Oct 4, 2023
For me as someone who has no idea or background in Digital Marketing and E-Commerce this foundation course is an eye-opening experience that teaches you what Digital Marketing and E-Commerce is about.
Nov 13, 2023
This is simply the best course, started out with barely much knowledge in digital marketing and e-commerce but I have been making consistent progress in the level of my knowledge in digital marketing.
By Kristen B
•Feb 7, 2024
Great but I never really received any career counseling or help finding a job other than what was included in the module. The information was helpful but I had hoped to see how to incorporate this into a resume that would be eye-catching when applying for jobs in this field.
By Mohammad J
•Oct 31, 2022
It is a good course that covers the basics and foundations as mentioned. Not anything special about it. I would recommend it before starting digital marketing, so you have a foundation whether it is basic or not. It is good and covers most of the things you should know.
By Calee P
•Jul 31, 2024
This course was a good intro to the world of Digital Marketing and E-commerce. It did help me understand concepts of marketing and how to access data. I wish they had a case study or some project in this course that could help you apply the skills you learned.
By Cydney S
•Jul 28, 2022
This has a lot of great information and I learned a lot while taking the course. I wish there were more hands-on learning and more opportunities to engage with the different subjects mentioned within the course. It was a great beginners course though!
By Aasim M D
•Jul 12, 2022
It was a good course and for me it was a referesher. But some concepts were explained in a quite complicated way. Further, I believe to do this course you must need basic knowledge of Marketing. I don't consider this course is for quite a beginner.
By Luke J
•Feb 16, 2024
The foundations course for digital marketing and e-commerce is a little basic and a lot of content will be review for anyone who has done marketing studies before. However it is good refresher and helps drive key concepts and vocab for marketing.
By Minal C
•Mar 16, 2023
great! but not deep? I found it too easy? May be I am already aware of certain things by natrually being curious and learnt a lot through observation but now I know the terminology like data pulling.. didnt even know it would be called pulling.
By G R
•May 22, 2022
Short videos and readings
Easy to understand
More engagement with learners, feedback on assignments
Remove discussion board posts- No one likes these
Less videos of people telling their stories about getting into this career field
By Priyanka G
•Jan 5, 2023
It was wonderfully explained. easy language and very detailed information to learn. Concepts were clearly explained. It would be better if you give more practical examples pertaining to each topic that are actually practiced in marketing.
By Arifa H S
•Oct 8, 2024
The course is pretty basic with a lot of emphasis on the theoretical definitions which is good for clarification and learning however, it can be improved if there were some hands-on exercises to test how these learnings are put to use.
By Digital I
•Aug 15, 2022
A lot of the information is a good overview of what's to come. Some material I didn't feel was appropriate or needed, but overall it was good. I am more into the nuts and bolts, but I know it's a good thing to be in the right mindset.
By Taye T
•Jun 20, 2022
Really well done and I wish there was a way to take this course offline. Also the Rhyme interactive portion of creating a Google Ad campaign was outdated and little tricky to navigate. Video is from 2020 and software is different now.
By Liana V
•Nov 3, 2023
Great teachers, easy to understand. Just didn't like that in every video you saying "You will learn that later". Tell once is fine but keep saying it almost in each video is annoying and time-consuming. Shorter is better. Thank you.
By Supriya A
•Sep 29, 2022
The short videos and films are very clear to understand with subtitles. Also ,the written material is easy to grasp with simple English. Regular quizzes keep us alert and awake . Over all , an easy course to understand till now.
By Dilara H
•Sep 29, 2022
Too much introductory info about the course, but overall thorough explanation of the concepts for beginners. Since I have already been working in the field, the course was too easy for me. Hoping for the next steps to be advanced.
By Tânia M
•Jun 24, 2024
Boa introdução. Aborda um pouco de todos os pontos que serão desenvolvidos nos cursos seguintes. Quiz rápida e bastante fácil acerca de conceitos abordados no módulo precedente. Poderiam ser um pouco mais desafiantes, no entanto.
By Yazmin M
•Feb 3, 2023
Thoroughly enjoyed the pace of the course and was able to plan my work accordingly. A lot of terminology and definitions but I feel it was important for laying down a solid foundation to the upcoming courses and overall program.
By Giorgia E
•May 28, 2024
I have been thoroughly impressed by the comprehensive coverage of information in this e-commerce and digital marketing program. While the content covers the basics I've previously acquired, I am still thoroughly enjoying it.
By La'Bria W
•Mar 10, 2023
I think you get great foundational knowledge. The introduction of the various types of jobs in the industry is a little long for me, but I think that's because I already have an idea of what I want. I would highly recommend.
By Erika B
•Sep 26, 2023
Great overview of important information and vocabulary in this field! Needs more engaging content to help learn information for different learning styles. Could be boring at times and wished it had more interesting content.
By Scott E
•Apr 28, 2023
Great digital marketing and e-commerce content. I would recommend to anyone interested in a marketing career. This course would also benefit anyone with a marketing background who focuses more on classical marketing themes.
By Daniella A
•Aug 28, 2023
Good course I learnt a lot, I found you can complete one week a day, I took a lot of notes so I can remember and use what I've learnt in my job applications, I'm excited to see what the rest of the course has to bring.
By Marcus B J
•Sep 23, 2022
Provides a good overview of what to expect in upcoming courses. A detail of what the course id about and how it prepares you for what's to come. Looking forward to the actual hands-on experience parts of the program.
By Oct_chi B
•Jun 3, 2023
This course has opened my mind a lot on how the digital marketing platform works, it has not only given me a skill but it has also implemented a desire in me to further study in this field to acquire more knowledge.
By Kenya N C I
•Jan 2, 2025
Me encanto, pongo 4 estrellas porque me gustaría que también comentaran plataformas los expertos en donde podamos buscar empleos relacionados o herramientas en las que podamos obtener más información o practicarlo.