Aug 31, 2021
Perfectly explained in each short videos. Learnt a lot of the basic grammars, vocab and phonetics. Now, just need to practice speaking it out loud. =) Hope to have "learn to speak korean 2" though. =)
Mar 21, 2023
10/10 for this starter course for anyone looking forward to learn basic korean as a stepping stone. The teacher is the most calm person i've ever seen and her way of teaching is amazing. 감사합니다- Tushar
By Lydia P
•Jun 21, 2021
Very well organized syllabus! Each video brings you into a scenario that's useful for daily living and introduces vocabulary and grammar in a meaningful way and at an acceptable speed. The lecture notes are also well written and capture almost everything within the videos so there's less need to make your own notes. There is also a vocabulary list tabulated for each week's learning. This is super helpful as some other courses do not provide such detailed records of learning. Thanks for making me continuously want to learn Korean through these motivating units!
By Arkeisha S
•Jul 31, 2019
Going into this course, there were many things that I already knew how to do or say, so I did treat this kind of like a refresher. And dude, this was a pretty good refresher! There were grammar marks and vocab words that I had forgotten over time and even some that I had never learned before! It's so true when they say that you can't just use one source to learn a language. I'm glad that I took this course, as it has helped me test my memorization and fix my pronunciation mistakes. This was a well worth accomplishment. <3
By Danielle T
•Feb 2, 2019
I enjoyed this class. I don't know when I will use it. But I will keep these sentence structures in mind. I did not spend so many hours each day with this class but I did use my late night time or early morning time to participate in the class. I have been studying Korean for awhile first with a tutor and then through language exchange. I have been to South Korea twice and still found it difficult to even just ask for things. So I hope the next time I visit this class will help me with my confidence to speak much better.
By Jeannette C
•Aug 16, 2020
In the past year, I’ve explored countless beginning Korean courses online. “Learn to Speak Korean 1” through Coursera is hands-down the best one available. Each bite-sized lesson covers grammar, vocabulary & pronunciaton with ample practice in speaking, reading & listening skills. This course is beautifully designed with clarity & simplicity so learning Korean is almost (emphasis on *almost*) easy! Please, please Yonsei University & Coursera, please offer “Learn to Speak Korean 2”!!! I’ll be the first to sign up! 감사합니다!
By Genesis J T
•Nov 16, 2020
Professor Sang Mee Han explained everything pretty well! The course was challenging enough that I couldn't be lazy, but easy enough for me to follow. I think the first two modules were the ones I'd make the most use of, but the other modules definitely added to my knowledge of the language in terms of sentence construction and nuances.
I have also become a fan of Professor Sang throughout the past six weeks. I hope to make her proud one day with a nice conversation at a cafe or restaurant, and maybe order food for her.
By Ema N N
•Oct 29, 2021
saya sangat berterimakasih karena telah diberikan kesempatan untuk mengikuti kelas secara gratis..setelah mengikuti pembelajaran saya merasakan banyak manfaat antara lain bisa menambah pemahaman dan memperluas pengetahuan tentang bahasa korea..saya sangat menyarankan untuk mengikuti kelas pembelajaran di yonsei university ini..selain pembelajarannya sangat mudah dimengerti disini juga diajarkan cara berdialog dengan baik sehingga memungkinkan para pemula untuk dapat berkomunikasi dengan menggunakan bahasa korea.
By Viktoriya S U
•Aug 30, 2018
The structure of the lectures was amazing and logical. It included all listening, speaking and writing skills. The information was presented in an enjoyable way and the students participating were fun to listen to. The additional paper given after every lecture was useful and helpful. The tests in the end were also quite enjoyable. All in all the project is not lacking in anything and I would recommended to friends and family. I had once in a life time experience learning from this.
Thank you so much!
By Jenifer L
•Feb 12, 2021
O curso é uma imersão à cultura coreana e traz para o aluno o entendimento de como se expressar em situações do cotidiano. É possível a compreensão da gramática e assimilar vocabulários por meio dos diálogos apresentados ao longo dos módulos. Este curso é recomendado para aqueles que possuem conhecimento do alfabeto coreano. É pela prática e dedicação que se leva à fluência da língua coreana, assim como qualquer outra língua. Learn to Speak Korean 1 é só o início.
Sang Mee Han 선생님하고 연세대학교, 감사합니다!
By Rachel A E
•May 13, 2020
I took this course while self-studying and it really helped me strenghten the basics. I am already living in Korea and I managed to used some of the expressions taught. I find it easier to learn vocabulary with the help of the videos, I could check my pronounciation and correct it more easily.
The classes are really nice for starters, the content is complete enough and the way it's organized is effective. Though I wish the quizzes were more complex, it quickly became boring and repetitive.
By Malaz A
•Sep 20, 2019
very informative and organized way of introducing the basics of Korean language.. this course helps you engage with Korean native speakers and allow your ears to adapt to the correct pronunciation of words the teacher is using very simple and easy methods of demonstration. i hope yonsei university finishes the series and make a full course of Korean language. because mastering the language doesn't seem impossible if the teaching process continue to be in this quality and efficiency.
By th_sm _
•May 1, 2022
The course is completely awesome, i am in awe, its so easy and comvienient to follow if you are going with a desktop, a bit inconvienient with mobile devices i believe, but its so simple and esasy to use.
i recommend the staff to make the tests a bit more longer and a bit harder. Please make more courses on korean, maybe on daily phrases or some.
i really like the dialogue session at the end of the lesson, of real uni students using the terms, its fun.
Thank you for this course.
By Ma. M P P d L
•Dec 4, 2020
I loved the course, even though I had to finish this as soon as possible because we got a December deadline. I sincerely wish this course does not expire as I am going to review this again and again. I love this course! As in, I truly love all the Korean language courses from Yonsei University (or else, I would not have even bothered to leave a comment), from First Step Korean to Learn To Speak Korean 1. Hope there will be more Korean language courses from Yonsei University. :-)
By Lisa H
•Apr 11, 2021
Thank you Sang Mee Han and Yonsei University for this wonderful Korean language course. I really enjoyed learning alongside other international students (I was very impressed with their speaking skills!). The videos were great, and the additional handouts, workbooks, and vocabulary lists provided were very helpful. The language skills I've learned in this course will help me a lot when it comes to the most important things such as shopping and ordering food! 5 stars! :)
By Lean F
•Aug 27, 2021
I really enjoyed this course. I am familiar with the korean language even before taking this course and I found the first few lessons super easy. Although it was easy until the last lesson, I still managed to pick up new grammar rules, vocabulary, and also sentence structures. I consider myself as a beginner still, and this course really helped me freshen up what I already know but also add new helpful information. I also love that the quizzes has different forms.
By Ria M
•May 22, 2023
Sangat sangat recommended banget kursus bahasa Korea dari Yonsei University ini, untuk yang terkendala dalam keuangan bisa menggunakan bantuan finansial secara Gratis tanpa di pungut biaya sepeserpun, saya sangat bersyukur dan berterima kasih kepada pihak yang sudah bersedia mengadakan kursus ini, untuk kedepannya saya akan melanjutkan kembali untuk mengikuti kursus bahasa Korea di Yonsei University untuk meningkatkan belajar saya dalam mempelajari bahasa Korea.
By Nitin N P
•Sep 8, 2021
I am really happy that i learned how to speak Korean, grammar,vocabulary,use of particles, pronunciation . Sang Mee Han teacher taught us very well. A wonderful teacher we got. She explained everything fantastically. She took our practice of reading. shown us different videos of various types of conversations. I never saw such type of wonderful teaching. I gained the knowledge. Thanks to Teacher , Yonsei university and coursera.
With Regards
Nitin Patwardhan
By Mentari K
•Jun 5, 2023
Seneng banget bisa belajar bahasa Korea secara gratis disini, sangat membantu saya dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Korea. Sehingga ketika saya pergi berlibur ke Korea nanti dapat berkomunikasi walau hanya dasar. Saya akan merekomendasikan ini kepada mereka yang ingin belajar bahasa Korea secara gratis. Karena di Coursera panduannya dilengkapi dengan tutor yang sangat profesional disertai dengan modul belajar yang baik. Terima kasih Coursera..
By Priyanka N
•Sep 23, 2019
This course has really been helpful. I had taught myself the alphabets before hand but I really am completely new to the language. This course is vary comprehensive and it has made it easier to understand basic sentence construction. I have also been able to decipher how basic sentence construction works for what hasn't been covered by the course as well.
I have been thoroughly enjoying myself while learning.
Thank you and keep up the good work. :)
By shruti r
•Aug 23, 2021
For someone who have studied Hangeul before and want to study more, then, as a beginner it is the best course for them. After doing first step Korean I did this course and it helped me understand the basic grammar points in a much better way. So, if anyone wants to start learning Korean, they should definitely take this course. All the concepts have been taught in detail and with a lot of examples which makes the learning all the more easier.
By Jordan S
•May 16, 2021
A very well paced and methodical course. Sang Mee Han was an excellent instructor, clear and concise, and I really did enjoy the dialogue of the students who aided her. I came into this course with an already decent grasp of vocabulary and grammar, but this course absolutely helped with some of my bigger weaknesses (listening and some of the more convoluted elements) and educated me further on some things I thought I already understood.
By Barbara V
•Jan 15, 2021
The Yonsei University course is very explanatory.
I would like to study at that university in the future.
Currently I live in South Korea and study Korean on my own, although I speak Spanish, I try to translate things into English or Korean that I cannot understand to study and communicate with Koreans.
I don't have enough money to study at a prestigious university, but if I did I would love to study Korean at Yonsei University.
By iits m
•Sep 19, 2021
A great course, to be honest. An explanation video with a native teacher, lecture notes, practice videos with people talking in Korean, worksheets, vocabulary lists and a graded quiz after each lesson? Let me tell you I haven't seen sites to give these options. Extremely useful and I highly recommend this course. After this 6 weeks course, I can proudly say that I am able to have a conversation in Korean with my friend. 감사합니다!!
By Alice S
•Apr 18, 2021
Great course. I started learning Korean three years ago, but I haven't studied consistently. This course and its deadlines helped me study a weeks worth material each week. Although I already knew a lot of the vocabulary as well as the grammar I still learned some new stuff, including pronunciation rules. So, even if you're heading towards intermediate I recommend this course. If anything it'll help with creating sentences.
By Melisa J V
•Oct 31, 2020
El curso me gusto mucho ya que pude entender todo, se nota el empeño en la realizacion de los modulos, se busco la mejor manera de asociar el vicabulario con los modulos. El metodo de examinar tambien es muy bueno ya que hice otro curso donde era bastante simple y aqui veia el esfuerzo y al tener pequeñas historias o dialogos por entender ponia a prueba lo que entendi y aprendi durante el modulo. Super recomendable.
By Tulasi M
•Jun 7, 2020
나는 행복하고 대단히 감사합니다
Estas clases contienen todos los requisitos necesarios para poder aprender correctamente el coreano y estoy muy agradecida con la oportunidad que ofrecieron ya que encontrar alguna clase que tenga los contenidos completos y explicados correctamente es muy difícil y gracias a este programa si lo pude lograr porque contiene todos las bases del idioma y ahora puedo leer y escribir coreano correctamente.