Oct 28, 2020
This course helped me to get a better understanding of the Indigenous people which in turn helped to appreciate them, their culture and their contribution to society in a more profound way. Thank you
Feb 26, 2021
Thank you for this. Beautifully presented, well rounded, I am embarrassed to think of how little I knew before, but I'm glad I do know. This course is an inspiration to dig deeper into many topics.
By D T
•Nov 8, 2020
Well done and definitely "moving and thought provoking". Tracy Bear you are truly an amazing woman. Fantastic guest speakers. As a non-Indigenous Canadian I have taken a university course many years ago when Thomas King was at the U of L. This course (plus age and maturity) has broadened, enlightened and enriched my worldview as a Canadian, as a human. I found this course because of Dan Levy (big fan since "Schitts Creek" began) and it's been a highlight of my week to follow the discussions on Youtube.
By Stefanie K
•Jul 26, 2020
Not only were the instructors delivering the content in a spectacular way, but the voice-overs of chiefs, as well as the interviews with members of the community really put the entire course together. The history being told was such an eye-opener and helped to structure my support further for the Indigenous community. The interactive paintings at the end were so beautiful and well done, and it really shows the depth of history. I will begin to educate those around me with this authentic knowledge. Thank you!
By Kim R
•Jun 3, 2017
This course was truly inspiring and eye-opening. Each and every Canadian should take this course in order to educate him or her to the complexities of Indigenous peoples' history and culture. As an educator for 30 years, I wish that I had been more knowledgeable of the struggles and history, so that I could have better taught my students. I hope that more courses such as the one you have provided will be made available, so that myself and others can further our studies. Thank you so much for this opportunity
By Christina S
•Jul 30, 2021
This was a thought provoking course, and provided a greater understanding of Canada's true history and informed me about the atrocities committed against our Indigenous Communities. I am 52 years old and had no idea about the atrocities Indigenous children and families endured at the Residential Schools. Today in 2021 it is unacceptable that Indigenous communities still do not have access to clean water, or even that racism in any form still exists. Thank you for opening my eyes to the realities that exist.
By Andrew B
•Aug 6, 2020
This course was fantastic. There were a few glitches here and there, but they were merely technical. As someone who should know more, but knew almost nothing about the history of the country where I was born and the peoples who it belongs to, I now have an entire notebook of notes. I think that this course provided an extremely in-depth overview and I cannot wait to dive deeper into these histories and complex societies. I even picked up The Indigenous Peoples of Canada Atlas collection for further reading.
By Julia K
•Nov 23, 2020
This is an opportunity to really begin to understand the history and culture of the Indigenous Peoples of Canada. The course flows well as it takes you from an overview of Indigenous worldviews, governance, social structures, the arts, and activism. The hard realities of their past and the lasting effects of colonialism are important to know and acknowledge. This course has inspired a new understanding of the people we share this land with and how we all can support one another as caretakers of this world.
By Ki C D H
•Sep 5, 2022
Great overview, as well as selection of resources for a very large body of material. There's definitely a lot more to delve into.
Self-paced learning works really well for me, and the material was very engaging. (With various methods of interaction for futher enhancement). I do think a follow up for further resources/self-guided reading for interested learners at the end of the course will help, though the citations are also a good leaping point though I have not looked too much into their accessibility.
By Stephen W
•Aug 20, 2021
An excellent course that I highly recommend. It really opened my eyes to the true history of what's now known as Canada and the destructive effects of colonialism that still are harming FIrst Peoples. I appreciated the delivery style of the course including Dr Bear and the other lecturers/guests, and gained much from the optimistic art and spirit of Leah Dorion whose paintings (and explanations of them) were the closing pieces of each module. Thank you, University of Alberta Native Studies, and Coursera.
By Jazmyn-Rae D
•Aug 5, 2020
I was raised on community and attended school in a small town just outside. I went to a French Immersion school until grade 10, until my parents let me make the decision on whether or not I will complete highschool with French under my belt. After this course, it helped me better understand my culture and what my ancestors have done to ensure I gave the tools I need to continue our battles for our rights. This course was taught at a great paste and offered great learning tools, I highly suggest enrolling.
By Jasmine T
•Jan 9, 2021
I am so glad this course is a requirement to apply for some professional programs at U of A. This course is eye-opening and especially essential for those of us living on settled land in Canada, and it's a shame more people are not exposed to this truth and reality that is not taught in the classroom. I have learned so much about Indigenous history, cultures, and perspectives, both through the course content and by researching and reading up for more information on the internet. Well done to the faculty!
By Michael A D
•Jan 5, 2021
Hello. I did my best to park my old worldview, which was shaped through decades of Eurocentric learning and misconceptions. I believe that I was helped through this excellent learning process by the fact that I have lived in highly indigenous populated locations for most of my entire life, and worked with many indigenous folks 'in the bush'. It is my intention to spread word of this course near and far, and it will come with my highest recommendation.
Well done, and May the Forest Be With You
Mike Dempsey
By Randy Y
•Oct 10, 2020
Took the course simply to be more informed about the history that lead to where things are now... and what is good to know as Canada moves toward reparations. I was a little familiar with culture/beliefs/art, but the course did a thorough job of presenting good depth in these areas. Overall, there was a lot of detail that was at times difficult to retain, but the written materials and videos are available for review for those determined to have all the information committed to memory. Thank you UofA.
By Marta P
•Oct 23, 2022
It was avery interesting course. Provide me with information that I din't know about the History of Canada and Indigenous people. All the strugles that they went during the colonization and how the goverment allways broke their promoses to them. Even with all the trauma that they live their culturel, art, music and stories continue alive to learn about them and the way that they protect the land.
I would like to know how i can have my certificate and final mark. Thank you.
By Sue B
•Mar 11, 2022
Excellent course. Provides a clear overview of history of Indigenous peoples from European contact forward. Wipes out commonly held stereotypes with fact. Gives clear context and details of impactful political events and important political realities. Outlines the devastation of the horrific experiences of generations of Indigenous families at the hands of European settler governing bodies. Provides enriching view of Indigenous culture, including arts, faith, spirituality and their interconnectedness.
By B O
•Mar 1, 2021
An important and accessible option for self-education regarding Indigenous history, experiences and issues in Canada. With the exception of some frustration with Quiz 10 (I understand from the forum they are aware of issues here), the course is extremely well put together. I would appreciate an extension of the course that focuses on more current matters, art, culture and present/future orientation. Thank you for this resource, accessible to all. I will be challenging those I know to complete it also.
By Adrienne D
•Jan 4, 2021
As an "introductory" free course, it was a fantastic way to start a journey to better understanding of Canada's Indigenous communities. It is a great opening to further reading and personal learning. The additional videos with Dan Levi created in 2020 were amazing additional resources, addressing some more current issues that fed into the module topics. I would recommend it to anyone I see, especially to colleagues in the museum field (which I am in). Great work and continue the great work. Thank you.
By Derville L
•Mar 21, 2022
Very important historical lessons learned about indigenous Canada and cultural contemporary context. It was eye-opening, fascinating and thought-provoking while providing a wealth of knowledge and historical context into how Canada came to be the country it is today. It expanded my scope of thought and understanding into Canada's indigenous people and their relations with "the settlers" from Europe and how the fur trade (buffalo) was pivotal in shaping Canada's socio-economic and political landscape.
•Jan 5, 2021
I visited Umistà in Alert Bay few years ago and I went back home with the wish to learn more about Indigenous peoples. I thank you for this really useful course because it gave me the opportunity to approach the Indigenous world and their history. Unfortunately we don't usually study it at school in Italy. but I think everyone should know it better . I'll keep on learning and reading about Indigenous Peoples in Canada and I hopefully will be able to come back and visit these wonderful places again.
By Don M
•Jul 12, 2022
This was a very informative and challenging intnroduction to a number of critical issues relating to the relstionship between Indigenous peoples and European colonizers (and colonizstion). I particularly appreciated the opportunity, ss a non-Indigenous person to reflet in a serious manner on these issues as presented from the perspective of Indigenous peoples. The University of Alberta Faculty of Nstive Studies has long been a leader in exploring these matters, asnd this course does not disappoint.
By Devon A
•Jan 3, 2021
Indigenous Canada expanded my views and allowed me to collectively understand Indigenous views, culture, residential schooling, history and opened me up to so much more. I had taken some courses about Indigenous Culture in the past but this was an excellent and in-depth course. The chats with everyone were beneficial to my learning and allowed for rich conversation from others perspectives. I highly recommend this course for anyone who is interested in learning more about being Indigenous in Canada.
By Maureen E S
•Oct 22, 2020
I live in Scotland (UK). After watching my hero Dan Levy talk about this course i decided to undertake it. During the course I have cried with the pain of the past and the mistreatment to Indigenous people. I have also learned and appreciated throughout my journey. I highly recommend this wonderful and interesting course. I have found the lecturers, videos and reading fantastic. Clear and easy to follow. I personally think everyone should undertake this course. Thank you again. Love Maureen
By Linda O
•Oct 2, 2020
Thank you for making such a valuable resource available online and free! This added so much to my knowledge of Indigenous culture, history and contemporary issues. The topics were rich and diverse with enough depth to understand historical and contemporary perspectives of Indigenous peoples. The interactive tools, community interviews and use of art really added a lot of value. I am grateful to University of Alberta for leading the way and I hope all Canadians get to take advantage of this resource.
By E L D
•Nov 26, 2021
Once I understood the format, i really appreciated the high quality of educational opportunities offered by the instructors, curriculum developers and presenters. Together with other courses offered for seniors and various readings, i hope I now am a much more informed Canadian - and therefore, a better citizen. I've recommended this course to many people and some of us might form a study group the year to learn more about what has evolved since 2015 when the course first was offered. GalaKes'la.
By Brenda K
•Aug 14, 2021
This is an excellent course for anyone interested in the origins and and experiences of the Indiginous peoples in Canada. It explains the trajectory of subjugating these peoples through successive government policies, and shows the resilience that has persevered down the generations rejecting oppression and assimilation. This is an introductory course - "Indiginous 101", if you will. it has certainly done its job of making me determined to learn more, and to suggest that others take the course.
By Luiz A G
•Jul 28, 2021
The course was superb, really amazing. The amount of information about the aboriginal people of Canada, the way they have been explored since the beggining of colonization until now was something I really had difficulty to assimilate. I want to express my acknowledgement to the resilience, wisdon, culture and strenght of the native people from Canada. At same time I want to say a huge thank to Dr. Tracy Bear and all the staff who made this course possible, as well at The University of Alberta.