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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure by Google Cloud

48,464 ratings

About the Course

Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure introduces important concepts and terminology for working with Google Cloud. Through videos and hands-on labs, this course presents and compares many of Google Cloud's computing and storage services, along with important resource and policy management tools....

Top reviews


Jan 28, 2017

Great course to introduce the specialization. It could be more robust, but it does the job and you are also provided with links for documents that will help you build on what you learn in the course.


Feb 4, 2020

This course gives good non-in-depth overview of GCP. You'll learn about most of options and tools GCP offers. Also I really liked that all labs are automated and don't suffer from peer-review issues.

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6351 - 6375 of 8,047 Reviews for Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure



Jun 20, 2020

It was good course with very insightful information given on google cloud platform. But I think there are some prerequisite you should know to move forward with this project.

By Petruţ I


Aug 11, 2019

Great content. Some labs tasks are not graded, so you have to rely on an honour system to finished them even after achieving max grades. Great overall hands-on and knowledge!

By Miguel G C


Dec 10, 2019

My first course here and it was very good. Just two practices crashed, but I could resolve one of them very easily. The other one took me way more time. Totally recommended

By Mohammed A W S


Nov 7, 2020

The course was very informatic and esay to learn as Google provided handson expirences for practising and get to know there Cloud Services and Thanks a lot for this course

By Michael D


Aug 17, 2020

Well conducted and I loved the professionals that hosted the videos. There were a couple of bugs in the course labs but the quality of the rest more than made up for this.

By Tommi N


Feb 14, 2020

Good base content on learning how google terminology and services are setup in the cloud. Quite a lot of repetitive content if you are already familiar with cloud concepts

By Mario W


Feb 21, 2021

It may be hard to maintain current changes in the user intrface but especially in the last parts the like region/zone choices could not keep up with the growth von Google



Feb 25, 2020

la parte práctica es muy introductoria, pero se aprende mucho de la estructura de google y su integración con otras plataformas. Espero que hayan prácticas más puntuales.

By Abhijit M


Jul 19, 2019

Understood the abstraction of core services offered by Google cloud and its basic terminologies. Good place to start your journey of learning about Google Cloud Platform.

By Timo A


Apr 7, 2020

Very insightful lab exercises even for a program management professional. Positively surprised to be able to try out GCP functions and polish very rusty hands on skills.

By Subir S


Aug 2, 2018

Some labs scripts had to be written but in the labs the instructor had just copied and pasted the scripts from another screen. Wasn't easy to do those labs in the shell.

By Diego R M


Sep 11, 2017

In the Quiz 6 , there were no information that help you to answear the Q1, that informatiosn wast anywhere in the wholw module, you have to change the video or the Quiz.

By Kate H


Jan 6, 2021

It's a really good overview of GCP however there is a lot of assumed database knowledge. Also some of the lessons are out of date being from 2019. Still worth your time

By Ian Q


Mar 2, 2019

Generally good course. Only issue was that some of the video for the Cloud Marketplace repeated the same content, which confused me until I realised it was a repeat.

By Serge L


Oct 25, 2022

Un bon survol des fonctionalités de GCP.

Dommage qu'on ne rentre pas un peu plus dans les détails dans certains LAB.

Mais j'imagine que c'est dans d'autres cours...

By Ajith A


May 1, 2022

Good course covering the fundamentals of GCP.

I prefer more complex examples of different GCP functionality which would give great hands-on experience of the features

By Craig O


Mar 2, 2022

Would be good if students were given persistent GCP portal that they could play around with and do their exercises in instead of temporary portals for each exercise.

By stephen o


Oct 8, 2019

Some of the labs need to address the wording and the order of the steps to perform the labs - or maybe the platform has changed slightly since the labs were written.

By Tristan G


Sep 16, 2019

Great course. The only issue was that the lab grading was not working and I had to redo a lab with the exact same steps 3 times to get it to register with the grader

By Sam J


Apr 29, 2021

Very informative I learnt a lot with no experience of GCP. Would be useful to give topics of what to study before taking the course if you have no prior experience.

By Maria D


Oct 27, 2018

Very good introductory session. I would like to have more labs covering all presented services, but I understand that this might be the objective of other training.



May 19, 2021

Many concepts have been presented. I would have been happier with some material that summarize the most important topics. Video support is good but not sufficient.

By Mehadi H M


Apr 19, 2020

Excellent course to gather the tons of information about Google Cloud Platform. Could be best, if all of the lab-practices are in similar version to lab-tutorials.

By Jose C


Feb 24, 2019

Tuve que repetir algunos módulos dado que aunque los hacia y me los marcaba en verde, al recargar volvían a quedar pendiente, el contenido del curso fue muy bueno.

By Yohnathan C


Sep 27, 2017

The videos can be boring and really slow. More labs should be include so you can follow the videos with your google account and review further capabilities of GCP.