Jan 11, 2021
It was a great start of long deep learning journey. The concepts were explained in simple and brief way. The course is designed in excellent way, Quizzes and assignments makes this course worthy.
Apr 6, 2019
A bit easy (python wise) but maybe that's just a reflection of personal experience / practice. The contest is easy to digest (week to week) and the intuitions are well thought of in their explanation.
By 田玉文
•Apr 3, 2018
Really appreciated to the professor for illustrating everything so clearly and very easily to accept. I think it is kind of an art if one could make a hard topic so interesting and acceptable. I am really enjoying the processing of learning this course. :)
By yucong
•Mar 21, 2018
The course is well organized and Andrew has made the basic ideas really clear. Also, the programming assignments is amazing which help you build a neural network almost hand in hand though I do not think it is necessary to put every thing in minute detail.
By Yan X
•Feb 24, 2018
Thanks for driving me through the implementation details of a neural network model. I've been using these models for a while, and I understand how NN works mathematically, but I'm still able to learn a lot by combining coding and theory in the same course!
By Sofia P
•Nov 15, 2017
I am extremely happy with this course. The professor is amazing! I wish all my professors throughout my academic years were like him. The way the course is being thought is engaging and the material provides all the necessary knowledge without being scary.
By Pradeep S
•Jul 21, 2023
Fairly simple course.
Loved the lectures from the professor.
I found the back-propagation part a bit hard to understand when finding the gradients.
The programming exercises were straightforward and easy.
Overall, I got a good idea of neural networks basics.
By Christofer O
•May 30, 2022
These courses are good for beginners who want to learn simple deep learning underhood. The explainations from Andrew are quite easy to understand with addition of great materials/slides, these are recommended to whom wants to start deep learning journeys.
By Hamid P
•Mar 4, 2021
Although, before this course, I was familiar with the neural network, Andrew changed the way that I used to think about neural networks and made everything surprisingly easier. His teaching method is exciting and unique. I always wish him the best of luck
By Venketraman G
•Dec 2, 2020
Great introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning. The assignments were very helpful to understand the concepts. Very good course. I also enjoyed and excited watching interviews with leading experts in Deep Learning. Thanks to Andrew Ng and team.
By Jorge A C
•Aug 14, 2020
Excellent course; it illustrates the basic concepts underlying multi-layer neural networks and explains clearly the algorithm implementaiton. After completion of the course it becomes easier to follow up the underlying theory, i.e. Goodfellow et al. 2016.
By Md S I
•Aug 9, 2020
I used to struggle a lot with matrix dimensions, especially in parameters and caches. After finishing this course, I got a clear idea and explanation about the concept. I enjoyed this course a lot.
I am excited about the next course in this specialization.
By Anirudh S
•Jul 17, 2020
Explained very nicely and deeply. Programming Assignments gave me a tonnes of clarity and pratical experience. Those gave me confidence that I can apply Deep Learning(that I learnt in this course)in projects. Quizzes removed theoretical misunderstandings.
By Renato L P
•Jun 24, 2020
A truly well developed course with hands on work. I am an experienced Matlab and Python developer and this course really broadens your skills and puts development at a level above traditional code writing...show the code what you are trying to do instead!
•May 10, 2020
when i entered this course, i had no knowledge on python and the starting assignments felt so difficult. but the classes and the guidance given before each assignment was so good!! i learnt to work with python atleast to understand the language. thank you
•Apr 7, 2020
This course is really good to learn about the basics of Neural Network and Deep learning. I learnt how to create neural network including forward propagation, cost computation, backward propagation and numpy functions also.
Special thanks to Andrew Ng! :)
By Graziano F
•Mar 30, 2020
The course is well structured; the algorthms are presented from their theoretical derivation till their implementation in code.
Prof. Ng is clear and explains the concepts gradually and carefully.
Very good introduction course to the topic.
Next on the way !
By Kanwar B S
•Dec 23, 2019
Fantastic course - technical concepts are presented with such great clarity. Assignments help you go through the basic steps of writing the fwd and backprop algorithm equations - this helps understand the underlying equations that govern neural networks.
By Quentin L
•Nov 21, 2019
Perfect and clear courses with good designed exercises in Python to practice what we have learnt from this course. I would recommande it to anyone who wants to learn Dee-learning. If you have learnt Machine learning course, this is not difficult to learn.
By Aamir I
•Jul 13, 2019
This course was really helpful for me to develop insights for the internal working of a Neural Network.
I have also done fewer cources from other websites but honestly speaking this was the best for making me truly understand the working of Neural Network.
By Jeff D
•Oct 6, 2018
If you somewhat patiently and systematically go through the course, you'll walk away with a very good working knowledge of how to implement a deep neural network. I found the material in this course was presented in a well balanced and intuitive fashion.
By Praveen K
•Aug 2, 2018
A very well organized course for deep learning. The course is very helpful but the assignments are made very easy by putting lot of code templates. It would be better if we had more freedom in implementing the code. But overall this is a very good course.
By John C
•Oct 7, 2017
Great course, I'll definitely be taking the next one in the specialization! Some of the programming assignments seemed like the instructions gave away too many spoilers, but I suppose that's probably reasonable for the introductory course in the sequence.
By himanshu v
•Nov 5, 2023
Andrew NG has narrated well. It was completely new field for me, but at the end I completely understand the logic. The forward and backward propagation, to train the model and testing, everything become so easy to write our own custom code. Thanks a lot.
By Andong X
•Jul 22, 2023
Great and practical course! Thanks a lot! Just a little suggestion for some notations: it depends on the context to decide whether dA means dJ/dA or mere dA -- this is confusing, and add extra burden to learn or coding. Maybe we can write dJ/dA as dJ_dA.
By George B
•May 19, 2021
Great explanation! Amazing choice to change the notation and stack the examples as columns - makes the linear algebra so much easier to understand than I have seen in University courses! Best visual explanation of storing the values for back propagation!
By Naveen N
•Aug 1, 2020
An amazing self sufficient course which hides some of the underlying mathematics but I think It's okay for a newbie who is just starting learning ML/Deep learning because anyway he/she can keep on exploring and learn the underlying principles later on.