Apr 6, 2019
A bit easy (python wise) but maybe that's just a reflection of personal experience / practice. The contest is easy to digest (week to week) and the intuitions are well thought of in their explanation.
Aug 26, 2017
This is a very good course for people who want to get started with neural networks. Andrew did a great job explaining the math behind the scenes. Assignments are well-designed too. Highly recommended.
By Phil L
•Nov 21, 2017
Great course that moves at a consistent pace that makes it easy to follow along. Programming exercises are simple enough that you can grasp the concepts and see it in action without having to overthink the small stuff. Looking forward to the rest of the specialization.
By Gopikrishnan M
•Nov 5, 2017
Brilliant Course. Starts from logistic regression and takes you all the way till deep nets. It has a fair bit of hand holding in the assignments, for better results try to implement the assignments on you system without the helper code after you complete the assignments.
•Aug 29, 2017
Wonderful course! It had me grasp the basics of Neural Networks and Deep Learning, as well as how to build an L-layer deep neural networks system with Python codes! I can now do some amazing things, for example, using the system to auto-classify my collected pictures :-)
By Anand K
•Aug 27, 2017
The course was a lot of fun to learn. The course is well structured and easy to follow. Refreshing your calculus a little will help you keep up with the math used. By the end you will have a good practical understanding of how neural nets work and how to implement them.
By Asadullah S
•Apr 2, 2021
I have Completed Coursera deeplearning.ai course and I have gained the following Skills:
[1] #DeepLearning
[2] #ArtificialNeuralNetwork
[3] #Backpropagation
[4] #PythonProgramming
[5] #NeuralNetworkArchitecture
By Erik W
•Nov 6, 2020
Content wise this course is absolutely excellent, good balance between theory and labs. Some (quite a few actually) of the videos should be re-edited though as there are redundant sentences/statements which sometimes confuses you, makes you lose focus or get off track.
By Dareer A M
•Apr 28, 2020
I really enjoy this course. Well explained & structured. Before taking it, I don't have that much intuition of working, that currently I have (after taking it). It works like building your strong foundation, upon which you will able to do more and learn and can do more.
By Selim S
•Mar 3, 2020
Excellent course! The content is taught in a way which makes it easy to understand. The focus is on understanding the design principles of neural and deep neural networks and how to code them in Python. The underlying math concepts are beautifully presented when needed.
By Marcel A G
•Nov 3, 2019
This is for now the best course I have done in Coursera. The mathematics are really well explained and the course is done in such a way that you can choose if you want to understand each of the details or just have a high level idea of Neural networks. Excellent Course!
By Jiayi G
•Sep 6, 2019
Almost perfect course. I wish we could have little less hint with homework, because sometimes I don't understand the purpose of a function even done writing them. However I always go back and review the whole program to get a structured understanding of the whole thing.
By Alexander K
•Jun 14, 2018
The course doesn't make you a deep learning professional. However it gives great explanation about the basic concepts behind deep learning and neural networks. Andrew Ng and his team have done very good job to make such a complex topic accessible and easy to understand.
By James H
•May 13, 2018
Great course. Glad I took Andrew Ng's Machine Learning course prior to this to get the basics. I've never programmed in Python before - but managed to learn enough to get through. The problems are structured well, and take you through the implementation step by step.
By Nilima S
•Apr 9, 2018
I love the course content and the way, the instructors made all vital things understand. Thank you Coursera and deeplearning.ai to give me this opportunity to learn and implement deep learning for my own purpose. I really appreciate the efforts for my financial aid too.
By Юрий Г
•Apr 4, 2018
Excellent course with clear explanation of deep learning. Andrew shows the large knowledge of the topics and is great master in presentation material for the students. Moreover, all practice works and quizes do not contain any errors and I had pleasure to complete them.
By Ehsan A
•Mar 15, 2018
Almost no details were left out. Optional videos to go through some of the derivatives that were skipped during the course would be great. Also The circuit analogy comparing a shallow and a deep network can be explained more clearly with more details so it's accessible.
By John W
•Dec 8, 2017
This course is not only appropriate for the those who study NN first time, but also for those who have a certain degree of theoretical knowledge. This course gave me some really good practice which can help me understand the usage and principal of mathematic algorithms.
By Lun J
•Nov 11, 2017
It is very well-organized course for beginners of Deep Learning and Neural Network. The hand-on experience is impressive for me. One thing that can be improved is adding more proof or explanations of how to get a formula, which may make the formula more clear logically.
By André L S B
•Nov 5, 2017
I really enjoyed the course. It gives a light mathematical overview for a start and interesting practice assignments. It allows you to start trying the concepts and gives you a base to search for deeper understanding of the theory and to gain further practic experience.
By Shubhadeep R
•Sep 29, 2017
An excellent course. Designing and developing a Neural Net from ground up with nothing but Numpy really helped to understand a lot of tricks which would have been impossible to understand otherwise.
Learning with Prof. Andrew Ng is one of the best experience of my life.
By Deleted A
•Jan 13, 2021
It's not that I wasn't aware of deep learning before this course but I have to admit going for this totally made my theory of the deep networks very blunt and I learned things I never knew. My special thanks goes to Prof Andrew Ng for guiding me throughout brilliantly.
By safoora s
•Nov 7, 2020
Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to participate in this course. This was a great course. The instructor was great, and I had never been to such an extraordinary class. . I hope to have the chance to participate in the next courses of the Coursera site.
By Akshay M P
•Sep 23, 2020
Clear, concise and properly guided course arranged to maximize hands-on implementation potential of deep neural networks. Short interviews with pioneers in the field adds to the overall experience of this course. Thank you to the wonderful team that made this possible!
By Rajesh P
•Aug 14, 2020
This is an excellent course to get a detailed understanding of Neural Networks. Andrew has taught it in detail and with lot of patience. Views of the industry guest speakers is also insightful. Doing the Machine Learning course prior to this, helped me to learn faster.
By abhishek b
•Jun 24, 2020
Andrew Ng is such a natural teacher and wonderful person. I love seeing him smile all throughout the course. I initially started this course long-time back, and played around with the assignments. Now I have restarted it, and it's still a very good learning experience.
By srimanth d s
•May 27, 2020
This course introduced many new concepts that taught complex math in a very simple manner. Going from basics and building on top of it helped me understand complex concepts very easily. Reiterating the same concepts again and again also helped me in grasping it easily.