also, some of the advices are outdated, such as the ideia of eating many times during the day.
Having said that, I enjoyed the course, especially Michael Pollan's contributions.
By Adalberto C
•Aug 30, 2016
The topics discussed into this course are really interesting. The videos give some perspective at the time of taking care of our own health and eating habits.
The only problem I see, is the shortness of the course and the videos. The topics don't go beyond the surface and there is a lack of: details, examples, and comparisons between healthy diets and harmful ones.