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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Grammar and Punctuation by University of California, Irvine

19,349 ratings

About the Course

Course 1: Grammar and Punctuation Do you need to review English grammar? Have you forgotten the grammar you once studied? If so, this course is perfect for you. The first course in this specialization is a refresher on some tools needed for good writing. It will help prepare you for the other courses. You will need about 10 hours to complete this first course. Writing is a skill and to learn a skill well, you need to practice. In this course, you will watch short video lectures and then practice and discuss what you have learned. Make sure you take good notes and use the peer discussions to ask questions. Then you'll be able to remember the rules you learn in this course when you start writing essays in the next course. After completing this course, you will be able to: - identify the correct verb tenses to use - use commas effectively - utilize several different sentence types - write more effectively in English Please note that the free version of this class gives you access to all of the instructional videos and handouts. The peer feedback and quizzes are only available in the paid version....

Top reviews


Nov 5, 2020

The course was so fascinating and it deserves everybody's time and effort. I have really enjoyed it and will confidently recommend it to anyone who is looking for a course on grammar and punctuations.


Oct 6, 2016

This course had an outstanding syllabus and i have learned a lot about punctuation rules and regulations in English Language; which will excel my capabilities for my future endeavors and study plan.

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1601 - 1625 of 5,828 Reviews for Grammar and Punctuation

By Awais K M


Dec 22, 2020

The course taught me so much about sentence structuring that I previously was unaware of.

By Marisa P


Sep 9, 2020

I like the video that explains about how to write essay from basic skill to advance skill

By Muhammad S


Aug 25, 2020

I gained a lot of knowledge from this course. Thanks to the highly professional teachers.

By Vinay K


Jun 30, 2020

This is an amazing course, i will definitely recommend this to my colleagues and friends.



Jun 6, 2020

A very useful and complete course, despite being at a beginner level. It helps you a lot.

By Eun L


Jun 6, 2020

I like this course. It teaches me not only the basic grammars but also its practical use.



May 11, 2020

This is an awesome course to rectify your mistakes while framing a sentence or paragraph.

By Achal A


May 4, 2020

Simply great. Thanks for your efforts, instructor. I have learned a lot from this course.

By Tyler H


Apr 14, 2020

No water, more examples, all understandable. Thank you, teachers! It was very pleasantly!

By Sarah A


Mar 23, 2020

I recommend this course for any college student whose English is his\her second language.

By Sindy S


Mar 17, 2019

Amei o curso, será muito útil no ambiente profissional ao qual estou inserida no momento.

By Noha H


Aug 22, 2017

This course is Excellent Because through it I knew alot about Grammer and punctuation .

By vincenza


Sep 4, 2016

I love this course. The instructor explains the topics very well and it's well organized!

By Martin C


Nov 10, 2015

Great course! Easy to understand and straightforward in its presentation... Thanks a lot!

By Kenny H


Nov 5, 2021

I really enjoyed this course, which is helped me learn how to write complete sentences.



Aug 16, 2021

That was a good course, i recomend to other people who want to learn english punctuation

By Trefall M


Feb 20, 2021

This was a much needed refresher.

I never realize how much I've forgotten over the years.

By juan s p v


Jan 28, 2021

me enseño varias temas del ingles que no sabia y la dinamica es muy buena para aprender.

By Kyrie J G


Nov 13, 2020

I have learned a lot. Thank you for refreshing my learning on grammars, and adding more.

By Dyn A H


Jul 15, 2020

This course is a very good refresher for me. Thank you for the very detailed discussion.



Jun 2, 2020

In a short time, I feel like I learned a lot of important Grammar and Punctuation rules.

By cahyana


May 31, 2020

I suggest to use Chrome for opening the exercise since many students use Chrome nowadays



Apr 5, 2020

To be honest It was very basic level course. I found it very easy to complete the course

By Nandranie S


Aug 9, 2019

This course was so informative and easy to understand. One of the best grammar courses.

By Nadeem A


Apr 11, 2019

Amazing and simple explanations of grammar and punctuation along with lots of exercises.