Jun 30, 2019
The course is very good and has taught me the all the important concepts required to build a sequence model. The assignments are also very neatly and precisely designed for the real world application.
Mar 13, 2024
Cant express how thankful I am to Andrew Ng, literally thought me from start to finish when my school didnt touch about it, learn a lot and decided to use my knowledge and apply to real world projects
By Zhisen C
•Oct 17, 2020
The 5th course materials were not as solid as the previous 4 courses. Mainly due to heavily use of Keras API and lack of Numpy implementation. There is nothing to complain about indeed as for the same amount of content the 5th courses had covered, implementing on Numpy will take way longer. Maybe adding more explanation on how the Keras API work will help a tons. Overall it is a very good course that I would recommend anyone to enroll.
By Aditya T
•Jul 1, 2018
Excellent series of courses! Loved the lectures and thoroughly enjoyed the exercises! A big thanks to Andrew Ng and all the instructors and mentors. The forums provided useful hints on the couple of occasions I was stuck. While I would have initially suggested providing more info on Keras APIs, in hindsite the additional time spent in searching Keras documentation was useful arriving at better understanding of the infrastructure.
By Aditya C
•Feb 21, 2018
The Literature for RNN's was not motivating enough compared to Convolutional Networks and the previous courses. However, Andrew did concentrate on the important aspects which would help us in building RNN ourselves. I did feel the assignments were not as elaborative and extensive as the CNN's but I understand the idea behind it (being just to make users aware of the skeleton of the model instead of doing everything from scratch).
By Peter G
•Feb 20, 2018
This one is much better then the previous one - Coursera team definitely made their homework. However some theoretical blank-spaces are still left. For instance - nothing is said about how recursive gates are being updated during BPTT backward pass. For someone who has the some experience and read some other sources that is not a big deal, but for a complete first-timer who pays attention and uses his brain - this is a pure flaw.
By Stephen R
•May 29, 2018
Very interesting application of deep learning. Gives a good overview. Assignments are fun, yet it's too easy to complete the assignments without understanding the big picture. I found the "attitude" assignment in week 3 a bit difficult to grasp however. Particularly liked the dinosaur names, emojify, the humour and positivity in the course: mentioning gender/racial bias, encouraging people to do good with their skills. Namaste!
By Svetlana V
•Sep 20, 2023
This topic needs to be longer than 4 weeks. The last section - Transformers - seemed too harried, too much information crammed into the last week. The last assignment was nearly incomprehensible to me, I barely made through it, and was very disappointed because the other 4 courses in this specialization were excellent. You need to develop materials on Attention and Transformers better, maybe make it into another course
By Dave J
•May 3, 2020
Very good overall. Andrew Ng explains the material clearly and accessibly.
I'm deducting a star for occasional issues that get picked up by volunteer moderators on forums, who do a great job, but seem not to get corrected by Coursera staff. Also for one or two small inconsistencies in terminology between lectures and programming exercises. However I've seen much worse and more confusing inconsistencies in other courses.
By Ankush K
•May 11, 2020
I thought the course and the specialization was great for people who want to get into the details of deep learning. Although I enjoyed learning about all the details, I wish there was a separate course specifically for Keras and TensorFlow. In practice, we will rarely have to implement the models from scratch, and having a better understanding of Keras and TensorFlow would be more helpful in terms of career prospects.
By Eli C
•Apr 29, 2018
Andrew has a very good video-lecture style.
The programming exercises can be a bit frustrating at times for the wrong reasons, but at this point the course has been available long enough that you should be able to find a thread in the Discussion forum that provides enough hints to resolve any issue you might encounter. Nonetheless I appreciate the effort that went into designing the programming assignments.
By Damian S
•Feb 20, 2018
Presentation is amazing... Professor Ng always does fantastic job of communicating the material in a clear and easily understood way.
I took the course on the first run-through, and there were still some kinks in the grading process that were a little frustrating to deal with, but hopefully these will be ironed out for later versions.
Thank you, Professor Ng, and everyone else involved. You never disappoint!!
By Michael D
•Apr 2, 2018
This course has excellent content. Unfortunately there seems to be a slight drop in quality compared to the other courses in this series, with respect to the programming assignments. I didn't find them to be very clearly explained or illuminating.
I'd recommend the jupyter notebooks be reworked with better explanations and more attention to the notational conventions.
Still an excellent introduction though.
By Jeff B
•Mar 2, 2018
The lectures were outstanding (as usual), but the programming assignments (except for the final Trigger Word assignment) were terrible. I spent almost all my time trying to figure out Keras syntax, without ever having a Keras tutorial or anything. If you are going to rely on Keras, you should probably add a tutorial or some references. A lot of wasted time. But other than that, this course was amazing.
•Nov 16, 2024
Great course.. But, Lot more complex. Feels rushed though (even though for a 4 week course Andrew tried to cover the topic with lots of examples)... This sequence model course with RNN, Transformer Network etc. needs to be a specialization by itself. All of the RNN components with their dimensions, computations, etc. need to be discussed at length with examples and visual representations to do justice...
By Ishwarya M
•Jun 30, 2018
Very good course. I liked the speech recognition part more. I found the assignments involving Keras code difficult to do in both RNN and CNN courses. Without the help of discussion forum i wouldn't have completed the Keras assignments. Thank you all the fellow students and mentors for your contributions to the discussion forum. Thank you so much Andrew and team for putting this awesome specialization :)
By Ivana S
•Apr 19, 2018
As the other courses in this series, this is definitely another great course, and explains to details the various sequence models. I gave it 4 stars because I believe it might need some improvements. Compared to the previous courses it felt a little rushed, and had too much new information and long programming exercises for a single week. Maybe it would have been better if it was 4 weeks instead of 3.
By Cristina B
•Mar 4, 2018
Always a great course but I would expect to have more lessons on how to use Keras and Tensor Flow API in a better way for who needs to use them in real NLP applications. I still have some doubts on how to use them correctly (for example the use of time distributed layer in the last exercise 'trigger word detection' that we didn't use in the architecture for the exercise about attention mechanism)
By David C
•Aug 23, 2018
I really enjoyed this course and learned a lot. The descriptions of GRUs and LSTMs were a little scant, however, and I found myself rewatching the videos trying to get my head around them. The course could be improved by going into a little more detail about the different gates and what it means to train them, or what sorts of information or patterns might be relevant for the training of a gate.
By Daniel C
•Nov 12, 2020
Although I loved the course and learnt a lot, I don't feel as confident trying to implement some sort of sequence modelling in practice compared to the other courses. And yet I still got full marks for this section. I think the course could have been spread out to 4 weeks with a few extra examples (maybe some stock market prediction examples). Regardless, thank you so much for the teachings!
By Lida G
•May 26, 2020
I really enjoyed learning this course and gained a lot of knowledge from it. The only challenge that I found was some of the steps of the assignments were not clear. I could resolve them by checking the forum. I would also like to know more about document summary and document similarity, but there was not much content for it. Overall, thanks a lot for putting this valuable content together.
By Anatoly R
•Feb 18, 2018
Great material and amazing Andrew Ng (5 stars) but very pure editoral review (videos with a lot of repeats of canceled phrases, pauses, quiz understanding, grader problems, very poorness of mentors support because they can do nothing to help, neither contact, in summary it's looks like alpha version of course not release and diserve 3 or even 2 stars), so in total 4 stars.
By Vikram R
•Apr 21, 2018
This course is almost as good as the prior four, but some of the lectures lack detail, there are mistakes in some quizzes, and the programming assignments at times are crammed too full of information. You can end up passing through this class without really understanding what's going on, whereas the CNN class does a much better job of forcing you to understand things before you pass.
By Daniel Z
•Aug 14, 2018
Excellent lecture content.
Some of the programming assignments are quite poor. Sometimes there are minor mistakes in function descriptions, and other times the whole assignment architecture/plan is not well thought out. If the staff doesn't have resources to improve this, then allow the community to create branches and submit merge requests :)
Overall, I'm happy with this course.
By Paulo V
•Jul 11, 2018
The lectures were great, making an advanced subject accessible. The course materials were mostly good -- the exception being the optional (non-graded) assignment in Week 1, which was not well-structured, and failed to reinforce the concepts it was intended to. There were challenges with connectivity to the Jupyter notebook server, which caused much frustration and wasted time.
By Christopher M
•Aug 18, 2020
Another great course by Prof. Ng. The reason for 4 stars is that I found the assignments to gloss over a lot of new Keras ideas (for Keras beginners) at the expense of spending more time on how the ideas were being implemented. I think the course should be spread out over more weeks, say 5, and spend the extra time going into more depth around the Keras model architectures.
By Frank H
•Feb 19, 2018
In the lecture videos there have been quite a few repetitions and in the programming exercises the necessary Keras background has not been delivered. For this I have to subtract one star.
The course's contents are very inspiring, challenging and interesting at the same time. I'm really looking forward to applying the techniques learned so far to problems in my business life.