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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Global Diplomacy – Diplomacy in the Modern World by University of London

5,153 ratings

About the Course

The Global Diplomacy course is a unique offering to the MOOC environment. Bringing together cutting edge research in the broad fields of Diplomatic and International Studies, award winning distance learning delivery and the instructors previous experience of delivering a successful MOOC. Please see the volume Global Diplomacy: Theories, Types and Models authored with Dr Alison Holmes, (Westview, 2016), and the Understanding Research Methods MOOC from Coursera. The Global Diplomacy MOOC has a direct heritage in the University of London International Academy/SOAS Global Diplomacy MA Programme launched in April 2013 which have attracted hundreds of students from around the world. The Global Diplomacy MA Programme is provided by the Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy which has been teaching postgraduate courses in Diplomacy for over twenty five years. After completing the 'Global Diplomacy' MOOC, learners will have: 1. The ability to demonstrate a critical understanding of the nature and development of global diplomacy, drawing on a variety of relevant contributing disciplines in the broad field of International Studies. 2. An understanding of changes in diplomatic practices and procedures and the relationship of those changes to contemporary politics. 3. A sound grounding in both theoretical and empirical approaches to debates in diplomacy so that students have been exposed to the and skills needed to analyse global diplomacy. 4. knowledge of issues in global diplomacy in historical and contemporary contexts....

Top reviews


Oct 31, 2019

Absolutely incredible course in diplomacy that gives you a perfect glimpse of understanding how diplomacy works in practice and what achievements you need to posses in order to become a good diplomat.


May 28, 2020

Great course. I had a general interest in diplomacy and wanted a little taste of what it was, this course has provided me just that. It has amazing resources to help enhance our knowledge of diplomacy

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101 - 125 of 1,466 Reviews for Global Diplomacy – Diplomacy in the Modern World

By rosemary

Jun 29, 2023

Eclectic mix of video panelists was refreshing since video unviewable and wall of transcript text includes unedited communication crutches.

Selected course readings compelling for further reading because very basic.

Subtle and no dogmatic posturing with information everyone else can get for free online now.

Helpful directed material!!

By G G

May 4, 2021

I love this course!

I would like to thank you team for giving us this opportunity

we as a learner learn a lot much about it because after all

I am preparing for the civil services examination in India and this would help me in every aspect of my life, it has flourished me to participate in a global debate over diplomacy too

thank you again !

By Arjav P

Jun 12, 2020

What I want to say first is the I loved the course style. First you are providing different personalities' views on the topic, then you provide reading, then final video. I really enjoyed the course. The purpose of gaining basic knowledge about diplomacy is successful. Thank you Prof. Simon and the whole team of SOAS, University of London.

By Annie M

Jan 28, 2021

Really great course! Highly Recommend! Gives a great starting insight into what diplomacy is, the different aspects of diplomacy, and diplomacy in todays landscape. Video's are very informative. Really enjoyed doing the weekly summaries, and giving feedback on my fellow students summaries. Learnt a lot, was very interesting and engaging.

By Eduardo R Z C

Oct 30, 2020

Es un curso con excelentes conceptos que contiene mucho valor agregado sobre todo de parte de los ponentes, creo que resulta de alta utilidad para las personas que quieren desarrollarse en el mundo de la diplomacia, ya se como carrera o fuera de ella en cualquier otro ámbito que implique negociación de intereses entre partes en dialogo

By Фань Тяньян

Aug 15, 2020

I like this course very much. Based on watching the video reading materials and commenting on homework, I feel that I have learned a lot of knowledge and learned a lot about the importance of diplomacy, diplomats and diplomatic activities. The exchanges with my classmates have benefited me a lot, thank you Professors, sincere thanks

By Muhammad A W G

Jan 16, 2017

I enjoyed my time learning in this course. But I actually have a concern: even though the materials were difficult enough for me to study (FYI: I am not a student from social science background), should not this course have been more challenging especially for them who pursued a verified certificate like me? What is your opinion?

By Mohamed Y S

May 27, 2019

I feel proud and very happy to have completed this program which has been dear to me. I wish good luck to all the friends who have followed and share this program with me. Thanks to Dr. J. Simon Rofe, the founder of this program. Thank you to all the experts who had to share their experiences to transfer their knowledge to us.

By Noor A

Jan 25, 2021

An awesomely course of global diplomacy and diplomatic proposition and international relations. How diplomacy strive not only in the traditional context but how it works in the modern globalization. There were history, articles and policies and research as reference. Great video by all the University Lecturer from the UK.

By Saikat B

Sep 5, 2020

It is very useful. The peer review method is nice. Learning materials also enough. variety of examples and speakers including the practitioners and academics. Range of knowledge and information. World class examples. Different thoughts. At the end, it would be better to get a scope of interactions. Excellent course overall

By Nimesh B O

Feb 1, 2020

This course will certainly help everyone who has aspirations to learn about Diplomacy. From the Skills of Diplomats to Diplomacy happening around the world, this course will boost not only your knowledge from a perspective but from multiple dimensions and from other peers as well. Had a great time in completing the course.

By Abdiwahab W

Aug 27, 2022

Having met professional professors with sizable exposure in your online learning platform, I discovered studying this course stimulating and inspiring. However; As I have successfully completed the it and paid $ 49, I have no longer acquired the certificate. Even did not get any further replace on while to get hold of it.

By Егерева П Г

Mar 15, 2022

I like this course a lot, as it gave me an opportunity to hear opinions fro different thinkers and to say what I think. I've found som really inresting thoughts) I would reccomend to make more practice tasks, as diplomacy it is always about practive. However, this course is wonderwul. I'm grateful that I could study it!!

By Daniel B

May 7, 2020

Excellent Course, it truly explains and gives details of the workings of Diplomacy, show what the traits of a diplomat ought to be while also outlining the success and failure of diplomacy. I’m very happy to have taken this course as I aspire to enter the political arena. This course has taught me the value of diplomacy.

By Giulia V A

Apr 16, 2020

This course was interesting and different. It is not a usual MOOCS as you can interact, you have to send in assignments, and you are reviewed by your peers - which makes everything better because we are all on the same track. I would highly recommend it, plus the information is relevant for our difficult times as well.

By Hasnain J K

Feb 10, 2020

Global Diplomacy studying through the University of London SAOS was one of my great self educating experience. I have had a full course and completed successfully. The course give me great insights and developed my rational understanding of understanding how countries operate and cooperate through this institution.

By Gloria G d R

Feb 13, 2019

This is a great course and one learns a lot on the subject of diplomacy. Would highly recommend it to anyone who wishes to know more about this fascinating subject that is of great importance in any area of our lives. No matter what you profession is, this course will be of great use for diplomacy is all around us.

By Shreyaman B

Jan 3, 2020

This is such a wonderful course. It helps you understand diplomacy in the international spheres and also how it can be used in the daily life. Really thankful of the University of London that they have put such a wonderful course online and it can reach everyone on the globe and is fairly cheap and accessible.

By Luca B F

May 6, 2022

A very interesting course. Helpful to understand what is happening in our world and how to interpret it critically. The used methodology (e-tivities and final reflection) helps to give away a pedantic approach and gives the opportunity to exchange valuable contributions and be part of a learning community.

By Huzaifa B

Nov 18, 2019

I started this course to help myself in understanding Global Diplomacy which adds into my BS education of International Relations. This course helped me in understanding some of the basic definitions, meanings, terms and experienced some great time learning with some of the best in the University of London.

By Degreat F

Jul 21, 2019

The course has very rewarding . I have really learnt very much . My initial understanding of Global Diplomacy is totally different in every aspect. Its really good for anyone who wish to embark on this field or course to really consider to study take up this course. its very enriching and builds confidence.

By Daria M

Apr 22, 2019

A nice interactive course that gives general understanding of basic concepts of diplomacy. You should not expect to get very deep and professional understanding of practical diplomacy finishing this one. For the chosen style and purpose, however, this course is very well-balanced, interesting and inspiring.

By Edmund D

Jun 4, 2022

A very interesting programme which used a combination of history, personal experience of learnt diplomats and the present international environment to develop diplomacy in the modern world. The course serves as a foundation to develop further analytic skills in the ever-changing international environment.

By Michael

Mar 1, 2021

This course is exceptional and invaluable for a beginner who is interested in becoming a diplomat or has the responsibility of speaking and communicating on an international level. The historic writings were so interesting as we see the profession of diplomacy evolving from ancient times to today.

By Maria P

Aug 28, 2020

The videos are so engaging, the community so helpful in giving feedback, and a great start and confirmation if you are considering embarking on an international law career path. Overall, I loved to learn so many things from this course, and has helped me tremendously for my law school applications.