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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure by Google Cloud

48,464 ratings

About the Course

Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure introduces important concepts and terminology for working with Google Cloud. Through videos and hands-on labs, this course presents and compares many of Google Cloud's computing and storage services, along with important resource and policy management tools....

Top reviews


Jan 28, 2017

Great course to introduce the specialization. It could be more robust, but it does the job and you are also provided with links for documents that will help you build on what you learn in the course.


Feb 4, 2020

This course gives good non-in-depth overview of GCP. You'll learn about most of options and tools GCP offers. Also I really liked that all labs are automated and don't suffer from peer-review issues.

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176 - 200 of 8,047 Reviews for Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure

By Domingos d J S


Nov 11, 2022

I have completed the online course of the google cloud fundamentals, therefore I hope to get my appreciation of certificate, through this course I have learn more the thing regarding to the google system and I will use those skills to promote and develop skills of the other people

By SeungHwan C


Feb 29, 2020

It will be really helpful education about Google Cloud Platform!! Although you are very beginner for Cloud, you can quickly get used to it if you follow slowly.

Next time, I'll try the other course, "Developing Applications with Google Cloud Platform"

Thanx to Google and Coursera :)

By Declan M


Jul 27, 2020

Provides a solid overview of GCP. Coursework is well laid out. Supplied PDFs (video transcript with slides) and labs are particularly useful. The breakdown from modules into components of so many minutes, along with the mobile app, makes it easy to follow the course on the go.

By Rafael d S B


Aug 10, 2020

The course is pretty good. The interactive labs allow more significant contact with the platform. Besides, the videos are informative and easy to follow and understand. I believe that the only tricky point is the time available; just one week is difficult to complete the course.

By Deleted A


Jun 11, 2020

Utterly Enjoyable. I have a huge gain with completing this First course. There is a ton of information to gain here. I will be purchasing some additional books so that i can take a deeper dive into google cloud, kubernetes, and machine learning. Thank you for all considerations.

By Shafiq A


Nov 5, 2019

Excellent course content with lot of hands-on exercises. Some topics were very tough because I am completely new to this technology. I learned a lot. Thanks, Google and Coursera for giving me the opportunity to learn new skills at the convenience of my home from the best people

By Gyanesh S


May 13, 2020

This is a brief overview of google cloud platform, and gives you a basic idea on how to use it. The videos are typically of a person speaking, with few graphs and images and lab demonstrations on a laptop. A very helpful course for beginners who want to get into google cloud.

By Jude P


Feb 16, 2023

It is a well-prepared course, offering plenty of insight into how things work in the world of IT. You have to stay on your toes to do the labs, as they aren't prepared in an abc for beginners format in all instances (but some are). It was an invigorating learning experience!

By Rohith K R


Sep 12, 2019

Literally, this is a piece of gold for all those who want to start their career in cloud and learn about cloud infrastructure and services. I recommend this course very much to students and IT professionals and developers who want to scale their apps for the global audience.

By Tejashwini V


Sep 5, 2022

Had an awesome ex[perience with the google cloud console,though some of the labs were tough to handle i learnt many new things .Thanks coursera for this beautiful and inclusive opportunity in joining our hands in this virtual environment session and ignitting our minds!!!

By Varadan A


Nov 19, 2020

Wonderful course to get acclimated with GCP cloud offerings, it’s choices and when to use what. The practicals and the quiz help reinforce the understanding. Very exciting to learn and it sets deadlines and push us to complete and in a specific timelines. Wonderful overall!

By Marco A P G


Mar 26, 2020

It is an excellent course with lots of information, but I think that it is necesary add more information about de storage, specificly related to how it works, they said it is not a file system, but then what is it? I really like to know how it works or how it is structured.

By Rohit P


Sep 5, 2019

Great introduction to navigating GCP and to actually set up resources. Can be simple if your goal is to just finish, but if you take your time seeing how things play out rather than mindlessly skipping through videos and quizzes, the whole 4-course series can be worthwhile.

By Carla A


Nov 4, 2018

Eu aprendi muito com esse curso que só fez aumentar o meu desejo de aprimorar meus conhecimentos nessa área. Muito obrigada, Google, por me permitir fazer parte desse projeto! Muito obrigada a todos os professores e toda a equipe do projeto! Parabéns pelo excelente projeto!

By Shardul A P


Oct 25, 2017

Great Cloud Platform Fundamentals Course. It is like they are holding your hands and walking you to learn the Fundamentals of Google cloud, its power and how robust and advanced it is when it comes to supporting your company's needs to transform into a cloud infrastructure.

By Nicolas P


Nov 8, 2019

Very good course for individuals who are new to the Cloud or need to link GCP service names to concepts they already know. The Qwiklabs set up is fantastic as it allows to guide the trainee through very simple scenarios to get acquainted with the Console interface and CLI.

By Adam V


Apr 25, 2019

This course provides a thorough overview of Google Cloud Platform services. The Qwiklabs learning platform allows for hands-on testing of the GCP material as you complete the videos for each module. The overview of Google's security stack is a nice added information bonus.

By Chen Z M


Jun 16, 2021

After going through the course, i realized that GCP has brought so much convenience into our lives and that it has make it simpler for me to suggest to my company to convert my current company's infrastructure into cloud services which has save us tons of time and money.

By Romualdo O N


Sep 10, 2020

Ha sido un gran privilegio poder contar con la ayuda de Google para poder estudiar parte de los sistemas que maneja y recibir gran apoyo educativo para seguir emprendiendo una carrera con mayores skills en mi vida laboral de la mano de una gran empresa como lo es Google.

By Frederic D


Nov 21, 2019

Good presentation of the course materials, good quizzes interspersed throughout the course to ensure you master the material that was taught and excellent hands-on labs helping work with the dashboard, console and other aspects of the Google Cloud Platform infrastructure.

By Brice B


Mar 1, 2020

Good initiation to GCP products, it might be useful to get some practice on products like cloud datastore, bigtable, cloud storage, cloud sql and cloud spanner. The theory is fine, but some real cases might help to understand in which situation which product is suitable.

By Shashank S


Mar 29, 2019

The course explained the fundamentals of GCP in an easy to understand way. At some places though, the GCP console was bit different than what the instructor was showing during the demo. Might need some minor updates to the videos to keep up with the changes in GCP tools.

By Stephen B


Sep 16, 2018

Evcellent introduction to the Google Cloud Platform Infrastructure. Very informative, with a wealth of additional material available. The labs are a huge practical resource for pulling the course information together and it certainly doesn't hurt that they are great fun!

By German G R


Aug 23, 2020

Excelente curso, aprendí nuevas funcionalidades y lo mejor es que se tiene el espacio para realizar las practicas, tambien tuve inconvenientes en un laboratorio, pero la asesoria es inmediata y en linea, permitiendo aprender de estos errores para no volverlos a cometer.

By McKinley W J


Feb 18, 2020

Best course I have attended in a long time. So many times too much information is crammed into the training that you can miss the main points of the training. Your courses are simple and direct, explaining the concepts in easy to understand details. Kudos to you!!!