Jun 21, 2019
Great course, lots of very challenging and useful information. You'll learn about Linux and some of the inner workings of Windows, plus lots of tools and programs that are really useful. Great course!
Apr 1, 2019
This is my most favorite module module, especially the Linux, which is my all time favorite OS ever enjoy learning, working Programing, and configuring, and will continue enjoying til the end of time.
By Griffin G
•Mar 31, 2021
Much of this course I already knew, though I did learn a few new tricks along the way. However the final was a bit aggravating, as it expects you to do everything in perfect order without any instructions or actual end goals, the only way to find out your actual goals, is to revert to previous labs for a turn by turn instruction and completion, which is time consuming and stressful. If they simply included/refreshed us on what specific goals were needed (i.e. delete the corrupt file, grant write access to all users for super_secret_file) it would be tremendously helpful.
By Justin W
•Apr 3, 2019
Check those last two labs(Windows and Linux Logs) for grading errors. I completed all of the assigned tasks, but only received a score of 80% for each lab. I completed both of the final labs a second time, and still only received an 80% score. All of the tasks to be completed in these labs are simple, and I know that I completed everything correctly, as I've been an IT Support Manager for 5 years now, and a Support Specialist for 10 years prior, and have performed all of the tasks in these labs about 300 times. Something is wrong with the Qwiklab grading system...
By Vincent G
•Apr 19, 2023
I had tremendous technical difficulties with this course's labs, which were FINALLY overcome. But it's been immensely enjoyable attaining these new skills and knowledge about operating systems. It's been very hard work but alot of fun and tutor Cindy puts this complex material across so amazingly well. I did feel so much was crammed into so short a space but it's very hard to put all this stuff together for newbies. The pace has to quicken at some point and this, half way through the scholarship has to be the point where it happens. Thanks everyone :)
By Todd R
•Oct 27, 2022
I got 120 pages of notes after the first three courses in this google IT certificate thus far. I really liked the part where they mention full primary hard drives and their effects on the laptop. I have seen that before. Someone was trying to print and nothing came out. An IT guy mentioned that , so I looked and noticed the customer had a 99% full disk. It was a known problem that the customer did nothing about. He wouldn't listen to IT's advice and they have a standard laptop that everyone gets, so they couldn't do anything special for him.
By Wm. T W
•Dec 2, 2020
I enjoyed the class and found that it covered a ton of information (thank the gods for OneNote). My only issue is that is seemed like Linux was often sort of tacked on to the program. We would spend 7 minutes of more going over how to do something in Windows and then Linux would barely get 2.
Now, I realize that some of this is because WIN is so common out there and because Linux can simply be easier to use once you understand some commands, but, if I wanted to learn Linux by studying web sites and trying to work it out, I would have done that.
By Brooke F
•Jun 19, 2018
I wish more examples (even if a quick in passing example) as to how some of this stuff will be used, or is important. Having never worked with a virtual machine I still don't know why that would necessarily come in handy when I think about my experience in Corporate America. Overall a lot of really good information but I wish more of the Linux labs were like the last one. I struggle the most with CLI and Bash. Having the chance to use my brain and being guided a bit better to figuring out some of these commands would have been nice.
By Matt M
•Jan 19, 2019
Finally, they start to deliver on some of the "we'll talk about that in a later video" that were given out like candy back in Course 1. Not too sure why they chose to use powershell for the windows command-line classes. Surely, it'd be easier to just teach linux and say 'also, most of these commands work in windows powershell'. Also, several of the videos could be combined together. combine creating directories, and files, with deleting and renaming directories and files. Only benefit to breaking them up is a touch of suspense.
By Sandra E
•Aug 2, 2020
This course was amazing! So many useful tools in Windows and Linux to troubleshoot problems! Highly recommend taking this course to become a power user.
My only problem, is that I don't own a Windows PC so hands on practice was challenging. If you want the most out of this course, I would STRONGLY suggest to use a Window 10 machine. That way to can play around with the many tools provided for you in this course. Oh! and downloading Linux too! I've been using a Mac to take the course, but I just don't get enough hands on :(
By Connor K
•Jun 26, 2023
When I first embarked on this course, I did not realize how intense the material was going to be for me. I knew there was going to be a great deal of challenges for me but I somehow feel in awe that I have completed this course. I felt the material presented was thorough for me to be able to understand and apply for the labs. I will say that it it is not something that you can just skim through at all. You gotta keep yourself in the zone to know what you're being expected to know for any professional career in IT.
By Kingsley O
•Apr 4, 2021
Really good course. Using the Virtual Machines for the graded tasks allowed for handson experience especially the last part leading to the conclusion as it pushes you to remember all what had been taught from the preceding modules. Simply fantastic! I find it really good working with the both the CLI and Bash commands on my computers alongside the Instructor. The only part that was really difficult working with was the VMs for windows in the external tool. Overall, it was a very good learning experience for me.
By John O R
•May 20, 2020
I would have loved to have given 5 stars but the instructor needs to improve her delivery. There were too many times she should type something in a command line without speaking and then hit enter before I could see what she typed.
I also wished that I had the files on my system that she was playing with in the CL so I could play along with her. (I am pretty sure that I am not the only person who needs to learn this way)
It also would have been nice to been give cheat sheets in a handout for the CL commands.
By Darve H
•Feb 15, 2022
I enjoyed the course and the material was well presented. I had a problem with some of the later labs. I could not complete a couple fo the labs because the Powershell would not work for me. Also, the final Linux lab would not score properly for me.
Otherwise, this was a good experience. I have to commend the poor support staff that had to put up with me as I struggle with the lab problems in this course. They were all patient, kind and supportive; even when some of the errors were obviously user errors.
By Cody A C
•Apr 18, 2021
Great course, SUPER frustrating scoring on those final 2 tests. It logged my commands and you had to specifically do the Windows test in a specific way for you to get credit. Most of it was done through the GUI where as it would have been more helpful to do it through the shell. Slide modifications the way you can complete the test would be amazing. Also, need to fix the real-time scoring on those tests - as I was shown 10/50 throughout the whole linux test and then I hit end and it says I completed it.
By Yousef S
•Jun 29, 2022
Good course 4/5 the reason why I didn't give it 5 stars is because the course didn't briefly talk about environment variables specifically the PATH environment variable and what happens behind the scenes when the shell runs different commands, also it would be beneficial if the course included more info about shell scripting, some elements of this cousrse needs to be updated for example systemctl is used now to manage services, journalctl is used to manage logs, htop is used to manage system resources.
By David B
•Feb 11, 2018
Continue to be disappointed with the labs not working properly. It often takes multiple attempts even to log in (Windows labs), and the score card (Windows and Linux labs) frequently doesn't even display a score at all, despite completing the labs successfully. Course material is generally okay though.
It would also be nice if someone involved with the course was involved on the forums. There often seem to be questions, but rarely does anyone from Coursera or Google seem available to assist.
By Rita H
•Jan 25, 2022
I appreciate the instructors who taught the class/courses. I will say the qwiklabs has been challenging. It is easy to navigate through qwiklabs for each activity/lesson/assessments. There is a glitch or error message when attempting to submit or enter solutions for the assessments and doesn't go through. I think there is a glitch between the platforms when using windows in qwiklabs. Overall, very informative and I'll say it was the hardest so far from the last two other class/courses.
•May 13, 2019
The course as a whole is absolutely informative. Ms. Cindy is no-nonsense to the point instructor.
Her lectures are good and she follows those up with an example. I was recommended this course by my boss, I would recommend it to others too.
I wanted to give 5 but will stick with 4, as in first week lab assessment linux lab instructions are al over the place and a bit confusing. I had to redo it twice to get it right. So since there is no 4.5 i will give a 4.
Keep it up Cindy and Google.
By Victor A L
•Sep 13, 2020
Very interesting, and well done videos, my only disappointment is with the labs, specially the ones for windows that had many issues from using power shell (which don't execute the commands) to labs who are slow to show the login info or simply won't credit the points earned when completing a task.
Videos from the instrustor are pretty good an the instructor is awesome. But please work a little bit to improve labs and make them faster and credir points when a task is completed.
By Angelo F
•Dec 19, 2020
I've learned some Bash commands and I've learned a bit more about Powershell and some new Windows tools. The course is very comprehensive, but fails into put all these informations in an organic way. I know that mastering these tasks require a lot of practice and research, but sometimes it seems to be a bunch of disconnected informations that you should learn in a week interval. Anyway, I think it's worth taking these course. Thanks to Google, Coursera and Cindy.
By Jean K
•Jun 25, 2022
There is a lot of useful information presented here, but it seemed less substantial than the Intro to Networks class. The videos skip over a lot of things that you have to figure out yourself, using the links to supplemementary reading (available free) and doing your own online searches for resources. The labs offer a nice, although brief, opportunity to try out what you learn, but I had a lot of trouble with the virtual Windows machines freezing up on me.
By Carl S
•Apr 19, 2022
Very interesting but I wish the presentations were tied to hands on entry to make it work. A lot of linux proficiency is assumed that some don't have, and the practice would be nice... even if it was just text entry to get the conventions of the commands. A cheat sheet of commands would be a useful addition as a pdf handout. With the minimal use it just seems to make sense then fades away. Even with my extensive notes I still stumbled through the labs.
By Antonius S
•May 13, 2021
Would be nice though if in the last two exams the points would update accordingly when each task is completed. Since this is not happening the candidate is assuming that he failed the exam, and in fact, when frunstratingly finishing the lab he is shown to be a failure, when in fact he is not - just refresh the page 5 minutes after to show the exam has been passed. This could have been done better given that this cert has been around for a few years ...
By Robert H
•Aug 7, 2019
Gave a good understanding of the concepts and use of the command line. Being given the commands in most assessments was nice in order to successfully complete the assessment. But there could have been more assessments like the final one, where we had to really think about what commands or actions to take. I had to research my notes to find the right commands for that one. This type testing would seem more effective for a real world scenario.
By Meghan B
•Nov 18, 2018
The final test (Windows section) was a bit more difficult than I expected. I wasn't expecting to be using the Gui as much as it actually required us to use. I think you definitely should explain that the Gui will be as big a part in the final as the Powershell. I ended up writing down all the code I knew to complete all the tasks and I ended up failing it twice. No where did it state that I would be using the Gui except for the example task.
By Bassey W
•Jun 22, 2021
This course was my baptism into greater capability in using the computer system. I learned how to use the computer in different ways other than a normal regular user. Running commands became a new nature, I learned and appreciated Linux operating systems which was somewhat scary. I got confidence after this course because i can use windows and Linux alike, not just as a regular user but as a trained tech-guy. Am one step a power pro user!!!