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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Programming with MATLAB by Vanderbilt University

17,759 ratings

About the Course

This course teaches computer programming to those with little to no previous experience. It uses the programming system and language called MATLAB to do so because it is easy to learn, versatile and very useful for engineers and other professionals. MATLAB is a special-purpose language that is an excellent choice for writing moderate-size programs that solve problems involving the manipulation of numbers. The design of the language makes it possible to write a powerful program in a few lines. The problems may be relatively complex, while the MATLAB programs that solve them are relatively simple: relative, that is, to the equivalent program written in a general-purpose language, such as C++ or Java. As a result, MATLAB is being used in a wide variety of domains from the natural sciences, through all disciplines of engineering, to finance, and beyond, and it is heavily used in industry. Hence, a solid background in MATLAB is an indispensable skill in today’s job market. Nevertheless, this course is not a MATLAB tutorial. It is an introductory programming course that uses MATLAB to illustrate general concepts in computer science and programming. Students who successfully complete this course will become familiar with general concepts in computer science, gain an understanding of the general concepts of programming, and obtain a solid foundation in the use of MATLAB. Students taking the course will get a MATLAB Online license free of charge for the duration of the course. The students are encouraged to consult the eBook that this course is based on. More information about these resources can be found on the Resources menu on the right....

Top reviews


Jan 20, 2022

I would like to thank vanderbilt university for providing such a wonderful course and i am much impressed by the use of the basic matrices in each and every programming purpose.thank you again!!!!:)))


Dec 19, 2021

Basics concepts are well covered within a short time and a few videos. I would recommend it for those who want to learn complete basics. but to master it, you need to enrol in a specialization course.

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351 - 375 of 4,496 Reviews for Introduction to Programming with MATLAB

By Shivendra K S


Mar 18, 2019

Thank You Coursera for helping out a student like me.This course has enough material to get you started and the assignments given are really fruitful in understanding the concepts taught well.

I would personally recommend this course to any one who wants to start with Matlab as this course delivers enough to start.

By Felipe M d N


Sep 7, 2017

This course is AMAZING, start from basics and the homework makes you think a lot! The classes videos are very interesting showing the concepts and giving a lot of examples (with a bonus of couple jokes, the professor Mike Fitzpatrick is very good!).

Thanks Vanderbilt University and Coursera for this great course :)

By Rajesh G


Jan 3, 2021

This Course is Awsmm and Wonderful. Wonderful Teaching is provided by Professors from Vanderbilt University. I love the course. I find it difficult for Analytical thinking only. So i am need to refer many Programs of it. Can't able arrive a result with the first shot of it. Overall, i love the way they teach. :))

By Aravind K M


Apr 2, 2019

Brainstorming assignments which tease your brain accompanied with detailed explanation by Mike sir and his humorous teaching method which never makes us exhausted or sleepy in his lecture. There is a clear transition seen in me after I completed this course compared to that before I joined this course.


By Angel L R


May 22, 2020

Curso muy bueno y muy completo, muy bien explicado y estructurado, con buenos ejercicios que ponen a prueba tus conocimientos adquiridos y que te hacen progresar rápidamente y viendo aplicaciones reales que en un primer momento quizá no llegaste a pensar. Enhorabuena por haber desarrollado este excelente curso.

By Pushpendra G


Nov 2, 2018

This course is one of my favorite. The instructor has given all for this course the style of teaching is magnificent. If you are a novice in programming, you'll never find a better course than this. The level of teaching has been set to very fundamental and basic to high level. Thanks for designing this course

By Jaimin P


Apr 10, 2020

If you have no any Experience of the programming language than I strongly commanded this course because of this course contains all fundamental ideas of MATLAB and Prof. Mr. Mike Fitzpatrick gives detail knowledge of MATLAB in this course. Also the exercises is very useful for getting idea about of functions.

By Priyabrata S 1


Jun 24, 2020

This course was very useful to me .I learnt MATLAB in a very simple and effective way. Thanks to the instructors for this wonderful course. I loved their way of teaching. The Discussion Forum is also very active and informative. Most of my doubts were cleared by reading threads of other classmates discussion.

By Saurav S


Jun 2, 2020

It's a great course with very challenging assignments.

All the assignments cover most of the concepts that needs to be covered along with on demand discussion forums.

I personally liked the course a lot. It helped me explore variety of concepts that a MATLAB can do.

Thank you for providing such a great course.

By Mayank G


May 31, 2020

It was an amazing course about understanding the MATLAB language and it's uses. The instructor sure has his unique way of teaching things that helped me grasp the key aspects in a very amazing manner. 10/10 would heavily recommend to anyone planning to get into the MATLAB environment.

Thank you so much guys.

By Meshaa S


Aug 16, 2023

This is a very excellent introductory course to programming in Matlab. I really found the content being very useful and well organised. The concepts are taught well and deeply to enable thorough understanding onn how to write codes and use matlab. Great work from the instruction from Vanderbilt University!

By Olivia F


Mar 19, 2017

This course guided me on my first (somewhat clumsy) steps in MATLAB in an informative, easily comprehensible and fun way! It absolutely motivated me to get deeper into it!

Short: one of the best online courses I've ever attended and definitely worth recommending!

@authors: thank you so much for your effort!

By Michael P


Oct 5, 2020

Did struggle to understand the instructions for the final assignment (echo_gen). Once I worked out what was actually needed it wasn't too tricky to achieve. It would be helpful to have a few more practice scenarios along the way, not necessarily for assessment but useful for practice and cement learning.

By José J H S


Jun 12, 2016

El curso es excelente para su propósito, una introducción. Sin embargo, sería excelente que hicieran una serie de cursos donde especialistas en distintas materias muestren las utilidades específicas de los diferentes toolboxes de Matlab. Por ejemplo, finanzas, econometría, termodinámica, ingeniería, etc.

By Dhruvil P


Dec 7, 2017

It was very helpful to me in all the aspect regarding programming,coding,problem solving etc. I have developed new skills in computer programming through this course.

I suggest that all the engineer who are interested in computer as well as machine programming learning should take this course.

Thank you

By Alexander M


Feb 18, 2023

Learnt a lot about basicsin MATLAB Programming through the material and hands-on assignment. I think the assignments really challanging and already set well, which have gradual diffuculties. Also the final problem really challanging and increase my interest in MATLAB with the application in real world!

By Jonas M d R


Aug 20, 2020

I enjoyed a lot this course. When I started, I already know a few things about MATLAB, so the first and the second weeks was a little boring, but when other weeks become, It started to be more challenging I learn many new things. Thanks, Coursera, Vanderbilt University, and my University (UFSM-Brazil).

By Sebastian J


May 21, 2020

Superb course for beginners to programming. The professors were truly awesome, and were really funny but at the same time had a clear cut idea of the concept and were exceptional in explaining them. The assignment questions towards the end were really challenging and were truly not meant for beginners.

By kshitiz k


Dec 26, 2019

This course on Matlab is very interesting and lots of learning, assignments are good and challenging. Brandon Sir and his discussion forum is very helpful to solve assignments. This has created a good hands on experience of Matlab programming, and will help me in learning more Matlab further. Thank You

By Sylvia M


Jul 29, 2020

Very helpful to learn principles of MATLAB. Some prior programming experience is best for this class, as it is not as comprehensive and basic as other programming fundamentals courses. However, great instructor videos with built in assignments accurately test and apply material learned in the course.

By Bishop P


Jun 20, 2020

Perfect! It is a very nice course, I really enjoyed it a lot. I got to learn many new things, obviously MATLAB but also new programming-style related things even though I know C, C++, and Python already. The assignments were the best part, the questions very awesome, they helped me a lot in learning.

By Luis R J


May 31, 2020

esta muy bien estructurado el curso , pero hay problemas que tienen su complejidad que en el curso no te explican, uno tiene que investigar por internet algunas cosas y esta bien eso, pero debe decir al principio que uno tiene que investigar solo también para estar precavido a lo que salga en el quiz

By Vinayak N


Dec 17, 2016

Great Teaching.

Systematically builds concepts from the begining. Micheal Fitzpatrick rocks!

Mentors are very helpful and you are certain to get a reply within a day of posting your question on the forums page.

Thanks a lot to Vanderbilt University and coursera for letting me be a part of this program:)



Nov 18, 2020

Bastante sencilo al inicio. El profesor explica bien y muestra la mayoria de los errores que pueden ocurrir al aplicar cada función. Abarca las preguntas puntuales en cada vídeo. Asimismo, los problema a resolver van concorde a lo visto en las clases. Bastante satisfecho con los resultados obtenidos

By Md I U


Jun 27, 2020

It was really fun to learn with these teachers. They are really amazing,no doubt about that.I really enjoyed the full course with them.Hope that, I will attend their class one day physically. Lots of love & respect for them.


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