May 13, 2021
Really good as an introductory guide to general human nutrition. Gives great insights on cooking, planning meals and health diet habits. It's a rather short course with actually impactful information.
Oct 7, 2021
this course changed my view on healthy eating and also instilled healthy cooking habits in me! I absolutely oved the simple , delicious and healthy recipes! definitely trying them out ! Thank you Maya
By Patricia S
•Nov 16, 2020
This course serves as a part of a foundation to healthier eating with practical tips on shopping,choices of foods and cooking. So because the content had these several areas,it made the course more realistic
By joseluis
•May 6, 2020
Foi um curso incrÃvel que me permitiu ser muito mais consciente do que eu estava comendo e me forçou a me esforçar para alcançar um estilo de vida mais saudável. No geral, foi muito divertido e informativo!
By Courtney D
•Oct 4, 2019
I found this course very basic and almost all of what was said was pretty obvious to me. I would say this course is more suitable to people who have absolutely no knowledge about nutrition, food and health.
By Ilona G
•Nov 1, 2020
The course itself is a really basic intro for people who have no clue what is managing diet and healty eating. It is done really well, but if you are looking for some more detailed basics it't not for you.
By Alina T
•Mar 28, 2020
As for me eastern european was not so many things new. In my country we don't have such problems. We always eats at home homecooked food. Only first 2 modules give me some new and introduction. Thanks.
By Evan C
•Aug 1, 2017
Well produced and informative, but very very basic. I thought that it would be a little more in depth and require a little more study. I think I could have passed the quizzes without watching the videos.
By Ruchika M G
•Sep 28, 2017
Loved the video sharing experience about foods and nutrition. Would be more helpful if mre case studies were added to explain the benefits and side effects of ingredients found on processed food labels.
By Daphne G
•May 5, 2016
This was a very baseline introduction and basically a summary of Pollan's books and ideology. The positive is that is was very accessible in time and presentation however provides little insight to ins
By Valeria C
•Feb 8, 2016
Interesting and well presented information. I wished the course had been more interactive and had spent more time on the chemistry of nutrition. Also the lectures and quizzes could have been longer.
By Jessica S
•Feb 26, 2021
I thought there would be more science and depth to this course. I was looking for a deeper level of knowledge, felt very basic to me. Love Michael Pollan but would have been nice to see more experts
By Kaylyn
•Jan 5, 2025
This course has very simple and easy-to-follow information if you are completely new to nutrition. However, it does not ever dive in deep enough to be that interesting or applicable in my opinion
By Roberta C
•Aug 25, 2021
This was a basic/fundamental course for beginners. Awesome topic, good content, and very useful. However I need to move on to a more advanced course in nutrition, wellness, and health.
Thank you
By Holo D
•Feb 10, 2021
Some Case studies should be included to make reader feel that Change in Food Habits can make a real difference. Doctors are too eager to put people on Metaphor (something like that)and Crestor.
By Debbie C
•Feb 19, 2016
It was well presented but a little light on, I was hoping for a bit more "meat" to it. But interesting none the less, & a fascinating insight into how few people apparently cook their own food.
By Andy N
•Feb 3, 2016
If you have some basic knowledge about food and nutrition, then this course is not the right for you. It's very basic and sometimes trivial. But the lecturer and course itself was really nice.
By Ginny F
•Apr 21, 2021
I expected there to be more detailed information about nutrition. This was a basic consumer course in how to eat "real" food. I was hoping for something that would take it to the next level.
By Sofie
•Mar 15, 2019
It's a course which covers basic. I would not recommend this to people who already are in the health and nutrition field, but to people who are new to the field. Very well explained and easy.
By Shivam S
•Feb 4, 2018
If you are wanting something more technical, this is not the course for you. The concepts are simple to follow and for the common man. Its more of a motivational documentary than a course.
By Jekaterina S
•Jan 23, 2017
Too superficial, basic and short vs my expectations. It might be because high expectations or another target audience for the course, but full course content could be fit to the first week.
By Margot
•Sep 1, 2024
Beautiful and clean cooking. I did not know it was a cooking class. I already know how to cook, and I am vegan, which none of the recipes were. I thought it was a class on health and diet.
By Jakob J
•Jun 1, 2020
Course is informational but due to it being multiple choice instead of peer graded writing one can do the entire course by guessing on the quizzes and skipping the videos in a few minutes.
By Ana M C R
•Aug 3, 2020
This is a very very basic nutrition course. I would say it is more addressed to the American public who is not used to cooking and eating at home. The recipies at the end are really nice.
By Kathleen C
•May 7, 2024
I was hoping for an opportunity to ask some questions, so this course was disappointing from that perspective. Lots of good information, but a mechanism for Q&A would have been helpful.
By Elise D
•Apr 4, 2017
This course had a lot of valuable information but in the quizzes it was only the most basic questions asked. And I would have liked more practice quizzes. Over all a good course though!
By Eleanor
•Mar 31, 2021
It was a great introductory course and awesome for any new learners. I found the topic slightly too easy but had good structure and recipes that were tasty and time efficient to make.