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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Indigenous Canada by University of Alberta

23,005 ratings

About the Course

Indigenous Canada is a 12-lesson Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from the Faculty of Native Studies that explores the different histories and contemporary perspectives of Indigenous peoples living in Canada. From an Indigenous perspective, this course explores complex experiences Indigenous peoples face today from a historical and critical perspective highlighting national and local Indigenous-settler relations. Topics for the 12 lessons include the fur trade and other exchange relationships, land claims and environmental impacts, legal systems and rights, political conflicts and alliances, Indigenous political activism, and contemporary Indigenous life, art and its expressions....

Top reviews


Aug 8, 2021

I am impressed with the way this course was delivered in multiple ways. It took a while for me to get used to listening to stories but I am a better learner now. Every Canadian needs this teaching.


Feb 26, 2021

Thank you for this. Beautifully presented, well rounded, I am embarrassed to think of how little I knew before, but I'm glad I do know. This course is an inspiration to dig deeper into many topics.

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576 - 600 of 7,900 Reviews for Indigenous Canada

By Nashira D


Aug 13, 2017

I thoroughly enjoyed this course and feel that I have started to learn much about Indigenous history, culture, and political concerns in Canada because of it. I especially loved the inclusion of Leah Dorion's art and commentary. For future iterations of this course, I would appreciate a more careful proofreading of the course notes and quizzes to eliminate typos and occasional inconsistencies. Also, including a separate long list compilation of Indigenous writers, artists, musicians, and their works would further enhance this fantastic learning experience. Thank you!

By Patricia B


Jun 19, 2022

I really appreciated and enjoyed the course, it's methodology of introducing and explaining key pieces of knowledge. I feel this is a gateway course to extend to further learning and am interesting in knowing more. The topics were brought forward in a safe way to help open my mind to topics that I had little opportunity to learn about in my original school career, that I realize are part of course structures now.

Bravo to all the hard work that went into creating this course! I loved it and recommend it regularly to those who have not yet taken it.

Patricia Bolen

By Michael P


Oct 26, 2020

Overall I really enjoyed this course and will be looking for additional content to continue learning and understanding this important history of my country. Good job to those that put this together and thank you UofA for making it available online and at no cost to participate. Should I ever be asked by those who create/manage learning content for Canadian elementary & highschool children I will advise them that this should be part of the history delivered to our kids. We are making a huge mistake by now getting this information out. Warm regards, Michael Phillips

By James M


Jun 8, 2021

This was an excellent overview and introduction to history from an indigenous perspective. It not only met my expectations as far as engaging with new content but, for me, there was an unexpected component to my experience - learning how to recognize some of the effects of the long-standing indoctrination through settler culture, European educational systems and religious affiliation. This was accomplished in positive, respectful, gentle ways while still getting the point across. As the presenters noted, this is a high-level quick review but it was very effective.

By Rusty I


Jul 22, 2021

My 15-year old daughter and I did this course together and both found it fascinating and heartrending. This is the best course I have taken - including 2 degrees and a lifetime of school and business courses on a huge range of subjects. I have learned so much about a culture I only had glimses of. It also made me, as an Anglo-German-French European, ashamed of the legacy of colonialism and the genocideof the peoples who are the original inhabitants of this beautiful part of the world. Thank you so much to Dr Bear and colleagues for making this available as a MOOC.

By Amber-Rose W


Oct 5, 2020

This course was incredible and very informative. Throughout my entire life, I have been learning about the history of Canada through a settler-bias lense. This course was eye-opening and enlightening. I believe it's important that we as settlers are given this Indigenous perspective, so that we may be able to stop the colonization practices that still are in effect today. I highly recommend this course to everyone who's ever sat through a Canadian curriculum-based history class, you will learn more in these 12 weeks than you did in the 12 years you were in school.

By Timothy W


Oct 23, 2021

Understanding that this is only the tip of the iceberg of complex Indigenous issues in Canada, it still gives a broad overview of past and present. Through the course you will gain a greater respect for the different nations, and how historical events have shaped current affairs. The course walks through legal settings, geography, residential schooling, current issues, the arts, women's rights, and environmental activism. You will gain greater sense of empathy for Indigenous populations in Canada, and even generally for all Native populations around the world.

By Joanne H


Dec 3, 2020

Excellent course. Very factual, interesting and straight forward course about the rich cultural fabric of values and teachings of Indigenous Peoples of Canada, which does not shy away from the issues historically and currently faced caused by colonialization. It will leave the student with a better understanding of the differences between the various complex relationships and viewpoints of the Indigenous & Settlor groups within Canada and hopefully lay some ground work on how we, the average person of colonial ancestry, can hope to respectfully over come them.

By Tatiana M C


Feb 25, 2024

As a social services work student who is an immigrant to Canada, I consider that colonization has also had a huge impact on our nation. I identified with some of the circumstances that indigenous people in Canada have gone through. This course gives me a completely different and deeper perspective about the indigenous people, I recognize their struggle, their importance and I admire their resilience. I consider that this course is a very complete course that allows more people to learn in depth about the history and importance of the indigenous people in Canada.

By Dr. R P R


Sep 15, 2021

The course share in-depth knowledge on Indigenous history, culture, and emphasis the real need for a true reconciliation efforts. The course is well organized with a great flow of information with talks, interviews, view points, and art forms.

I believe an inclusion of images of real art forms of indigenous collections, images from history, and pictograms of the events will add more effective and interestingly perceivable.

I thank University of Alberta and the team who worked for this course for this wonderful collection of lectures. videos and information drafts.

By Krystal Z


Aug 3, 2021

This was a very interesting and enlightening course. It really provided a ton of information that is NOT KNOWN and was NOT taught in school. I think this course should be taught to all children in school. It is a very important part of Canada's history and it saddens me that we treated the Indigenous peoples this way and continue to treat Indigenous peoples in non-respectful ways. There are many parts that are disturbing but I feel this must be told. I am Metis. This was a great course and I am glad I took it. Thank you for providing this information to me.

By Sophie C


Oct 26, 2020

I learnt so much from this course, valuable, historical information regarding the Indigenous People's of Canada which really made me question many things. This course was very thought provoking, inspiring, tragic, and yet hopeful all at the same time. The negative effects of Colonialism were astonishing and rippling through decades of injustice, persecution, intolerance and a lack of respect and understanding, particularly to women, made me hold my breathe at times and also made me very angry. I think everyone in Canada would benefit from this course. Thank you.

By Cynthia K


Jul 28, 2023

As someone who is non-status (primarily European) and in an interracial marriage (someone who is full and carries a status card), it's important for me to educate myself so that I am aware of what my ancestors went through (which caused my family to lose our Indigenous connections) as well as what my husband's family went through and still goes through (Residential School, stereotyping, racism, prejudice, etc.). All of the learning I do helps me to be a better ally, wife, and human being. Thank you to the University of Alberta for offering this kind of course.

By Andrea S


Jan 16, 2022

Excellent course! I really enjoyed the different ways in which the material was presented. The interviews were engaging and informative. Leah Dorion's artwork is amazing. Through her paintings she encapsulated the course topics in such a creative and meaningful way. During the course, I found myself doing further research on several of the topics. I am ashamed of how little I knew of indigenous history and culture . Thank you for making this course available to everyone. I am looking forward to continuing my education on Indigenous history and culture.

By Sally


Nov 5, 2022

Great content, approach to the topic (which is huge), and breakdown by sub-topic. I knew much of the history on a general basis (from my daughter's junior high geography & history classes - so glad they teach this in schools now). But what I knew almost nothing of is the indigenous cultural evolution and the impact of colonialism on culture - not only land and economics, but social rights, family development, opportunity, and continuing challenges for indigenous peoples. Also, thank you for working hard to provide an objective perspective of the challenges.

By Charlene P


Jan 5, 2021

Excellent. The readings following the videos reinforced the information. I particularly enjoyed Leah Dorion’s artistic interpretation at the end of each module. Excellent presenters. Additional interviews were helpful. The information is very clearly presented.

I really enjoyed this introduction to a very complex subject. My alma mater is U of A, and my hometown is Edmonton. My great-grandmother, and grandmother are Métis from Fort Vermilion area. Atigameg and Joussard played a role in my childhood. Thank you, Dr. Tracy.Bear, et al, for bringing this to me.

By Kelley T


Sep 20, 2020

I have told everyone I can about this course!! I cannot fully express how moved and grateful I am for everyone who has been a part of bringing this course to life. It is engaging, insightful, grounding, and sobering...all while being communicated from a space of deep and authentic truth in a way that doesn't shame or harm those of us that need to learn, live, and truly witness the reality of our history. Thank you so much for this work you have all done. It has shifted so much within me and in how I see and experience the world. With deep gratitude, Kelley.

By Emily F


Nov 8, 2021

I have 3 degrees in social work and there was still so much I DID NOT know! This course is amazing. Society focuses too much on JUST the tragedy and loss, and fails to educate the public about all the strength, knowledge, and intelligence Indigenous peoples of Canada have. This course covers everything. Pre-colonization, relationships with Europeans before colonization, and everything up until now... a great balance of the history of genocide, as well as capturing all the ways these cultures have survived and thrived in the most challenging circumstances.

By Ann B


Jul 22, 2021

I thought this course was well organized and very informative. Although I've taken Indigenous studies courses previously there were many aspects I hadn't learned through them. My heart breaks when I learn about the Indigenous people's connection and respect for the land as the world witnesses the results of so much destruction caused by the colonial belief of commerce over nature. I truly hope we will all come to respect the natural world before its far to late. I will continue my journey to learn about and support indigenouse communities. Thank you.

By Eva Q


Aug 2, 2020

This is a wonderful course. Wish I learned this in school. The history of Canada and how it was colonized is well administered. Good descriptions and examples. Beautiful art work. I was introduced to so many wonderful indigenous artist and activist that I can now follow on twitter, Instagram and Facebook. As beautifully displayed our history is, it is also very difficult and disheartening. This happened a century ago and yet even today, the struggle continues. I have a better vision of Canada and I have a open heart to our indigenous population. Thank you

By Marina W


Sep 24, 2021

This was an excellent program and I will highly recommend it to others. It's very user friendly, and was designed with a diverse group of students in mind. The videos are excellent and interactive, and the reading material is well organized. The content is very important, and all Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians should have this understanding of our history. To the program facilitators and University - I greatly appreciate this course being available to the public and without cost, bless you and thank you for the important work that you're doing.

By Richard R


Sep 1, 2020

This is an excellent review of indigenous culture, history, and political and social issues. For someone not well versed in this subject matter in spite of relatively advanced age, it has been the source of considerable sober reflection. My default impressions and conceptions have been challenged throughout the course and I now see the need for more personal study to further revise my previously defective non-indigenous perspective. If there is one message that I take away, it is that it is never too late to learn a new understanding of other people.

By farzana r


Feb 20, 2023

It was a great experience for me to complete this course. I really learn not only about Canada but also about colonialism. In Pakistan we have a very little material regarding colonialism but through this my views clear. Basic information, treaties, their culture and conversions into modern life is very important for me.

Overall it was a good course but sometimes quiz were very tricky and time consuming. This was my first online course and being a teacher it was help full for me. Thanks to start a good course and many thanks for all your contributions.

By Jocelyne L


Oct 6, 2020

This course was a great foundation for continuing study of indigenous history. I thought that I had some background but find that I have an awful lot to learn.

The class material was well organized covering the main areas. Professor Bear delivered the lectures in a most compelling fashion. This content along with the Sunday discussions provide a fantastic taking off point for further study. I do believe that we all have a duty to learn what the arrival of the settlers has meant to the lives and loss of lives of indigenous people.

Loved the art content.

By Pam C


Nov 11, 2020

I not only learned a lot, but thoroughly enjoyed this course. The variety of topics, and lectures which included interviews and conversations created a welcoming atmosphere while still addressing difficult topics and unsettling truths. I also enjoyed the post-course conversations each week with Tracy, her team, and Dan. Thanks to everyone for offering this at no cost and I hope more Canadians enroll. With funding at U. of A. having the same struggles as all Universities right now, I also hope these impactful programs are not part of any cutbacks.