Oct 15, 2021
Good course series if you are new to IOT and embedded systems. The instructor gives weekly assignments and it is easy to understand. Highly recommend to people who is new to IOT and Embedded systems.
May 28, 2020
This couse is full of benefit. Content of the course is very accurate. Teacher who was teaching was also good. I would suggest to all the beginner to learn this topic who are interested in IoT field.
By K S
•Jun 30, 2021
Course is very informative for a beginner and is a good way to create further learning interest for the user. But, I will request Coursera team to please mention about the requirement of using 3rd party software to complete this course.
For some of us, who work in remote locations using just a corporate device (with no access to personal devices); it is extremely difficult to complete this course as the organizations will not allow for use of 3rd party software on their devices in most cases.
By Damir D A
•Apr 25, 2020
Introductory course which brings basic concepts of IoT to general public, does not have requirements of knowledge of any advanced topics. For that reason it also comes short to deliver what would be more interesting to a bit more experienced audience. This was my first graded online course and overall experience was very smooth. Appreciated the effort which went into preparation of material for this course. Thanks!
By gary g
•May 22, 2017
this course made me realize how much there is to iot and in so many different directions.
this course has alerted me to the fact that there is so much yet to be resolved in iot.
one of the other things I appreciate in this course is that it avoids hierarchy, all directions are requisite.
I would have liked a little more detail as far as hardware, it is not as clear to me as other subjects.
By niraj g
•Aug 3, 2019
Excellent course for absolute beginners to the topics discussed in the course / very reasonable for those with some exposure to these topics.
As a standalone course, i would give it 3 stars. As an introduction to the entire sequence of courses in this specialization, I would give it 5 stars (hence my rating of 4 stars overall)
Thank you Dr. Harris and UC Irvine!
By Yevhen D
•Aug 28, 2020
I found it relatively easy for me accomplish as I have a strong background as a Software Engineer and basic experience as electronic engineering and computer architecture.
I liked Ian's (the lector) attitude and his way of explaining things. The material is very well structured and explained in great amount of details.
Looking forward to move to the next block.
By lohitaksh
•Oct 27, 2024
“Great introductory course with clear explanations and practical examples. The structure builds up well from basics to more advanced topics. While the assignments could be a bit more challenging, the course provided a solid foundation in data science. Highly recommend for beginners, though those with some prior knowledge might find the start a bit basic.”
By Hector J
•Mar 19, 2019
This felt like a intro to intro of IoT and some Embedded systems inner workings. I did not like the quizzes to much as they seemed a little off and the professor did not mention certain things clearly or at least how the questions where asked, a little confusing to relate to the material. I took a lot of notes so that help here.
By Teo P
•Dec 16, 2016
Despite the fact that this course isn't really difficult at all, it gives you the opportunity to introduce yourself in the area of microprocessors. I would recommend it to anyone interested in the area of IoT and embedded systems. You should really understand the concepts of this course before diving into the world of IoT.
By Catalina P
•Nov 3, 2015
Personally I had trouble with week 2 of the course. I think more details on the types of inputs and outputs with some examples would have been useful. For example, I'm still not sure whether buttons are considered tactile or electronic inputs. It might be obvious to others but I can see see how it can be argued either way.
By Tomas R L P
•Apr 21, 2020
The basic but it is ok, most of the things I already knew it because of my bachelors and masters degree. In my opinion for someone who knows nothing it is going to feel like needs to learn more. There are some lack of info about lan, wan, microcontrollers, etc that I think that people could appreciate, if the include it.
By Jasper d W
•Mar 13, 2016
Not very detailed and quite general. Nevertheless, you get a good sense of what IoT devices are and how the work. For an introduction, it's ok, but I expected more information and more assignments to make it really useful. In terms of value for money, I'd say you're better of spending a few hours on Google and forums.
By Alex H
•Nov 4, 2016
I really enjoyed this course. I liked the forced research into micro-controllers and embedded systems.
I would however like to stress that the use of peer reviewed assignments slows the pace of the class down greatly. People sometimes like to progress a lot faster. Difficult to do when waiting for others.
By Roberto P
•Nov 26, 2015
It's a good introductory course. I would have expected some more "meat" on the bones, but still I have to remember this is the first course out of a series so most probably it is good enough.
Teacher is good and, even for a non English speaker student as I am, it is perfectly understandable and clear.
By Muhammad F R
•Sep 19, 2020
The course was very informative ,The professor really taught very good. Initially I thought there would be some kind of programming in it but it was just an introductory course.but overall it gave real insights of how IoT devices works ,what are the pros and cons of it and how can they be improved.
By Atthipatla R M
•Jan 24, 2019
Good for beginners who wants to get overall idea about what are IOT and Embedded technologies with real time examples. instructor also explains networking basics with few protocol architectures. at the end of this course we can analyze packet transmission using wireshark tool.
Thanks coursera ..!!
By Abe A
•Feb 26, 2022
Easy to understand. Short videos so it's not that dragging and boring.
I just have this impression that the isntructor do not have the full mastery fo the subject. Or maybe it's just his speaking skills. Please provide answers to the assignments. Don't just leave it all to the student's reviews.
By Prabhakar
•Jan 24, 2018
Course is explanatory and explains all basics, which is expected at introductory-level. However, there is less usage of illustrations & graphics and more verbose lectures via video that sort of puts monotone into learning. There's a huge scope for improving the content.
By Swapnil P
•Jun 22, 2020
good course overall. However areas where it could improve are - incorporating more graphical and animated slides for teaching, more articles and videos for further reading IoT, embedded systems and computer networks ; increasing no. of questions in quiz to atleast 20.
By Eva S
•Aug 14, 2020
It was a good course, giving a great overview of all things internet of things. The assignments were engaging.
In the end it felt a bit too beginner-level for me, as I've already had some exposure to Internet protocols, networking hardware, Arduino, RPi etc.
•May 9, 2020
This is an interesting course in which I learned new things from the world of IoT and the embedded one, a small remark concerning the network part, is better to talk about the different types of networks used in IoT like HomeRF, ZigBee Bluetooth. Thanks.
By Juan V A
•Sep 20, 2020
Course is introductory, with some definitions about the foundations of IoT, embedded devices, and the components of each. Assigments are quite reasonable, short enough not to become a burden, but deep enough to better grasp concepts from theory videos.
By Rushikesh A P
•Jun 2, 2020
Okay its an honest opinion, the course was well organized and good enough professor delivered wholesome knowledge but i think if you are really new to it i highly recommend this course to you and i expect more such practical oriented sessions further..
By Gokula K S
•Jul 14, 2020
Way of explanation is good but we need some more examples for some topics. In last module Networking concepts need some more real time examples to clarify even more clear. Overall course is very nice if you are newbie to IOT and embedded system
By Johnson N
•Nov 7, 2017
Great introductory class that teaches you about technology and the impacts in the developments mpu have had in our everyday life. The only gripe I have is that assignments are marked by peers. This makes it problematic when timing is not good.
By Jussi S
•Nov 14, 2015
I think this is easy introduction to the topic and assignments put you to think. If you're more seasoned with the topic or you have background in e.g. embedded systems this course does not bring much to you but can be used as easy refresher.