Dec 5, 2020
This course helped me understand the basics of neural network. After this course I learned to built base neural network model. Looking forward to do the next course of the deeplearning specialization.
Apr 29, 2020
Amazing course, the lecturer breaks makes it very simple and quizzes, assignments were very helpful to ensure your understanding of the content. Hope for future learners you provide code model-answers
By Saurabh
•May 22, 2019
Very nice course on Deep Learning. The first time, I implemented Gradient Descent along with Neural Network. Thanks to Andrew Ng and team for the detailed understanding of Neural Network.
By Aref
•Jan 23, 2019
The only thing that I think can be improved is color and the presentation of slides. Using a dark theme would really help. I would suggest something like this:
By Hudson L M
•Dec 23, 2018
Fantastic! Managed to take me through complex mathematical equations without trauma or frustration, and got me thorough understanding of the foundations for neural nets and deep learning.
•Dec 12, 2018
Excellent step-up through deep-learning networks. I am especially pleased to see the impact of multiple layers that combine features into complex patterns to do complex modeling/learning.
By nitika g
•Dec 7, 2018
I really enjoyed this course and looking forward to finish the next 4 courses in order to get deep learning specialization. Bottom to Top approach taken by the faculty is quite helpful .
By Tamer K
•Oct 21, 2018
Great value for 50$! The course materials (videos, quizzes, and programming assignments) are very well prepared. This course and specialization are the best introduction to Deep Learning.
By PanaEk W
•Aug 26, 2018
Great course. It helps me understand the overall concepts of Deep Learning and Neural Networks. It also provides the hands-on experience on implementing the concepts to a usable solution.
By Henri Q
•Aug 9, 2018
Very good and mathematically-rigorous course on neural networks.
Please provide bibliographical references for the people who want to have a more mathematically-precise proof of backprop.
By Dagoret S
•Jul 30, 2018
Very good presentation of the courses, very pedagogical. The maths are very well explained
Exercices very well prepared. Many advices on python programming are given avoiding loosing time.
By Shriraj P S
•Jun 16, 2018
One of the most enjoyable MOOC ever taken! Recommended for anyone who is excited to enter deep learning! Thank you Andrew for giving us such a beautiful course for this beautiful subject.
By Rohit
•Feb 22, 2018
This is the best neural networks and deep learning course I've done until now. Prof. Andy has explained the required concepts in a very simple way thus implementing the code is very easy.
By Ming C
•Feb 10, 2018
Before I took this course, I thought deep learning would require intensive amount of math. Obviously, that's not true. I was able to follow the lectures and finish the assignments easily.
By odysseas n
•Jan 31, 2018
s the perfect balance between theory and practice to create a baseline knowledge for the NN and Deep Learning. Definitely, I will continue with the rest courses of this specialization.
By Qichao Z
•Jan 6, 2018
I would recommend completing the "Machine Learning" course first before delving into this.
Otherwise, great introductory course where everything was laid out nicely and totally made sense!
By Huy Đ
•Dec 1, 2017
Great course overall! Learned a ton.
Please give us some recommendations of interesting problems and some free, labeled dataset available online so that we could try things out ourselves.
By Hichem M
•Nov 23, 2017
C'est un très bon cous ça m'a vraiment aidé à bien comprendre la théorie derrière les réseaux de neurones . La façon comment le professeur Andrew Ng explique est géniale Je recommande !!
By Charlie L
•Nov 13, 2017
This is a great overview, but fairly superficial. I hope that future courses will build on this one. So giving 5 stars for now, but need to see the rest of the courses to know for sure.
By Luis V S
•Oct 21, 2017
Very thorough explanation and relatively easy assignments providing most of the required work. Should be easy even for beginners and will give you a deep understanding of neural networks.
By swarna
•Oct 15, 2017
Thank you for the course. Amazed at how Andrew Ng and team start by assuming near-zero prior knowledge and connect so well with such a diverse audience. Assignments were well crafted too.
By Erik E
•Sep 8, 2017
Awesome course! Concepts are clearly explained and easy to follow. I recommend taking Andrew Ng's "Machine Learning" course before this, since it covers most of the basics in more detail.
By Ólafur T Y
•Sep 8, 2017
Excellent course, both lectures and exercise materials are amazingly straightforward, clear and useful. I am already working on applying the skills I learned in my own professional field.
By Stephen K
•Jan 15, 2023
First took this course in 2016. Wow what an improvement you've made! Everything just clicks! Thanks you for keeping this course updated. Not stale in 2022! that's 18 WEB YEARS!
By Gopal R
•Jul 26, 2022
The course is well structured with focus on both concepts and hands on. I am thankful to Andrew Ng and team alongwith Coursera for making such a wonderful course. I highly recommend it.
By Andrey Z
•Jan 2, 2022
As always perfect explanation from Andrew, thank you! Interesting Assigments, and almost the first time on Coursera done them without any issues, done them all from the first attempt :)
By Saptarsi H
•Dec 4, 2020
Awesome course for building yor own neural network and understanding the basic building blocks of a neural network, comprehensive exercises to polish your knowledge and solidify concepts