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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Indigenous Canada by University of Alberta

23,005 ratings

About the Course

Indigenous Canada is a 12-lesson Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from the Faculty of Native Studies that explores the different histories and contemporary perspectives of Indigenous peoples living in Canada. From an Indigenous perspective, this course explores complex experiences Indigenous peoples face today from a historical and critical perspective highlighting national and local Indigenous-settler relations. Topics for the 12 lessons include the fur trade and other exchange relationships, land claims and environmental impacts, legal systems and rights, political conflicts and alliances, Indigenous political activism, and contemporary Indigenous life, art and its expressions....

Top reviews


Oct 28, 2020

This course helped me to get a better understanding of the Indigenous people which in turn helped to appreciate them, their culture and their contribution to society in a more profound way. Thank you


Feb 26, 2021

Thank you for this. Beautifully presented, well rounded, I am embarrassed to think of how little I knew before, but I'm glad I do know. This course is an inspiration to dig deeper into many topics.

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751 - 775 of 7,900 Reviews for Indigenous Canada

By Christiana A


Jan 14, 2021

This course was highly informative about the Indigenous people in Canada as well as their culture, hardships, resilience, and innovation. There were many things that I didn't know but have now added to my knowledge about Canada and its formation. I have a new respect for the First Nations people of Canada and feel a connection with them as someone who is also from a culture that highly values tradition. I'm thankful to all who took the time and effort in making this course accessible online.

By Paula B


Sep 4, 2022

This is a great course for anyone wishing to gain the indigenous perspective of colonization. The information is revealing of the positive images of the First People's of this land. It also shows how time and time again, the settlers did not keep their word and in essence breach the conditions of the treaties agreed upon. This would be an ideal course for new comers and for workplaces to have their employees take this prior to starting their jobs as a cultural sensitivity training piece.

By Greg P


Aug 23, 2021

Excellent introductory course covering a broad range of topics and bringing to light a number of aspects of indigenous culture, world views and political events that have forced cultural change. I learned about a number of historical and political events of which I was not previously aware and how those events have shaped perceptions of indigenous people. My views have fundamentally changed with the insight I have gained from this course and the appreciation I have for indigenous culture.

By Monique D


Jan 27, 2021

I thoroughly enjoyed this class and I think all Canadian should view it. It connected for me, the varied bits of Canadian Indigenous history that I was aware of but never fully understood or grasped the deep significance. It helped understand how this ongoing negative colonial treatment has led to the current day prejudices and varied problems. The class promotes optimism and hope for a better unified Canadian people. Love the art explanations and guest speakers. Well done.

By Daniela M M


Sep 20, 2020

I really loved this course. It not only helped me unlearn so many more things about Indigenous history and colonialism, but it also taught me so much more about the colonial history of Canada and Indigenous peoples! So I am very grateful to Dr. Tracy Bear for creating this course, because it will help me in my future work with Indigenous communities and with my hopes to work in language revitalization. It was a truly marvellous course, and I hope many more Canadians choose to learn from it.

By Jill G


Dec 17, 2020

Thank you so much for putting this course together and for offering for free online. I learned a tremendous amount about colonization , indigenous lives and world views, the history of injustices perpetrated on various indigenous groups and about the struggles then and now for all indigenous people to reclaim what has been taken from them. The stories will stay with me and inform me in my daily living and in my conversations and dealings with others living and governing on Turtle Island.

By Connie R


Dec 1, 2020

This course should be mandatory for every person going through citizenship (rather than only being offered the white-washed version of Canadian history that the government distributes). And it should be mandatory for every person going through the Canadian schooling system. The combination of history and culture that this course offers is something I've always found missing from all history lessons I've ever received and I'm happy this course so beautifully connected these dots. Well done!

By Susan M


Nov 21, 2021

As an immigrant to Canada who was not educated here, I know precious little about its history, especially that of its First Nations people. I was exposed briefly to Inuit artists when I worked a contract with the Inuit Art Foundation a few decades ago which peaked my interest, but had not pursued further knowledge until this opportunity presented itself. This course has helped me in my understanding of the history of my chosen country and is a good basis for further growth. Thank you.

By Heather Y


Jul 14, 2021

With the discovery of the mass grave in Kamloops and now so many others, I realized I needed to learn more about the history of residential schools. indeed I needed to learn the true history of Canada. I have found the course to be well thought out, sequential and with enough information to give me a much better understanding of the settling of Canada. I know this is just scratching the surface and it is up to me to continue my learning and engagement with Indigenous People. Thank you.

By Joe F


Feb 16, 2021

Great Insight and an effective way to learn more. As A Canadian whom grew up on the west coast , it was part of school curriculum to learn about Indigenous struggles, but it never really went further than the fur trade , and colonization. It was especially interesting for me to learn about the justice model of indigeneous peoples as well as the desire for both the british and First nations to establish treaties (preventing american annexation and subsequent mis treatment of Ind peoples.

By Adele R


Nov 11, 2020

I am so grateful and humbled for how much this course has taught me. Thank you. I look forward to going deeper into many topics that were introduced to me. But more than that, I am already experiencing life in canada with a different perspective and a much better understanding and empathy. I look forward to all that is before us, confident that we are moving in the right direction. Here's to healing and protection for a world in balance with nature!

In solidarity and love,

Adele Reeves

By Leanne S


Oct 14, 2020

I am told my father was a survivor of the residential school system. A Cree man from Northern Manitoba. I lost my father a few short weeks after I turned 14 when curiosity of my cultural roots was just beginning to take form. I am taking a journey of education, familiarization and connection to my Indigenous culture and this course has enlightened me, educated me and sparked an intense want to learn more and become connected to not only my culture but my father. For that, I am grateful.

By Bob C


Nov 9, 2020

Very well presented. The course is well researched and provides an introduction to Indigenous culture and our shared place here in Canada. The material is easy to follow, building each week to create an understanding of how important today is as we continue to learn and share this great land. I am very happy that I was able to take this course and now feel I have a better understanding as a Canadian of our shared history and shared future. What we do together today is the important work.

By Hugh W


Jul 21, 2020

This was my first online course offered via coursera. I found the course on Indigenous Canada very enlightening, comprehensive, and honest. It was a nice mixture of facts, expert interviews, and relevant artwork. The course notes were very helpful to follow along as I watched the videos from the instructors. The module quizzes were a fairly stress free way to test your understanding. Thanks to the instructors for taking the time to put together such an important course for all Canadians!

By Marilyn C


Nov 14, 2020

I found this course very helpful in understanding the indigenous people of Canada and their history. It made me examine my perspectives and view history from a different point of view. It helps making sense of some of the news stories and helps me to understand some issues from the past where I was not able to learn both sides of the issue. It would be helpful if all Canadians took this course so everyone could work at reaching the same objective of a united Canada based on the truth.

By Brian D


Aug 11, 2021

This course provided me with a much needed Indigenous perspective on the history of Canada. After completing the course, I now completely understand and agree with the recommendations from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to further educate ‘settlers’ like me on Indigenous history. A suggestion for improvement would be to incorporate more mixed media (e.g. visuals, links, etc.) directly into the lecture. Thank you for your great efforts in creating this very informative course. 

By Torie


Jul 3, 2021

This is a powerful and meaningful course for everyone to develop a better understanding of the experience of indigeneity in Canada. The videos of Tracy Bear and Paul Gareau in conversation with Dan Levy are an essential extension of the course, taking the content beyond the academic foundation established by the course and answering important and socially relevant questions about what it means to be an indigenous person in Canada today and how we as a society can work to become better.

By Cheryl R


May 1, 2021

Thank you for offering this course! This is amazing. It is perfect introduction to learning about Indigenous histories; I just wish I had learned this content sooner! I now feel like I have a better understanding of key issues facing Indigenous peoples today setting the groundwork for learning more about Indigenous cultural safety in connection with system-wide shifts to include diversity, equity and inclusion.

The course was well organized and very manageable from a time perspective.

By Patricia B


Jan 2, 2021

Excellent information and presentation. My only disappointment was that in Section 12 there were no visuals of the art discussed. It's hard to talk about art and not show it. Technical glitch with the artist discussion of the six paintings use in the course, the imbedded YouTube videos would frequently stall briefly. This was rectified by opening them one by one on YouTube.

Thanks for offering this course. I learned so much about Canadian history and the Indigenous People of the lands.

By Mona L


Oct 30, 2020

I enjoyed the whole course. Even as a Social studies teacher in Alberta, with access to many resources and in-servicing opportunities on Indigenous studies, there was much to learn in this program. Every Canadian would benefit from completing this course. My favourite module was the last one. I would love to see more on Indigenous culture and art. Thank you to all the presenters and academics who put together these modules. A special thank you to Leah Dorion for the beautiful art work.

By Kim M


Nov 24, 2021

An excellent introductory course that I thoroughly enjoyed. I greatly appreciate the multi-media format as I am a mature student doing online learning for the first time. The material covered is diverse and thorough in scope to foster a better understanding of some of the original nations, cultural practices and political history of this country. This format helped me better understand the contemporary issues and has fostered a desire to learn more. Thank-you!. Highly recommend!

By Eileen S


Sep 18, 2021

Thought provoking.  To recognize the Catch 22 issues of the Indian Act, Residential Schools, Settler ideology – understanding the only way to break the cycle is to recognize things need to change.  Acknowledging both sides need to work together to move forward to address the hurt and oppression caused by colonization and together to guide society in better dialogue in dealing with issues.  Addressing poverty, housing and education is one way and better stewardship for our environment.

By Amanda F


Aug 19, 2021

It was a very informative program. My hope is that a lot of people take this so they have a better understanding of what the Indigenous people of this country continue to face and live with on a daily basis. The only way this country will ever be healthy as a country is when the original people are recognized as such and it is no longer a matter of one giving or taking from another but all working and deciding to invest as one in equality, fairness and with no self serving motive....

By Courtland B


Dec 13, 2020

I found this course very informative and educational. I grew up in a community with several small bands near by and even had a few friends who were First Nations and yet it pains me and troubles me that we were not taught even a fraction of the information taught in this one course. Of which even this course only scratches the surface of the great and unfortunately more recently tragic story our First Nation neighbours have to tell us. Thank you to all who helped make this course.

By Louise M


Jun 20, 2021

I found this course to be excellent. This is a very large topic, but it was presented so well, providing an excellent overview as well as just the right amount of detail to get a good sense of the topic. Course notes are excellent and are a great resource for further study. The overall delivery was excellent, - the videos, images, art work and interview all made for a very rich learning experience. I learned so much and will use the resources from the course to continue learning.