Aug 8, 2021
I am impressed with the way this course was delivered in multiple ways. It took a while for me to get used to listening to stories but I am a better learner now. Every Canadian needs this teaching.
Feb 26, 2021
Thank you for this. Beautifully presented, well rounded, I am embarrassed to think of how little I knew before, but I'm glad I do know. This course is an inspiration to dig deeper into many topics.
By Darren S
•Sep 1, 2021
I really appreciate the content and that so many people are taking this course as a "primer". It will make it much easier to discuss reconciliation, reparations and what future we want in Canada when more of us have a shared understanding. More visuals would enhance the course, especially when speaking of indigenous art. Also, I loved Leah Dorion's explanations of her work!
By Josie O
•Aug 11, 2021
This course was a very good way for me to review, update and challenge my own knowledge and understanding of Indigenous history in Canada. The format was very accessible. I especially benefitted from the later modules that focused on the more recent time period that highlighted what the very diverse Indigeous groups of Canada have evolved, linking the past to the present.
By Vikki V O
•Nov 22, 2020
I am grateful that I heard about this course (thank you Eugene Levy) and that it was offered without cost. I think it is so important to learn about Canada from the Indigenous perspective and how colonialism still impacts all of our lives. I would love to learn more about the road to reconciliation and how we can all live together in harmony like the original wampum belt.
By Greg S
•Dec 12, 2020
as a Caucasian male in his late 40' s it was humbling to learn and experience First Nations history, struggles and culture. Although I have been raised to respect all people regardless of race, creed, sex and culture , this course has given me insight and knowledge on how to better interact and accept First Nations culture and their past and future contributions to Canada
By Jamie O
•Nov 25, 2020
This course was informative, well thought out and I learned so much, I appreciated all the extra material that I can take to read more of and further my knowledge and help to be an ally to the indigenous community by spreading the knowledge I have learned. There was many things I was unaware of.
I appreciate this course, and hope there will be more like this in the future.
By Britney b
•Mar 11, 2021
I wish that this was a mandatory course for all Canadians. There is so much detailed information that I was unaware of and I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to learn. Thank you for making this course available and low cost/free. I appreciate the hard work that was put into these materials, I will definitely be recommending this course to my friends and family.
By Joan N
•Dec 17, 2020
Very informative course that I am pleased to have been offered free. I learned A LOT! Format was good. Very happy that you included notes to review during each lecture prior to test. I am 67 yrs and don’t know school curriculums today but should be part of every Canadian child’s learning. Thank you.
4 stars because some very big issues compressed
By Heidi G
•Jul 7, 2021
Some of the language used in the exams were difficult for someone with a learning disability. There were a couple of Modules that messed me up on the exams because I didn't know what the question was asking. Some of the questions I had to google definitions as they were in the material from the module. I really enjoyed Module 9. The information was new and interesting.
By Rabbit R
•Sep 7, 2021
I learned so so much and really appreciated the many perspectives and first-hand stories presented. I found it difficult to reckon with the complete absence of Black people and Black stories, especially as we considered topics of racialization and politicization. It feels like an incomplete telling to ignore afro-indigenous folks and their stories and contributions.
By Patricia H
•Feb 20, 2021
i loved the course! I would have enjoyed seeing more examples of the art discussed in the 12th module, but I will follow up for interest sake on my own. My only complaint is some of the wording on quizzes was confusing. I am a Metis descendant and feel I have scratched the surface and now want to learn more about my ancestory. Thank you for offering this course!
By Janet C
•Aug 22, 2020
Good place to start with an understanding of Indigenous in Canada. There is more to know to address current concerns around racism, culture, and why Indigenous need better living conditions, and access to their own lands and resources to living in the city. An explanation for non-Indigenous to know how monies are distributed to bands\reserves needs to be included.
By Lynn R
•Jul 23, 2021
Once I started the course, I became so immersed in it. I can't begin to describe how much I didn't know and learned. I feel much better equipped to have informed discussions. The course is very well laid out and presented. There were some modules that were tragic and difficult to hear but so necessary to portray. Thank you for this work, and opening my eyes.
By Jane M
•Oct 26, 2020
The content was educational at an introductory level. I’d recommend it for that reason. Unfortunately the subtitles and the notes must have been created through speech recognition technology and were absolutely full of errors - some minor and some substantial. This really detracted from the quality of the course. The University of Alberta should be embarrassed!
By Linda C
•Nov 28, 2017
I thought the information presented was great, but could have used more visuals, especially in the art section. It's hard to imagine the work of Alex Janvier if you've never seen it before (like in the Alberta Biennale!). And there was no music either. As a visual artist, I thought this section could have used many more examples, even if they were shorter ones.
By Julia l
•Jun 7, 2022
great information
feel i have a better understanding of colonialism and the devastating effects of harmful assimilation techniques
sometimes the test questions didnt feel like they genuinely tested my knowledge , as some seemed simple and others with twisted wording seemed unecessarily complex
i would like to learn more about this important topic
By Petra N
•Oct 27, 2020
all this information needs to be integrated throughout kindergarten to high school, age appropriate of course. No one should graduate high school without knowing this history.
thank you for making it available without cost.
i enjoyed reading the on line forums and joining the professors, Dan Levy, and guest on the weekly zoom meetings...great discussion.
By Judith A D
•Dec 24, 2020
This course, if edited and slightly revised for coherency, should be a mandatory for any student in the Health Sciences fields. Probably that thought should be expanded to anyone wanting to graduate from Grade 12. The best way to change worldview is through education and I certainly did not have a true history of Canada taught to me in the 50's to 70's!
By Andy W
•Nov 4, 2020
I enjoyed the courses but I was irritated by the many errors in the transcript of the videos. This was apparently done by a computer without checking by humans, and so there are A LOT of errors. Just a few that I wrote down,
Unseeded territory instead of Unceded territory
Kubec instead of Quebec or Québec
Hyda instead of Haida
Treaty a instead of Treaty 8
By Jennifer D
•Jun 26, 2022
I think this is a good introductory course for anyone wanting to learn more about Indigenous Peoples in Canada to gain a basic understanding of the relationship of Indigenous Peoples with other indifenous Peoples and their collective relationship with Canada and the colonial ideas that have tried and failed to destroy the original Peoples on this land.
By Kristina L
•Mar 18, 2022
I really enjoyed this MOOC and learned so much! You have ignited my imagination and I will pursue further education around Indigenous Peoples as a result of this course. Thank you for creating this course and making it available to all Canadians and people world wide. This course should be a requirement for all Canadian high school students. Well done!
By Curtis T
•Aug 30, 2021
This program has provided a fine foundation for understanding the realities of indigenous peoples in Canada. As I worked my way through the modules each week I found that the various news stories i was hearing about indigenous issues took on new and deeper dimensions as my comprehension of the histories expanded. Many thanks to the program's creators!
By Colette B
•Aug 16, 2021
I thoroughly enjoyed learning more Canadian history through the lens of Indigenous peoples. The content is well organized and presented (with the exception of some pronunciation and grammar issues). For the most part, the exam questions are well written, but need to be read very carefully as several seem to be composed purposely to trick the student.
By tczyczko@gmail.com
•Nov 3, 2020
I found some of the transcription errors slowed down my comprehension ("wailing" should have been "whaling", for ex.) I also found some of the test questions worded in a way that I found somewhat ambiguous. But these are only trifling criticisms and did not seriously affect my admiration for the hard work that went into the development of this course.
By Cindy C
•Feb 20, 2022
In some modules, it felt like it was a bit disjointed in transitioning from topic to topic. I would have prefered to do this course in person because there is so much to gain from discussion though the discussion board did try simulate the interaction. Disappointed that Module 11 was the shortest module since there is so much happening in that space.
By Anita k
•Oct 29, 2020
I am grateful for the chance to improve my understanding of the historic and current struggles and triumphs of Indigenous people in Canada, and I learned a lot. As a visual learner, I would have liked more images, although I enjoyed the video commentary of the paintings. Nonetheless, it was a very worthwhile course, and I will recommend it to others.