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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health by Stanford University

33,166 ratings

About the Course

Around the world, we find ourselves facing global epidemics of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and other predominantly diet-related diseases. To address these public health crises, we urgently need to explore innovative strategies for promoting healthful eating. There is strong evidence that global increases in the consumption of heavily processed foods, coupled with cultural shifts away from the preparation of food in the home, have contributed to high rates of preventable, chronic disease. In this course, learners will be given the information and practical skills they need to begin optimizing the way they eat. This course will shift the focus away from reductionist discussions about nutrients and move, instead, towards practical discussions about real food and the environment in which we consume it. By the end of this course, learners should have the tools they need to distinguish between foods that will support their health and those that threaten it. In addition, we will present a compelling rationale for a return to simple home cooking, an integral part of our efforts to live longer, healthier lives. View the trailer for the course here:

Top reviews


Oct 7, 2021

this course changed my view on healthy eating and also instilled healthy cooking habits in me! I absolutely oved the simple , delicious and healthy recipes! definitely trying them out ! Thank you Maya


Dec 5, 2020

Foods and us have a relationship, and this course defines that relationship. Personally, this course provides positive experience for me in regards of food, meal preparation, and eating in moderation.

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1601 - 1625 of 9,444 Reviews for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health

By Mayra A C O

Jan 5, 2017

I really liked this course, it offers great introductory information to the subject of nutrition and encouraged me to eat healthier and care better for my health.

By Dean M

Jan 31, 2016

This was an excellent class taught by a wonderful professor. Professor Adams needs to do a follow-up to this class in the future that expands on subjects taught.

By Gulnur A

Jan 20, 2024

спасибо за курс, вначале было не очень понятно, а дальше даже привыкаешь к тем, кто рассказывает про пользу балансир питания, про вред сахара, всего по чуть-чуть

By yensolino

Dec 7, 2023

Muy curso que es fácil de entender y muy informativo para alguien como yo que no tenia ninguna noción previa sobre la alimentación saludable y hábitos saludables

By Sohail A

Nov 7, 2022

the course is very useful and teachers delivering method is awesome. I strongly recommend this course. The instructors guide like parents with kind and affection

By Maranay A

Nov 2, 2022

cumplió mi expectativa para el curso, aborda el tema hacia el análisis y la reflexión que hay entre la alimentación y la prolongación de la salud. recomendado.

By Lori M

Mar 5, 2022

This is what i needed, I was wanting help and understanding in how to eat the right way. There are so many different points of view. I really enjoyed this class.

By yeisy T M A

Nov 26, 2020

estoy muy orgullosa de poder aprender todos los sistemas de alimentación y cuidado muchas gracias por su apoyo ..y felicito la universidad por excelente material


Jul 9, 2020

Although the course time was very short, it was very useful and easy to follow. If instructors give other courses on similar topics, I'd be happy to follow them.

By Busakorn

May 17, 2020

I liked the course a lot. It gave me a good basic on what food to eat and to avoid. I’ve already started to eat better and even cooked more! Thank you very much.

By Edgar C

May 12, 2020

Excelente curso introductorio, una mezcla entre práctica y teoría, los datos, tips e información que se da tiene una gran relevancia porque incide en la realidad

By Isaac J I

Jan 17, 2020

It was really mind blowing course and easy to understand and to complete it. I would highly recommend this to anyone. I have gained lot of knowledge..

By Debra A

Jan 8, 2019

Good basic information to help lay foundations on food knowledge, history of how food became unhealthy and options for better choices for a healthier life style.

By Patricia A

Dec 27, 2023

De gran ayuda para nuestra salud, muy práctico y didáctico fácil de entender, tengo más conocimiento que me ayudarán a mejorar mi salud y de los demás. Gracias.

By Hongman T

Nov 30, 2022

I acquired a lot from the first two weeks, but the last three weeks are more common sense than professional or academic knowledge. Thank you all for the course.

By Violet L

Mar 21, 2022

thanks for this free course! it's a quick and easy course for a general understanding on the food we eat and how to choose and eat wisely for a healthier body!

By Tata M

Mar 14, 2022

Informative, pracfical course. Easily understandable for a person with no background in nutrition and also liked the advices which can be used in everyday life.

By Prabina R

Jul 6, 2020

This course has been educational and amazing. Truly loved the graphics and the entertaining host for having guided us throughout this journey. Thank you so much

By Brian A

Jul 2, 2020

A great introduction to understanding the purpose and functionality of food. It properly educates us on how to take control of our health in a practical manner.

By Katherin M L

May 12, 2020

Es muy útil y práctico, da aspectos muy puntuales sobre la alimentación saludable sin dejar de ser completo. Las ideas de receta me parecen un plus maravilloso.

By Andre J

May 4, 2020

Great course, Loved Michael Pollan's documentary on Netflix a while back, so was good to do a course where he expanded on some of his core ideas. Learned a lot.

By Juliana K

Apr 5, 2020

The course is very helpful. This course has made me make informed choices and control my diet. The course should be staged again for other people to enroll in.

By Aziza I

Jul 1, 2019

Super interesting and applicable to everyday life. I was looking for something like this for a month and finally found most of the things easily explained here.

By Ekaterina S

Sep 9, 2018

The course is very clear y very userfull. I hope it helps me to order and improve my cooking y eating habits and benefits for all my family! Thanks a lot, Maya!

By Deleted A

Jul 10, 2017

This is a very practical and basic course, it simplify concepts that we, as nutritionists, tend to complicate to our patients. Recipes are great and motivating.