By Hardik M
•Jun 17, 2024
By P K
•Dec 16, 2024
•Nov 12, 2024
•Nov 21, 2024
By Sruthi U
•Nov 20, 2024
By Ratapon A
•Sep 24, 2024
By Wanpen N
•Jul 30, 2024
By นายสิปปกร ม
•Jul 8, 2024
•Aug 14, 2024
instruct are very experienced and on high rank working position on google dam i feel very overwhelmed to learn from them. i enjoyed the instructors; they were fantastic. It was incredibly inspiring to learn from people in such high positions at Google. BUT its basic you will learn theory more , like video and read stuff , practical stuff is boring not engaging. and It feels like this course is more of a promotional video for Google's own AI, Gemini. It's clear they're trying to showcase its abilities, and for good reason. the course has noting to do with your job much i mean you guys know how to use chatgpt and all then no need to enrol this course , if its Free than good to go ,not worth to pay money ,instead you can focus on what's priority.
By Pelao S
•Aug 3, 2024
Como Fundamentos el curso esta muy bien estructurado, pero lo malo son los capítulos donde te indican ocupar Aplicaciones o Softwares que no son libres, para un curso formativo, es una inversión la compra solo para aprender algunos detalles. Debiera considerar una mini licencia como parte del curso, de corta duración o asociada a una cantidad definida de usos. Pero dar la opción a solo saltarse el paso. Le baja la experiencia positiva. Espero que se considere esta sugerencia-comentario.
By Elcy M C
•Sep 7, 2024
Buenas tardes, primero que todo agradecer a Colnodo y Google por esta oportunidad la cual aprendí mucho sobre Fundamentos de IA, sin embargo, como sugerencia, las actividades de ejercicios por módulo deberían ser un poco más claras, pues toma tiempo comprender los formatos, las indicaciones y los campos que se deben diligenciar. Muchas gracias!
By Valentyn H
•Dec 23, 2024
There is a lot of basic knowledge, which seemed boring to me because a big part of the material could be condensed. Five modules are too much; this course could be shortened to an article. However, I liked the part about the Google Workspace Lab that explores opportunities for using Gemini in Docs, Drive, Sheets, and other Google products.
By Victor P
•Mar 5, 2025
Convoluted for an introductory course. Less engineering-talk and more hands-on practice would make this attractive to newcomers to the world of AI. Asking to open separate platforms to do exercises makes is a hassle and makes it feel disconnected from the training. AI chat is amazing and invaluable to solidify concepts. Loved it.
•Jun 14, 2024
Most of the course content was great...I did find some of the short videos from google employees telling us how they use AI was a bit of a waste of time. The ones I found really useful to hear from, were the videos from less abled google employees and the ones that were telling us what AI is and the points to bear in mind.
By Arcy F
•May 2, 2024
Ok course for a complete Gen AI novice. I was already familiar with the tools and strategies covered in this course as most of the content shown is available online as free articles or YouTube videos so think this course would be better suited for auditing than behind a pay wall.
By Abhishek V
•Jun 10, 2024
If you guys can make something that teaches how to build your own local AI that would be great. This course was fine and was teaching how to use AI tools effectively. I already know all of them, and now I want to learn how to build those AI models.
By Maria P
•Jan 5, 2025
The course provides a good overview for newbies, but will leave those who use Chatbots in their daily lives and work unsatisfied. A bit too little information about how it is built. Great that the topic of biases was brought up.
By Mohammad A
•Sep 14, 2024
While the course did not fully meet my expectations, it did introduce some novel terminology that I found beneficial. The majority of the content regarding AI utilization and implementation, however, seemed rather intuitive
By Sung W Y
•Jan 5, 2025
Overall, it's a good casual course for introduction. Module 3 was problematic. The activity and test are terrible. It's like questions with no answers. Other modules were good, but Module 3 will take you to a maze.
By Aida F
•Feb 25, 2025
This course is worth it as the near future is going to be based on AI. But it took me 4 hours to complete 5 modules and that’s too much for working people to do after a long day at work. That was my main concern.
By Mª A C C
•Jul 4, 2024
En general bien, con contenidos reiterativos. Las indicaciones en las actividades opcionales me parecieron confusas, me tuve que tomar tiempo en estructurar que era lo que se pedía.
By Ethan
•Aug 28, 2024
An okay start to learning, but it didnt teach me much i didnt know already. I also doubt employers would care. Nevertheless, a good and interesting experience.
By Nili S
•Sep 5, 2024
Very beginner-friendly. Mostly limited to AI tools in the google suite and I was hoping to get exposure to broader landscape of AI tools in the workplace.
By Daniel P
•Feb 7, 2025
Decent information, but nothing particularly insightful or exceptional. An ok beginners course, but far too short and lacking content for the price tag.
By Tihomir V
•May 22, 2024
I found the information and the task very basic and I think this course will be suitable only for people with zero knowledge of the topic of AI.