Dec 5, 2020
This course helped me understand the basics of neural network. After this course I learned to built base neural network model. Looking forward to do the next course of the deeplearning specialization.
Apr 29, 2020
Amazing course, the lecturer breaks makes it very simple and quizzes, assignments were very helpful to ensure your understanding of the content. Hope for future learners you provide code model-answers
By siouar b
•Mar 3, 2020
This course was concise and very helpful in starting deep learning with python, accomplishing the ML course of Andrew Ng before starting this one would be also very helpful I think
By Ariel B
•Dec 23, 2019
Perfect for beginners for intuitive understanding of the mathematical basis for Neural networks.
Thanks for the work put on the preparation of the ipynb as well, they are flawless.
By Swapnil K
•Dec 18, 2019
This is a very knowledgeable course. It helps us to practically visualise what we are learning. Also helps us to get familiar with neural networks using Python Programming Language.
By Pradeeshwar J
•Oct 29, 2019
This Course will make you realize that neural networks are no longer a black box.This is rudimentary course for artificial neural networks implementation in python using just numpy.
By Martin H
•Oct 27, 2019
great course, in depth material, well thought quizzes and assignments. Andrew is by far the number one teaching instructor in the ML/DL space. Looking forward for the next 4 courses
By Yash B
•Sep 15, 2019
Amazing course. Great and completely involves us in the journey into Deep Learning.
Insightful and very interesting. Learned a lot of new things.
The project was a lot of fun to do.
By Fazil
•Sep 4, 2019
This is a very good course in the raw form, means there is no use of standard libraries for the practical session. All complex concepts are broken down and explained in layman terms
By Bartosz L
•Mar 30, 2019
Very good course and ground up explanation of how neural networks work. Not sure if required in my future work to have such deep understanding of neural nets, but definitely a merit
By Abdul S
•Feb 25, 2019
Excellent material to learn deep learning. Although this course would be easier to understand if you've done the first four weeks of 'Introduction to Machine Learning by Andrew NG'.
•Feb 15, 2019
Very Easy going course language and style.
Very Helpful in stepping into Deep Learning course.
Best course to start with Deep Learning.
Thanks a lot for your contribution to the world.
By Ankur K
•Nov 25, 2018
Great course to learn deep learning from scratch. The implementations are from scratch in numpy without using any in-build library. So you get how neural network works from scratch.
By Aliaksandr S
•Sep 20, 2018
Excellent hands-on course. Very practical and without and going too deep into linear algebra. Knowledge is nicely built on top of Andrew Ng's Machine Learning course, but in Python.
By badrinath r
•Apr 11, 2018
Well structured course...brings backs memories of the old Machine Learning MOOC on Coursera. Hope to get deeper in Neural Networks with the subsequent courses in the specialisation.
By Shaik A
•Jan 3, 2018
This is really a great course to learn about neural networks and deep learning. Initially I thought the programming assignments are difficult to program but they really very simple.
By Arjan B
•Dec 1, 2017
Loved the course and exercises. Professor Ng is a great instructor and the programming exercisesare very helpful in gaining a true understanding of the mechanics of neural networks.
By Fakhir K
•Oct 9, 2017
Best course for learning the basics of neural networks (and machine learning, in general). Lectures were precise and well-formulated and the assignments had all the right materials.
By Trevor A
•Sep 7, 2017
Great foundational course on how neural networks work. Andrew does an awesome job of focusing on the structure of neural nets and not as much on basic programming skills in Python.
By Ng Y C
•Sep 3, 2017
Very well designed and developed course. It has given me great insights and understanding of neural networks which has also given me also a great appreciation of the subject matter.
By Sergey D
•Aug 26, 2017
Очень детально все объясняется. Мне, как не носителю английского языка все понятно. Задания построены от простого к сложному. Материал очень хорошо усваивается. Буду учиться дальше!
By Yi H
•Aug 19, 2017
a really nice course to demonstrate the idea of neutral networks.
The programming assignment is a HUGE help for me to finally understand the idea of forward and backward propagation.
By GloryTang
•Aug 16, 2017
This is a great course to learn about deep learning. It requires only some python and calculus knowledge. Be patient, and try to understand those formulas. Thanks a lot, Mr. Andrew!
By Mahdis R
•Oct 6, 2023
Very educative course. I really appreciated the effort behind the guided comments for assignments and also it was amazing how intuitive Andrew explained the Math behind algorithms.
By François R
•Jun 12, 2023
Andrew Ng is very clear and easy to follow. I took loads of notes and did the exercices carefully. It was a really good introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning. Thank you
•Jun 10, 2022
The quality of learning provided by Coursera is very satisfying. I had a great time understanding the deep learning concepts from the lectures and applying them to the assignments.
•Nov 5, 2021
Je suis tellemtn content de la compétence que j'ai acquise durant ces un mois de cours. Merci Coursera. Je n'avais aucune notion en IA et en un mois Je peux faire du deep learning