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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health by Stanford University

33,154 ratings

About the Course

Around the world, we find ourselves facing global epidemics of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and other predominantly diet-related diseases. To address these public health crises, we urgently need to explore innovative strategies for promoting healthful eating. There is strong evidence that global increases in the consumption of heavily processed foods, coupled with cultural shifts away from the preparation of food in the home, have contributed to high rates of preventable, chronic disease. In this course, learners will be given the information and practical skills they need to begin optimizing the way they eat. This course will shift the focus away from reductionist discussions about nutrients and move, instead, towards practical discussions about real food and the environment in which we consume it. By the end of this course, learners should have the tools they need to distinguish between foods that will support their health and those that threaten it. In addition, we will present a compelling rationale for a return to simple home cooking, an integral part of our efforts to live longer, healthier lives. View the trailer for the course here:

Top reviews


May 13, 2021

Really good as an introductory guide to general human nutrition. Gives great insights on cooking, planning meals and health diet habits. It's a rather short course with actually impactful information.


Oct 7, 2021

this course changed my view on healthy eating and also instilled healthy cooking habits in me! I absolutely oved the simple , delicious and healthy recipes! definitely trying them out ! Thank you Maya

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9276 - 9300 of 9,440 Reviews for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health

By Sylvie C

Nov 3, 2017

This is, indeed, a very basic, introductory course. There are the usual misconceptions, e.g. low-fat is good, saturated fats are bad, and the gluten-free recipe made me laugh. This is coming from someone who has been on a 100% gluten-free diet, including what I put on my skin.

If you, like me, have been doing a Paleo, Whole Food or AIP diet and know that animal fats are actually good for you, this course will be a waste of time.

By Ashu M G S

Dec 31, 2022

I don't agree with the advice that it's fine to eat some unhealthy food including animal products. Instead you should be telling people that it's best to eat no unhealthy food and maintain a vegan diet, but any improvements toward eliminating unhealthy food are good.

I don't agree with the advice on eating fish and eggs. I don't agree with showing how to cook unhealthy food like chicken. No animal products are healthy.

By Ciaran M

Jan 29, 2021

I expected the course to be based on findings from science and research; to hear from a nutritionist or a medical doctor with a background in nutrition. Instead much of the material seems to be based on the opinion of a professor of journalism, a man who believes that it is "very hard to get fat on home-cooked food." I remained to the end, and so did my disappointment.

By Edith V

Jan 11, 2019

The course is very clear, has really good information, in general everything was great until I finished the week 4, then the next day I wanted to follow with week 5 "cooking workshop" but I couldn't because the course was labeled as "finished" and now I cannot see the cooking videos, I can only see the videos for week 1 and the others are not available.

By Joris H

Apr 13, 2023

I don't really see why meat and dairy is still considered as good for your health in a diet. To have the best health I think you should consider a completely plant based diet. Meats have all kinds of antibiotics inside, the same as dairy. Also, meats are just a middle person. A cow gets big by eating plant based.


Feb 23, 2016

This is less of a university level course and more of a long infomercial for Michael Pollen books with a cooking show at the end.

There is no interviews with nutritionists or scientists. In fact, there really isn't much here in the way of science at all.

The cooking videos are fun with some good recipes.

By Rim F

Feb 24, 2025

I have completed the course and haven´t got any certificate. Then the course talked about healthy habit and food, however, M.5 presenting recipes for different food which includes mayonnaise, sugar, folie paper covering (which the studies shows it´s dangerous for human).

By Deniz Ö

Mar 27, 2017

It is a kind of introduction course as it was mentioned on course info, however it is very basic.

If there would be follow up courses about the same topic it is a good start, otherwise that is not a learning based lecture.

Thank you for your understanding.

Deniz Ozalp

By Andy C

May 4, 2020

While this is a helpful class to those learning the basics of how food affects your health, it does little to expand on the science behind these things. It seemed more like an infomercial for healthy eating than a class to understand how food affects your health.

By A

Sep 5, 2018

Aside from the recipes presented in Week 5, the course is very general and in my opinion does not teach valuable information about nutrition.

The advices that were given concerning choices in nutrition are very basic and in my opinion they are common knowledge.

By Susana C M

May 9, 2017

Weak courses, information very obvious. You don´t even need to watch the videos to pass the assignments. Maybe American lifestyle is not so healthy, but I thought it was a waste of time and money. It is indeed just an introduction. I wouldn't recommend it

By Deleted A

Jan 29, 2018

In my opinion this course not help me as a doctor to know about diet,calories,regems,the calories of each ingredient i find this information is simple and every one can recognize it i want more medical information that help me to work in nourishment

By Stanislav T

Feb 2, 2023

Good quality of videos/explanations. BUT, it's not a real course -- it's got not enough academic information, and too much of non-scientific/personal opinions (a journalist thoughts). Would definitely not entoll in this if I need a college course.

By Lisa v V

Feb 21, 2017

Useful information about nutrition, I would've loved to learn more about that. The part about home-cooking and how to reduce the health risks when cutting an onion where too superficial and unnecessary for me.

By سهام م

Aug 28, 2023

i am a poor egyption and i need this witness to support me in life

i am a poor egyption and i need this witness to support me in life

m the one who fully supports my familyi am the suppoone who fully

By Nadine E

Aug 7, 2016

This is a very basic course on food and nutrition. I would consider the majority of the content to be common sense. I would not recommend it if you already have an interest or general knowledge of nu

By Sara C

Sep 11, 2024

While a very nice course, it has very little to do with nutrition in an academic sense. It's definitely more focused on basic cooking skills and preparing food for complete beginners.

By Hussam E

Apr 18, 2021

When i subscribed for this course i thought it has more info, more scientific details and that's what i was looking for not just a general basic info & scirntificaly weak.

By Morgan L

Feb 11, 2025

It didn't teach me that much about nutrition and why I should or should'nt eat certain foods. Most of it was just recipe videos and I didnt sign up for a culinary class.

By Marina K

Sep 30, 2021

Не грамотный русский перевод. Тестовые вопросы не переводятся на русский. Странные навыки которым обучают - не покупать покупную еду а готовить дома. Вы серьезно????

By Rishav K

Jan 6, 2025

I did not learn much new this was almost known to me through YouTube videos and I almost felt like I even knew more than the instructor in the video.

By Nike K

Jun 13, 2022

It was a bit too basic with some gramatical errors.

Also, some of the content was questionable, and more literature was needed to back up statements.

By Nicole D

May 7, 2021

Hätte anspruchsvoller sein können. Mehr auch auf biochemische Prozesse, bspw. was passiert bei einer erhöhten Aufnahme von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln.

By Frederique

Jan 19, 2016

Very basic content. I am not sure that there was anything new for me in this course. I am born in France and I guess we learn this from our families.

By Jenny B

Feb 1, 2016

Really very basic, anyone with an interest in the subject is likely to know most of this already. nicely presented though, good quality videos.