Aug 3, 2020
The course has been challenging , yet fulfilling. Conducted in a scientific way, the course has changed the way I look at Happiness ! Thanks a lot Dr. Raj and team for making the course so engrossing!
Sep 30, 2016
I enjoyed doing this course very much. The amount of research, references included in the study material makes it credible and easy to relate to. The assignment and exercises are also very helpful.
By Avril J
•Aug 25, 2015
Well presented and interesting course, I've taken some great points from this that I hope to integrate into my day to day life.
I didn't feel there was much value in the self assessments, perhaps there are a Coursea requirement?
By Siddharth S
•Dec 22, 2015
The Course seems to be a great one and the way it has been delivered is fantastic...
Although, I know there is a lot of content to be covered to make it really impactful but I felt the duration is just a bit longer than expected.
By Dee S
•Sep 26, 2015
Because all of us owe it to ourselves to be a bit happier than we are now. I'm finding this class is allowing me to give myself permission to be happy. This is making a difference in my daily life. I laugh more often & louder.
By Teresa D S
•Nov 25, 2021
Te ayuda a pensar en las cosas minimas de todos los dias como asi tambien en las grandes decisiones que debemos tomar cada tanto.
y las pone en el mismo nivel de importancia...........guauuuuu esto debe de significar algo
By Soraia M
•Jul 4, 2020
It was a great experience taking this course. Although I believe too many videos without any text of support is not good. I would like this course to improve the quality of text/articles. Great, practice experience!
By Celina T
•Apr 30, 2017
I think it's a great effort for presenting us all this research, videos, activities, etc. but sometimes is heavy, boring, long, I think you could resume de course, so we don't loss interest. Thanks a lot anyway!
By Satya N S
•May 24, 2020
It was great learning experience. I got to know so many new things and practices to boost my happiness and spread happiness to others. Thanks Professor, ISB and Coursera to providing this great learning course.
By Rikin
•Sep 15, 2015
A welcome change....Brilliant concept in the world of technology and data crunching this course makes it so easier to detach to materialistic things and follow your heart and do what you really like....
By Jina C (
•Nov 11, 2015
This course was fun and it re-opened my eyes and mind to how happy life can be if we remove/ take control of our own mental obstacles.
I would recommend to anyone who's cup isn't full.
By Suman D
•Oct 29, 2020
I think everyone should give it a try. You will get to learn a lot about simple things in life. Even if you already know those things you will be reminded with some great insights.
By lifecoachkulveer
•Jul 9, 2020
I can see the hard work of Prof. Raj and his team. More of cognitive inputs are there please try putting more tools, tricks and techniques to be more happy. Thanks.
By Leonor C M
•Jan 24, 2018
excelente curso me gustaria que en lugar de tener subtitulos se doblara al español ya que asi se harian los ejercicios sin tener que estar leyendo las indicaciones
By Bruna D L d A S
•Jul 20, 2017
Eu gostei muito do curso. Mas confesso que achei a quantidade de videos grande, principalmente na última semana. Mas acho que todos deveriam fazer esse curso.
•Oct 24, 2023
A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment" is a fantastic course that I'm grateful to have taken. It's been a valuable investment in my personal development.
By Victoria C
•Sep 10, 2016
Es muy bueno el curso pero yo no hablo ingles y no puedo responder los cuestionarios. Aun así muchas gracias por permitirme disfrutar de los videos
By Michalakis C
•Apr 21, 2019
I have only finish the first two weeks and my impression for this course is very good. I hope that by the end I will be able to give five stars.
By Jessica V
•Jan 13, 2016
Lectures are short and engaging. Good info. Great prof! Would like a little more evidence for some of the concepts presented but overall GREAT!
By Michael L
•Jan 8, 2016
The course was great, it was really interesting and fun. But the final exam was somewhat lackluster, writing it was not even close to enjoyable
By Dr S K
•May 17, 2020
It was a very wonderful course!very exhaustively designed ………………….definitely added to my happiness in this tough times of lockdown...………….
By benard o
•Jul 28, 2017
It is absolutely worth the time and the effort and will definitely change your perspective on life one way or another. Simply brilliant!!
By Sole C
•Jan 11, 2016
Very good, practical, just to the point, with lots of quotes and evidence on studies that suppport course affirmations. Really enjoyable!
By Angel A
•May 14, 2023
Hello :)
My Name is Angel. I am actually taking the course
Non of the lecture links work. Please fix it :)
thank you very much
Angel Azcona
By Shannon W
•May 14, 2020
Great course, came at a much needed time. So happy I was able to benefit from this. I only gave 4 stars because the work is real! Lol.
By Ana N
•Apr 25, 2020
If you truly engage, it will change your life's perspective. Professor Raj is such a kind soul. Recommend very very much :)
By Anant G
•Sep 17, 2018
It is a very nice course.
It taught me several important topics and practices to follow in life towards happiness and fullfillment.