Oct 4, 2023
For me as someone who has no idea or background in Digital Marketing and E-Commerce this foundation course is an eye-opening experience that teaches you what Digital Marketing and E-Commerce is about.
Nov 13, 2023
This is simply the best course, started out with barely much knowledge in digital marketing and e-commerce but I have been making consistent progress in the level of my knowledge in digital marketing.
By Mohamad A
•Oct 25, 2022
the instructor was structured & clear. As an entry level fundemantels helped be aware of marketing concepts. As a note: i personally needed more digital illustrations
By Oxana P
•Dec 11, 2024
the course is very useful but using the studying account provided in this course I see a lot of differences. it not always looks like the account that speaaker shows.
By Thembakazi N
•Nov 30, 2022
GREAT start... if you have done digital the first 2 weeks info is repetitive but otherwise the rest was all new and needed... i wish i can get more practical info now
By Willow P
•Jan 27, 2025
Overall the course and it's content were good. Some technical issues with the platform caused some inconvenience for me, but ultimately I was able to work around it.
By Muhammad S
•Dec 26, 2022
It's like literally amazes my journey and I think google needs to add more info by visualization to make simple English understanding for some difficult vocabulary.
By Chirag C
•Sep 19, 2022
This is a great course put together! Lot of new concepts learnt. It would be great if more real world brand case studies were also used to explain some topics.
•Jul 8, 2024
Got to learn a lot. The test of module 1 was really tough I guess it took me more than 12 to 15 attempts to pass but it was really amazing. Thank you Coursera.
By Bruno D
•Oct 21, 2022
Es un buen curso introductorio que da buenas bases para poder investigar después más afondo las diferentes areas existentes en el mundo del marketing digital.
By Kimberley H
•May 9, 2024
Insightful course, it may be beneficial to include more interaction with tools to add hands-on learning to the visual. Great course, thanks Google & Coursera
By Champ G
•Apr 25, 2024
Muito legal gostei muito , porem só faltou a aula na prática não dei 5 estrelas porque durante o programa é prometido a aula na prática e só teve teórica
By Roshayne C
•Oct 17, 2024
The course content is good. But it looks like I cant access my certificate until my free trial is up so that means I had to pay either way. A bit misleading
By Xaviera V F
•Jan 13, 2025
Es un curso bien completo y detallado. No lo califico con cinco estrellas solo por la dificultad del idioma. A veces las traducciones no eran muy precisas.
By tony m
•Nov 10, 2022
4 stars because on the writing prompt quiz whatever you write is considered correct even if you type it wrong besides that minuscule glitch it was amazing!
By Wenjun L
•Jun 29, 2022
It is more repeative theories than actual hard skills coures, but it is a good one if you want to have a strong digital marketing basical theory learning.
By Liliana E D
•Feb 23, 2025
Quizás sería provechoso tener ejercicios prácticos además de lo teórico, desde un principio del curso, de esa manera ayudaría fijar aún mas lo aprendido.
By Hussain A
•Feb 20, 2023
I have verified my ID many times after completing my course to get its certificate but it again asks for verification.Can you please sort this issue out?
By Deily D
•Jan 23, 2025
me gusta mucho las explicaciones amenas y bastante entendibles, pero falta arreglar muchos detalles de la traducción, a veces tergiversa el significado.
By Swe W
•Aug 19, 2023
This course is teaching mostly the basic idea of digital marketing and e-commence.
I can learn many specific terms that regarding with digital marketing.
By Johanna T
•Mar 26, 2023
I appreciated the definitions for the terms used and the explanations of what they mean. The experts explained terms and concepts well. Great Course!
•Dec 16, 2023
This course will be helpfull for every beginner in digital marketing.I have learned many things and skills,gain knowledge.That will help me in future.
By Jutarat T
•Oct 13, 2022
The course is well structured. The instructor speaks clearly. Yet, lack of concrete examples. Looking forward to deeper content in the next course.
By Francis O O
•Feb 18, 2025
The material of the course was good, and the tests in the modules were encouraging. I recommend all those interested to enroll. Thanks Francis O.O
By Ferdie D V
•Jan 29, 2025
Great start for those wanting to shift into Digital Marketing or even want to have a foundation for Marketing itself specially in the Digital age.
By adela p r
•Jan 14, 2025
Though I already knew most of the topics, the course is easy to follow and understand, so learning is easy. I loved the employment tips! Well done
By Adil I A
•Nov 17, 2022
I hope in the following course there will be more case studies and real life scenarios. Tools and work templates would be also highly appreciated.