Aug 8, 2021
I am impressed with the way this course was delivered in multiple ways. It took a while for me to get used to listening to stories but I am a better learner now. Every Canadian needs this teaching.
Feb 26, 2021
Thank you for this. Beautifully presented, well rounded, I am embarrassed to think of how little I knew before, but I'm glad I do know. This course is an inspiration to dig deeper into many topics.
By Joanne M O
•Sep 15, 2021
I cannot emphasize how transformative this course has been! Now, when I listen to the radio, or read APTN news, I understand, and support, the Indigenous call for reconcilliation, change and healing. This course should be taken by every person who lives in this place we call Canada.
By Catherine S
•May 12, 2021
Indigenous Canada is a humbling and insightful resource supporting the plight and resilience of Indigenous people across Canada. This course is a superb reminder of interconnectedness and a call to action to perpetually earn each other's respect. O Canada, our home and Native land.
By Peter S
•Nov 1, 2020
What an excellent course! Informative and thought-provoking week after week. Would highly recommend this course for anyone interested in getting to know Canada from a non-European perspective, and wanting to develop a more inclusive, rounded perspective on the country and its people.
By Andre L M
•Aug 22, 2020
This course should be mandatory for every person who intends to imigrate to Canada. I changed me in a deep way to see and understand how I can be an ally and support indigenous people while living in the country. You guys did an AMAZING job. I loved it!! Congratulations from Brazil.
By Jennifer M
•May 21, 2020
I found this course so informative and interesting! While I realize that one overview course can never completely touch on all the issues, I found that the basic knowledge outlined here will help me as I interact as a fellow Canadian with my Indigenous neighbors. Thank you so much!
By Amber C
•Jul 2, 2022
I was very happy with this course and he amount of information given. They started with the basics, but there was alot of information that was good as a review or new to me. I also appreciate that it isnt a bunch of white people teaching about a culture they dont know anthing about.
By Dawn T
•Aug 22, 2021
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! This was my introduction to Indigenous studies and you didn't disappoint. Offering each theme in small chunks of time made it easier to commit to and complete the course. I loved the presentations, the interviews, the art...everything. Well done.
By Sophia F
•Aug 2, 2021
This course was an informative gateway into the Indigenous history of Canada as told in an authentic and respectful manner. When I finished the course, I genuinely felt sad; as if I were leaving some friends. Thank you so much for the opportunity to learn about such rich cultures.
By dianne d
•Mar 25, 2021
This program was so well done and informative and emotionally impactful. It is a great foundation for my ongoing journey of cultural humility ,truth and reconciliation. Thanks to the faculty, artists and all who shared their stories and truths and struggles.
By christina r
•Mar 4, 2021
This course really opened my eyes! We do not learn the true history of colonialism in school, it is shocking how different the language used in this course is compared with the language in children's studies on indigenous people....for example settlers vs colonists. Very interesting
By Heather B
•Nov 15, 2020
Thank you all for this very well laid out, honest information. It has helped me to understand some of the "mysteries" that were not taught to me as a child years ago. It has opened my eyes to the deeper meaning of the indigenous people of canada and piqued my curiosity to know more.
By Kirsten B
•Oct 22, 2020
A great way to learn more about Indigenous Culture - just a peek into a world I was not taught about or knew much about. Will certainly be looking for more ways to learn more and be a supporter of indigenous culture rather than the continuation of oppression and colonial mentality.
By Cassandra P
•Oct 20, 2020
Very informative, and offers a perspective that was not given in my history classes in public school. This, in turn, gives a context to current news stories that I never had before. It is presented in an inviting way, and I thank you for creating this course and making it available.
By Theresa M
•Jul 13, 2021
This was a wonderful introductory course to Indigenous people, culture and history in Canada. It's definitely prompted me to learn more and specifically to learn about the indigenous history where I live which is Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People.
By Amy R
•Dec 6, 2020
Nicely done. I so love Indigenous art that I would have loved to see the artwork as it was being discussed. But I googled it and looked at it that way while the lesson was conducted. This is an important course and I am appreciative that you offered it free so anyone can take it .
By Lori B
•Nov 30, 2020
A very informative and illuminating course, jam-packed with history, culture and current connections. It offers a fair and balanced perspective. Thank you for offering this course for free. I hope every Canadian takes advantage of this extraordinary opportunity to learn and engage.
By Victoria M
•Nov 14, 2020
I started this with on a whim with no expectations. It has inspired me to change my own teaching practices to include more indigenous content. Thank you for educating me about so many topics that I had not considered. I enjoyed the lectures and lecturers. The art was fantastic too.
By Kelly K
•Sep 9, 2020
This course taught me so much about the Indigenous People of Canada! It helped me understand many topics that I was unfamiliar with and opened my eyes to the real history of Canada. I highly recommend that all Canadians should take this course to really learn how Canada came to be.
By stefan c
•May 30, 2020
Loved the course. The course has given me a very different perspective on who the indigenous people of Canada are and how they where ignored when settlers came to their lands. Very eye opening. Loved the art work by Leah Dorion, it beautifully complimented the lessons. Well done!!
By Tammy G
•Apr 11, 2018
This is one of the best courses I have ever attended. It was so well researched, designed and constructed that I have recommended it to everyone I know. should be a mandatory course for all Canadians - settlers, new immigrants and indigenous - everyone can learn from this course.
By Fabiola F
•Jan 18, 2022
Un cours très riche en information, avec une structure claire et une présentation qui facilite la compréhension et l'apprentissage. En présentant l'histoire telle que vécue et racontée par les peuples autochtones eux-mêmes, ce cours suscite un nouveau regard sur bien des réalités.
By Christopher S
•Oct 25, 2021
This course provided an excellent introduction to the Indigenous history and culture within Canada. It has certainly opened my eyes to many assumptions that I had previously, and made me curious to learn more about the Indigenous challenges that need to be resolved in the future.
By Bryan K
•Sep 26, 2021
Having dealt with many communities throughout my career I thought I knew a great deal about indigenous history. However, I learned so much through the insightful videos and readings. Great course for anyone who wants to know more about the history or indigenous peoples in Canada.