Aug 8, 2021
I am impressed with the way this course was delivered in multiple ways. It took a while for me to get used to listening to stories but I am a better learner now. Every Canadian needs this teaching.
Feb 26, 2021
Thank you for this. Beautifully presented, well rounded, I am embarrassed to think of how little I knew before, but I'm glad I do know. This course is an inspiration to dig deeper into many topics.
By Jerry Y
•Sep 6, 2022
This course is very insightful on the Indigenous culture, in which I've learned a lot from it! I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about First Nation. However, I would caveat that I find the questions in the quiz at times to be difficult to understand what it is asking. Also, there were a few questions that felt like it was a continuation of the previous question, which felt a bit incomplete if you were reading the question on its own.
By Mark F
•Feb 8, 2021
Thank you for the opportunity to take this course. It is very important for all of us. While the content was excellent the style of delilvery could be made more dynamic and have less of a "read my notes" feel! As a settler, I had hoped the information would be communicated in a more indigenous style rather than the traditional settler lecture style! That's a lot more work I know. The stories, interviews and artist commentary were a lovely asset to the course.
By john e
•Dec 12, 2021
The information was well presented and extremely informative. I loved that is was done from the Indigenous perspective which was not what I was taught in public school. My only dislike was how some of the questions were worded. They seemed design to trick you. Even though I felt I had a good understanding of the subject matter the wording of the question occasionally had me marking an incorrect answer. Better or clearer wording would have been appreciated.
By Bill M
•Sep 29, 2021
I learned much in this course - starting with all the familiar dates of the major historical events - remembering them as they were taught when i was in school from the "European" perspective. The lectures were very well done. The only suggestion I would offer is that some of the course notes had missing words - a minor point, but it would make the notes easier to read if they were cleaned up. Many thanks for making this excellent course available on-line!
By Angeli C N
•Sep 8, 2020
This course provided perspectives that make me consider what it means to be Indigenous and a settler. It also helped me better understand the socio-political and economic issues in post-colonial Canada faced by Indigenous people with Treaty Rights and the Crown.
This course also brought into focus the place of activism, art and cultural revival and the importance of community in a changing landscape with rapid urbanization and what it means for the future.
By Jacki W
•Jun 3, 2022
infromation was thorough and interesting, but delivery could have been more dynamic. I found the videos somewhat uniform and monotonous- but great insights into Canadian history and our shamful past. I learned a lot and plan to continue my learning. I really liked how the course ended- with positive statements about indigenous activism, global support and international recognition for indigenous peiples. I love the section on the art work. Thank you
By Joyce F
•Feb 3, 2021
I enjoyed taking the course, there were some errors in how the questions were worded making some quizzes more challenging to complete. The content had a good balance and overview allowing for reflection and introspection. I loved the use of the artwork as it added visual stimulation and represented the people in a different way than reading and listening to the presenters. Thank you for putting this together, I have recommended it to a number of people.
By François L
•Dec 21, 2021
Covers a wide range of topics, art and issues very much relevant today. From my perspective as a descendent of (mostly) French settlers, i feel the contents of this course should be given more space in all canadian history classes, no matter the age or level. Some of the quizzes seemed too short to fully encompass the notions viewed in each module, with a few questions somewhat ambiguous, but the sheer wealth of information is fascinating and crucial.
By Erin M
•Jan 12, 2021
It's been over 20 years since I took an Indigenous course at the university level. When I graduated the RCAP report was just submitted & residential schools were just beginning being acknowledged in courses. I have worked with Indigenous Nations and wanted to reconnect with their history. I truly enjoyed this course - the knowledge and it's ability to make me think. It encouraged me to share with loved ones and a desire to go beyond this course.
By Shelley c
•Dec 28, 2020
As a non-canadian, this course was very informative and I learned a lot about the complex history of indigenous peoples in Canada, as well as the present. The course is a few years old now, and I'd love to see them add something from current events, especially in relation to all the new pipelines. The other thing is that the wording of the quiz questions is, at times, a bit confusing, so you need to read them carefully. All in all, I learned a TON!
By Janet W
•Dec 6, 2020
I live in an area surrounded by reserve lands and was interested to learn about how reserves are able to acquire additional land which may, or may not, be added to the reserve land. I was also interested being made aware of indigenous people have rights to moderate living from hunting, and fishing as well as the issue of Canada adopting Undrip.
These are issues in both local and National newspapers right now and I am reading them with interest.
By Ilya Z
•Nov 21, 2020
This course is definitely an eye-opener. However, there are some things that were missed.
First, it would be nice to briefly tell the story of how aboriginal peoples got to North America and three waves of migration. Also, a short review of the main language families would help many of the listeners.
Second, in part 12 when modern aboriginal artists are discussed, having no illustrations of their works is a big surprise.
Anyway, good course. Thanks.
By Troy D
•Feb 2, 2021
The course itself is very informative and there is plenty to learn for anyone who hasn't done native studies. The content is well thought out and generally presented very well. The production does need some editing as the background music during talking is very distracting and the interview with Rueben Quinn doesn't really work. Also it would be good if there was a pop-up when questions aren't answered on a quiz before they submit for final grade
By Susan F
•Jun 7, 2017
This was a great course that covered a wide variety of issues facing Indigenous people in Canada. They drew in many different presenters with varied backgrounds and incorporated interactive art pieces that were explained by the artist. An improvement might be to include hyperlinks in the notes to related resources, especially in the final lesson on art. This course has fundamentally changed how I view Canada and Indigenous people. Thank you.
By Julie K
•Dec 19, 2020
I very much enjoyed this course and will use it as a jumping off point for more learning related to Indigenous history and perspective. I suggest for future versions of this course, to include recommended additional readings for each weekly topic for those looking to dive deeper. I found myself wanting to learn more and researching on my own. I suspect the Faculty has some great readings to point students to. Thanks very much for this course!
By Jérémy T
•Sep 8, 2021
Excellent course overall! This course is a solid base from which to further my own knowledge and understanding of historical and contemporary Indigenous issues. My only suggestion for improvement would be to edit some quiz questions so that there is only one correct answer per question. I found myself frustrated at times when I got a question wrong even though, for some questions, two options were clearly correct based on the course content.
By Lana S
•Oct 25, 2022
I really enjoyed this course. Understanding the First Nations perspective and learning specific areas of inadequacies in our history and relationships is important for all Canadians. I hope this helps bridge the gap in understanding between our people.
I loved the portrates of the presenters and those people being highlighted. It would be nice to have links to more info or to the art of the individuals discussed in the last lesson.
By Lorena K H
•Dec 12, 2021
A good survey course. The emphasis on Metis and Plains is understndlable, since it is Alberta-based..This terribly essential information should be essential for every Canadian. It desperately needs upgrading, in the last few sections.To integrate materials, I thought more time should be allowed than the esimates given. And, lastly, please do not let some modules fall into the trap of creating reverse racism (however justified that may be)
By Diane F
•Jan 15, 2021
On occasion the questions were not quite well timed with the course materials, particularly the question on Idle No More. I also think that adding further visuals to the videos would be helpful and informative. While the lecturers are excellent, this format could more closely follow an in-class format where images accompany oral lecture content. In Week 12 a number of artists are named, but for most we did not see images of their works.
By Anna L
•Aug 22, 2020
Content was really great! My only complaint were the quizzes. I took a couple twice and some correct answers were counted as wrong. It doesn't change my takeaway that the course itself was really good and made me want to learn more in different Indigenous studies classes going forward. It obviously can't cover everything in depth but definitely helps to fill in holes where most provincial primary and secondary education curriculums fail.
By Diana T
•Aug 10, 2020
I would actually give this course a 4.5 but couldn't figure out how to do that. It was an excellent overview and I learned a great deal. I especially enjoyed the inclusion of Linda's paintings and her discussion of them.
My only criticism is the Forums - I found it difficult to find meaningful discussions. I am sure they were there, but there were many negative, show-off, posturing type comments that made it frustrating to wade through.
By Pete G
•Sep 7, 2020
As a recent immigrant of Canada, I felt it was a duty of mine to learn about the indigenous history of my new home. I learned a lot during this course and I appreciate the amount of hours and effort that has gone into creating this course that is available for free. One bit of feedback for me personally was that I found it quite hard to concentrate at times due to it being done in the style of a lecture. Anyway, big thanks to the team.
By Stephanie P
•Jun 29, 2020
I enjoyed this course and also learned a lot of new things about different groups and different aspect of Indigenous culture, life and history. The videos were great and made the course accessible, it helped me work at my own pace as well as stay engaged. It is a great starting point, and I would love to continue learning more in depth on this subject from the faculty of UofA if additional courses will be made available in the future.
By Scott D
•Jan 8, 2022
Honest presentation of matters related to being Indigenous in Canada today. It should be obvious to all students that this course just scratches the surface. Some of the coverage related to resource extraction requires more definition or detail, in my view. Topics such as this can be difficult viewing but the material is presented in such a way as to allow the student to proceed without so much discomfort that they abandon the course.
By Charmaine T
•Feb 18, 2021
A great overview of Indigenous peoples in Canada. The history of decolonization and its continued impact on everyone today is a stark reminder that the work required is still ongoing. However, the resilience and determination of each group will not be shortchanged or pushed aside. The drive to reclaim and let their voices be heard continues to grow and thrive and even amongst challenges, the truth still remains and always will remain.